University and TVET Colleges registration and enrolments, allocation of funding: Department and NSFAS briefings, with Minister present

Higher Education

10 February 2016
Chairperson: Ms Y Phosa (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Minister of Higher Education and Training attended the meeting at which the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) briefed the Committee on registrations, enrolments and new arrangements at universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges (TVETs) in the new academic year. Although the registrations at various universities were still continuing, and the final figures were not available, enrolment had increased since 2010, and with the two new universities in Mpumalanga and the Northern Cape the Department expected the numbers to increase even further. The increase in student enrolment has not been met with an increase in funding. Despite criticism of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) it had given out R50 billion in loans to students, students were not asked to make up-front payments for registration, and this resulted in an increase in university enrolments. Unfortunately even the R6 billion additional allocation to NSFAS would not permit full funding in the TVET colleges. The Minister acknowledged that the Fees Must Fall campaign by students effectively endorsed government’s previous decisions and it would now have to fast-track plans to ensure free tertiary education for all.

The Department outlined that it would negotiate targets with universities in cycles for their enrolment planning process. It was currently done by way of a six year enrolment planning review, with a mid-term review, to encourage better integrated planning at universities. Numbers were outlined for first-time entering students in 2014, targeted as 195 745 students, but the actual number was 168 356. For 2016, total enrolments were 1 035 931. The effects of the Fees Must Fall Campaign and disruptions in 2015 forced some institutions to defer their examinations from October /November 2015 to January 2016. Some institutions continued to experience student and worker protests in 2016 including demands to end outsourcing, and some had needed to obtain court interdicts. The Department was trying to impress upon universities that they must follow rules, and not regard them as guidelines only.

The Presidential Task Team recommended a short-term solution for the 0% fee increment of R2.3 billion, and said an upfront fee and registration payments should be implemented across the system for those who can afford to pay. The NSFAS shortfall was quantified at R4.582 billion which included amounts for those underfunded in 2013 to 2015. The higher education system is still reliant on student fees to provide affordable and quality education but discussions are ongoing to try to set an effective framework for the future. The Presidential Commission is investigating the feasibility of making higher education and training free. The Central Applications Clearing House process was described, along with some of the major problems and trends.

The Department then outlined the position with the TVET colleges, noting how the plans were submitted to eh Department. The enrolment and registration process had improved and colleges were better prepared, which, with good IT systems and trained officials, eased he process. There was a R4 billion programme funding shortfall expected in 2016, increasing year on year, and unless there could be a massive injection of funding into the TVETs, there would be a NSFAS bursary shortfall of R5.6 billion in 2019.

The NSFAS outlined the figures for the TVET college funding, whose allocations totalled R2.321 billion, with upfront payments of R348 million. The new student centred model had assisted 48 795 students, and R277 million had been disbursed. The qualifying criteria, in terms of academic results, years of study, and financial need were outlined, and it was acknowledged by both NSFAS and Members that the “missing middle” of those who did not qualify for funding but could still not afford to pay fees still had to be addressed. Funding was done by way of loans that can be converted to bursaries in terms of the NSFAS rules. NSFAS had been in communication with universities and colleges and had held workshops and engagement with the Sector Education and Training authorities, colleges and student bodies.

Members queried whether first year students would not be able to receive funding due to the extra funding being now allocated to students who were financially excluded in the past. A DA Member was concerned about reports of corruption and direction of funding to individuals, and said that not enough funding was available to support residency fees and books. Another DA colleague was particularly concerned about the possible implications for libraries not being able to upgrade. Some were concerned that not enough attention was given to engineering and science related courses. The R4 billion shortfalls in TVET colleges was also a concern, with the suggestion that these colleges were facing the same challenges as the universities. They asked if students unable to get support were re-directed to other institutions, suggested that those who failed should not be academically excluded and that additional application dates should be allowed. They urged that the Vice Chancellors be asked to engage better with students. Questions were asked about international students and the advantages of this to South Africa, courses at the new universities, how new applications in certain programmes would be encouraged, outsourcing at universities, and targets.

Meeting report

Chairperson's opening remarks
The Chairperson welcomed the Minister of Higher Education and Training, Dr Blade Nzimande, and noted an apology from the Deputy Minister, Mr Mduduzi Manana, and from the Director General of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET or the Department, Mr Gwebinkundla Qonde.

