Fourth Term Committee Programme: discussion

NCOP Agriculture, Land Reform and Mineral Resources

12 September 2017
Chairperson: Mr O Sefako (ANC, North West)
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Meeting Summary

This was an “internal” meeting to clarify the Committee’s strategy and plans for the 4th term and to approve a few outstanding reports.
A key discussion was on the dilemma the Committee faced in terms of its tight deadline in the 4th term to complete its work on the MPRDA and the Plant Bills (Plant Breeders Bill and Plant Improvement Bill). The Provincial legislatures were entering a very busy and congested period - some of the events that will impact Committee work were the provincial budget cycle, important member constituency periods and also taking parliament to the people programmes. This would be exacerbated by the planned Committee study tour to Australia during the last week in October. As a result, there was a concern that the Committee would not receive the provincial mandates on the Bills by the time Parliament closes on 28 November 2017. Consensus was reached that the Committee would prioritise its 4th term programme to finalise the MPRDA and defer the Plant Bills to Q1 2018.

Meeting report

Outstanding Committee Minutes

The Chairperson tabled the minutes dated 6 September 2017.

 The Committee approved the document with no amendments

 Committee report on MPRDA Bill
The Chairperson tabled the document for consideration. The document dealt with the submissions and hearings on the Bill.

The report was adopted with no changes.

Fourth Term Committee Programme
The Chairperson informed members that due to time constraints the Committee would probably not be able to conclude some of its targets for 2017. It was highly unlikely that the Committee would finalise both the MPRDA and Plant Improvement Bill & Plant Breeders’ Rights Bill by the end of 2017. Some work would probably spill over into Q1 2018. He handed over to the Committee Secretary to brief members on the issue.
Mr Asgar Bawa, Committee Secretary, said that the NCOP had a very busy schedule for the 4th quarter including the medium-term budget process and Taking Parliament to the People event. This, coupled with the Committee’s international study tour to Australia scheduled for 21-28 October 2017, meant that it had a very full schedule for 4th quarter. In addition, 28 November was the last day of the 4th term, so at this stage it was not possible to conclude both the Plant Bills and MPRDA in 2017. In his view only one could be concluded in 2017 and one would have to postponed to 2018.
The Chairperson said that the MPRDA was extremely critical and it was imperative that the Committee conclude its deliberations on it. There was a lot at stake. He was concerned that other external issues would impede Committee’s work, like leadership elections. He emphasised that he preferred that the Committee finalise the MPRDA Bill and wanted to know what other Members views were.
Ms E Prins (ANC; Western Cape) concurred with the Chairperson and suggested that the Committee do all it can to finalise the MPRDA Bill.
Ms Z Ncitha (ANC; Eastern Cape) supported this approach. 
Mr Bawa reminded Committee members that the last meeting had to be held by 28 November and that if the MPRDA was prioritised, the Plant Bills would be deferred to 2018.
Mr Jakobus Jooste, Committee Content Advisor, indicated that due to the busy provincial schedule in Q4 and all the additional work still required on the Plant Bills before the Committee could finalise its report, it was unlikely that the provincial mandates on Plant Bills (and even the MPRDA) would be in place by end of the 4th term. He expected a very fluid and dynamic 4th term, likely to have many changes and challenges and that the Committee had to be prepared to adjust its programme in accordance with provincial demands and mandates.
Ms Prins and Ms Ncitha wanted to know if the Chairperson could not approach the Provincial Leadership and Provincial Whips for assistance to help the Committee finalise its work on both Bills.
Mr Bawa asked Committee members if they were in favour of him prioritising the MPRDA in the Committee schedule for the 4th term and if he could defer the Plant Bills to Q1 in 2018.
Committee members concurred.
Ms C Labuscagne (DA; Western Cape) said she had no problem with this approach, but was concerned about how the Committee could progress these issues in view of the busy provincial schedule (for example, annual budgeting reports would take about 2-3 weeks). She also wanted to know how the Committee would report on the MPRDA.
Mr Jooste responded that the Committee report on the MPRDA would be an advisory report to the provinces based on the public hearings and comments from the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR). The report would highlight issues that the Committee considered to be important. Provinces would then provide their mandates on the issue to the Committee. Regarding the content of the report, he advised that technical errors (e.g. drafting to clarify language) could be amended by parliament without mandates (from provinces)
The Chairperson closed the discussion, saying that there was now clarity on the way forward, i.e. that the Committee would prioritise its 4th term programme, to finalise the MPRDA Bill. It was agreed that the draft 4th term programme, as tabled, was subject to change.
The meeting was adjourned.


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