Minister's address
Dr Blade Nzimande, Minister of Higher Education and Training, said that the Department would present findings on enrolments in the universities and the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges. Registrations are still taking place in many of the universities, so this would not be a final overview. The enrolment of students in universities has increased since 2010, and with the two new universities in Mpumalanga and the Northern Cape the DHET expected this number to increase even further. Despite criticism of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) it had given out R50 billion in loans to students, and many of these students would be the first of their families to graduate. Students were not asked to make up-front payments for registration, and this resulted in an increase in university enrolments. However, the increase in student enrolment had not been met with an increase in funding. He reminded the Committee that the extra R6 billion allocated by the NSFAS does not cover the cost for students studying in TVET colleges.

Mr C Kekana (ANC) thanked the Minister for the way in which he handled the situation which occurred last October, saying that he had handled the matter with dignity and managed to calm the waters.

Mr Y Cassim (DA) said the projections in the DHET were of concern. He maintained that the NSFAS would not have added the extra R6 billion if the Department had not received pressure from students. There was a funding shortfall of R4.7 billion in TVET colleges. Students are still being told that they need to make up-front payments for residences, which the NSFAS does not cover. He asked if the Department planned to intervene, pointing out that this was one of the main causes of university drop-outs. Students were being exploited and there was corruption in the management of the institutions, with NSFAS funds being diverted into the pockets of the employees and students being expected to pay more money to cover the loss of funding lost through employee corruption.

Dr Nzimande replied that Mr Cassim's comments should not be directed to him, but to the Department.

Dr B Bozzoli (DA) said that the Minister should be able to answer any questions because he steers the DHET.

The Chairperson asked the Committee to direct questions only to the Minister's overview; different questions could be asked of the Department after its presentation.

Dr Bozzoli said there is an increase of costs in the Information Technology (IT) sector, the prices of books and maintenance of libraries is also increasing. She asked if the DHET would be able to sustain the R6 billion against all the increases. Western Cape Premier Helen Zille had announced that the funding for the universities was taken from the contingency sales, and she was concerned that this could not be sustained.

Mr J Julius (DA, Gauteng NCOP Member) said he felt the need to attend this meeting because the Minister never visited the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) Committee.

Dr Nzimande asked if this Committee had ever invited him to their meetings.

Ms J Kilian (ANC) said that a member of the NCOP should not be allowed automatically to attend or observe the meetings of the National Assembly (NA).

The Chairperson said that she would check the Rules of the NA with regards to the participation of a NCOP member in NA meetings. She added that Mr Julius would only be allowed to participate and ask questions if this was permitted by the NA Rules.

Mr M Mbatha (EFF) said the NSFAS was not a solution for both the TVET and universities; in fact the NSFAS is more like the Tertiary Education Fund for South Africa (TEFSA).

Ms Kilian noted that the establishment of TVET colleges had been very important because they helped expand and develop the scarce skills needed in the country.

Ms S Mchunu (ANC) pointed out the NSFAS has opened up the education doors to more than two million students. The 2016 registration and enrolment had been smooth, and more importantly, students who owed their universities money from previous years could register without any problems.

Mr Mbatha said, in relation to the participation of Mr Julius, that it was up to the Committee to decide whether an NCOP Member should participate; all MPs had one goal and he believed that Mr Julius should be allowed to ask questions

The Chairperson noted that the Committee was bound by the Rules, in the NA Rule Book, which all Members should have.

Dr Nzimande said that he could answer any question posed by the Committee. The Fees Must Fall campaign was merely a statement by students urging the government to fast track its own policies in ensuring that there was free education for everyone. He could not answer Dr Bozzoli’s question because he was not the Minister of Finance and did not deal with how the funding was sourced. However, he does agree that it is of great concern. It could be possible for the government to have enough money for the poor people; the Presidential Task Team had been tasked with findings solutions to the problem. He told Mr Cassim that Dr Parker would answer his questions but asked Mr Cassim to provide specifics on these allegations to the Department.

The Minster concluded that he has made himself available on all platforms for students, including on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. NSFAS was in no way like TEFSA and in fact the Department has tried by all means to ease the burden for students who have to pay the loan back. He agreed with Ms Kilian and would rely on the help of the Committee to lobby for funding for TVET colleges. Most of the Student Representative Councils (SRCs) of universities were satisfied with the developments in the Department and NSFAS.

The Chairperson then noted that according to Rule 153 of the NA Rules, a member of the Assembly who is not a member of the Portfolio Committee or Sub-Committee may participate in a meeting of the Portfolio Committee.

Ms Kilian pointed out that Rule 153 referred to another member of the NA. She urged the Chairperson to read Rule 151, which prohibited a member of the NCOP from attending a NA meeting.

The Chairperson said that she had also consulted with a member of the Rules Committee, who advised that Mr Julius could be permitted to speak, but not to vote.

Ms M Nkadimeng (ANC) suggested that the Committee move straight on to the presentations.

Mr Julius asked if the NSFAS planned to give financial aid to students who do not have food or money for books.

The Chairperson said that the question asked by Mr Julius would be answered by the NSFAS.

Mr Cassim asked what will happen to the 71  000 students who had too much available funding to qualify for NSFAS, yet insufficient to pay for their own fees. He asked if students and university management were aware of bursary guidelines. He was not referring to any specific incidents when he spoke earlier but these issues were taking place in TVET colleges. He also pointed out that the infrastructure of the TVET colleges was not conducive to learning.

Dr Nzimande asked the Chairperson for permission to proceed with the presentation as Mr Julius’ questions would be answered by the NSFAS officials. He added that issues about infrastructure were not on the meeting’s agenda but he could report that there is no money to improve the infrastructure for colleges. The 71  000 students named were all returning to university and were previously financially excluded. It is unfortunate that not all of the students who qualify for the NSFAS are helped with funding for their books, transport or residences.

University Registration and Enrolments in 2016: Department of Higher Education and Training briefing

Dr Diane Parker, Deputy Director General, DHET, said the Department usually negotiates targets with universities in cycles for their enrolment planning process. There is the six year enrolment planning review, with a mid-term review, to encourage better integrated planning at universities. The mid-term review will take place from March to May. Some of the targets may be adjusted in line with the current financial and infrastructure conditions.

The targets for first time entering students from 2013 to 2016 were as follows:
- total count targeted as 195 745 students in 2014; actual count 168 356
- projected target for engineering students was 15 653 students; actual count was 14 794
- projected count for life and physical sciences students was12 386; actual count was 12 906
- projected count for animal and human health students was 10 110; actual count of 8 367
- projected teacher education student count was 18 263; actual count of 17 985.

Total enrolments for 2016 were 1 035 931; with a breakdown into engineering students as 75  300, life and physical sciences at 44 693; animal and human health at 49 570; and teacher education at 115 034.

The registration closing dates varied across the system, from 6 January 2016 to 18 March 2016 for the first semester. Individual headcount enrolments in the academic year can occur at different times in the year. Because institutions had not yet finalised registering the final registration numbers are not yet available and will only be made available in August 2016, with audited data being made available in October 2017.

There had been some challenges in this registration period. The effect of the Fees Must Fall Campaign in 2015 forced some institutions to defer their examinations from October /November 2015 to January 2016. Some institutions continued to experience student and worker protests in 2016, which were linked in many cases to demands to end outsourcing. Four out of the eight universities which were protesting against outsourcing had to get court interdicts to protect the safety of the students and staff.

There had been ministerial interventions and stakeholder engagements. On 7 January 2016 the South African Students Congress (SASCO) had a meeting to update stakeholders on interventions in the sector. On 13 January 2016 the Progressive Youth Alliance (PYA) had a meeting to afford the institutions and organisations to contribute to plans and preparations for the 2016 academic year. The Education Alliance organisation met on 19 January 2016 to ensure stability at universities and safeguarding of the registration process and academic agenda. The universities’ Vice-Chancellors of South Africa, the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and NSFAS met on 20 January 2016 to discuss the preparations and arrangements for the start of the academic year, short-term funding solutions and possible ways to safeguard the academic agenda.

Complaints received by the Department were mainly to do with admissions, academics, registration and funding. The admissions complaints varied from delayed feedback from universities on whether students had been successful or unsuccessful. Students and parents enquired about outstanding fees and debt. The Presidential Task Team recommended a short-term solution for the 0% fee increment of R2.3 billion. An upfront fee and registration payments should be implemented across the system for those who can afford to pay. The NSFAS shortfall was quantified at R4.582 billion (R2.543 billion for NSFAS loans to cover 71 753 NSFAS qualifying students or those underfunded over the 2013 to 2015 academic years to pay their university debt).

The NSFAS has communicated the process around additional funding to universities, and universities were requested to submit to NSFAS a list of unfunded students who had qualified in terms of the NSFAS Means Test and who were registered within 10 days of registration. This would enable NSFAS to determine the number of unfunded students and the amount of additional funding required. The higher education system is still reliant on student fees to provide affordable and quality education although the government and universities have agreed to develop a framework that will manage future university structures.

The Presidential Commission established by President Jacob Zuma will investigate the feasibility of creating free higher education and training. This is interpreted as covering both university and TVET colleges. The Commission will have eight months to complete the investigation, and another two months for compiling the findings.

The Central Applications Clearing House (CACH) service opened on 5 January 2015 and will continue until the end of February. The CACH service is accessible from the website and toll-free number. The preliminary placement ratio for 2016 will be calculated in March after the service closes and confirmed after the second semester intakes are finalised.

The CACH 2016 process to date indicates that CACH has handled 37 354 calls compared to 26 799 calls in 2015. The users of the service ranged from those who achieved a 24% average to those who achieved a 93% average for grade 12 final examinations. The service has also been expanded to allow a self-searching functionality to public institutions in 2016. The distribution of service by race in 2015 is 84% for Blacks, 12% Coloured, 2% Whites, 1.50% Indians and 0.50% Asians.

The endorsement levels in 2015 were 59% for Bachelor’s Degrees, 32% for Diploma, 4% for Higher Certificates and 1% for those that did not achieve a National Senior Certificate (NSC). The institutions where students were admitted in 2015 were mostly universities, TVET colleges and private colleges. The rest were admitted to learnerships. The most important success indicator is the placement ratio. This ratio is expected to improve year on year as trusting relationships with institutions are formed through the provision of accurate and timely data.

She concluded that in 2017 the CACH will focus on assisting students who have applied but have not been accepted into an institution of their choice and need to be re-directed to other PSET opportunities. The Enterprise Architecture for the full CAS and IT system for the CAS will be finalised during 2016 for piloting in 2017/18.

Mr Cassim asked the Department whether it could ease the situation by assisting the universities with the outsourcing issues. The universities are dealing with the dilemma alone and if the protests continue other student services will be affected.

Mr E Siwela (ANC) said the R6 billion raised by the Department was welcomed as it covered the immediate issues raised by the students. He asked the Department to further explain why there would be legal implications for the new funding model.

Ms Nkadimeng asked whether the students who had not received admission to universities were re-directed to other programmes or institutions of study.

Dr Bozzoli said she was aware that the Department does not determine the fee increase, but asked what level of increase it might expect. She was concerned that library systems are deteriorating in universities, and the Committee would like to avoid universities in South Africa facing the same predicament that the University of Zambia is going through with outdated library books.

Mr Mbatha said the universities should be encouraged to end outsourcing and employ the workers internally. He suggested that first year students who failed should not be academically excluded, and first years should be given ample time to apply at universities. Those who failed to apply early should be given a second date during January to apply. Vice Chancellors must engage with the students and involve them in matters which would affect them.

Ms Mchunu asked what type of programmes would be offered to students at the new Limpopo Medical School. The CACH service needed to be better promoted, because students lacked awareness,  and this was mostly used by black students, which led her to ask if this was an indicator that it was black students who were most likely to make late applications.

Mr Kekana said there are many international students studying in South Africa, asked if it was still seen as an attractive place to study and what the implications were.

Ms Kilian noted an apparent decline in teacher education, and there is a major problem in the engineering and science related programmes which also seemed to be declining. She asked if there were any plans to increase the enrolments in these programmes and whether the Department would consider some kind of incentive to make the programmes more attractive. She added that here is a possibility that the cut of outsourcing may also affect the private sector and how the Department planned to prevent that.

Dr Parker replied the outsourcing of jobs in universities was introduced by a former Vice Chancellor (VC), and other VCs decided to implement the same strategy at their own universities. Concessions will have to be made in order to deal with this matter. Comparisons between free education in the Basic Education sector with possibly free university education would show that the university fees are more affordable. There was a plan to take back students who dropped out and the Department agrees with the Committee that VCs should be more dynamic. All foreign students are subsidised by the universities. The advantage of having foreign students is that South Africa can build relations with international countries so that South African students can also get international experience. The DHET has been working with the Department of Science and Technology (DST) to try and improve science related programmes and how to make them more attractive for students.

Dr Nzimande said the outsourcing matter is not being handled in the right manner. He told the Committee that the VCs had been advised not to negotiate with trade unions and suggested that they must “cut their cloth according to your suit”. He stressed that academic programmes should be protected; most universities were forced to write their exams in January and the students who had applied for internships could not produce their academic results due to the protests. Also, the protests by students made the exam period very difficult and the academic programme was disrupted.

The Chairperson thanked the Minister for his attendance and for dealing well with matters over the last few months, acknowledged that he must attend another meeting and excused him.

TVET Colleges Registration and Enrolment Processes: DHET briefing
Dr Bheki Mahlobo, Acting Deputy Director General: Further Education, DHET, said TVET colleges’ preparation for registration and enrolment started with TVET colleges submitting plans, inclusive of programmes offerings, and enrolment figures through the submission of Strategy/Annual Performance and Operational Plans to the Department. Colleges held open days and weeks and early applications with pre-registration took place from the last quarter of 2015. The NSFAS bursary application process was integrated with the colleges’ application process, and 15% of NSFAS bursary allocations were paid to all colleges in January 2016. The colleges also conducted placement tests to determine the right programme and academic support. College fees are only regulated by the Department and only the Consumer Price Index adjustment was made for 2016.

A total of 202 college campuses were visited during the 2016 registration period. The Department visited 28 college campuses in Eastern Cape, 33 in Gauteng, and 51 in KwaZulu-Natal, seven in the Northern Cape and 27 in the Western Cape. The NSFAS qualifying students were not required to pay registration fees as the colleges had streamlined processes accordingly. Over the years, the enrolment and registration planning process had improved and colleges were now better prepared for the registration process. The good IT systems and trained officials at campuses allowed for the prompt registration processes and challenges were attended to faster. Colleges’ enrolments have increased over the years; in 2013 there were 639 618 enrolments, in 2014 there were 709 535 enrolments and in 2015 there were 710 535 enrolments.

TVET colleges were advised in 2015 of their 2016/17 budget allocations, including the NSFAS bursary allocations. The state subsidy programme funding for 2016/17 is R6.5 billion; the investment made is sufficient for the student numbers enrolled. There is a R4 billion programme funding shortfall expected in 2016, and this amount increases year on year. Taking into consideration the National Development Plan (NDP) and White Paper targets, unless there is a massive injection of funds for TVET colleges, the NSFAS bursary shortfall will be R5.6 billion in 2019.

Mr Mahlobo noted that colleges operate on a standardised college calendar which indicates registration dates and class commencement date. This makes monitoring and support services more convenient. Incidents reported included water shortages at two TVET colleges, long queues and some colleges requesting registration fees from NSFAS qualifying students, but all were attended to and resolved by the Department.

National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) briefing
Mr Msulwa Daca, Chief Executive Officer, NSFAS, said the 2016/17 funding allocations totalled R14.582 billion. Universities received R4.3 billion, the Department of Basic Education, through the Funza Lushaka programme funded R1 billion, universities’ own funding totalled R250 million, and the Sector Education and Training Authorities was estimated to be R365 million.

The provinces’ TVET colleges funding allocations totalled R2.321 billion and the upfront payments totalled R348 million. The Eastern Cape was allocated R293 million and only R44 million had been paid up-front. The Gauteng province was allocated R519 million and R77 million had been paid up-front. Limpopo was allocated R345 million and R51 million had been paid up-front. North West was allocated R115 million and only R17 million had been paid up-front. Northern Cape was allocated R45 million and R6 million had been paid up-front. Western Cape was allocated R243 million and R36 million had been paid up-front. The DHET and the NSFAS have confirmed funding of R7 billion and R1 billion had been paid up-front. The roll out of the new student centred model has assisted 48 795 students and R277 million has been disbursed.

Mr Daca explained that in order to qualify for the NSFAS funding, students must have been studying between 2013 and 2015 during which time they would have been unfunded or underfunded, although they would qualify for the NSFAS funding. The payment will be effected for students who are still studying, dropped out or graduated within the stipulated academic years. Academic criteria for funding were that students need to have been a registered undergraduate student between 2013 and 2015 and have a course pass rate of 50%.

To satisfy the financial criteria, students need to submit a financial aid application form. Funding will then be made available in the form of loans that can be converted to bursaries in terms of the NSFAS rules. The academic results for each year of study must accompany the loan agreement form and ID document, and will need to be included on the claims template. The NSFAS will pay the capital amount owed by the student to the university. No interest will be paid and this should be reversed off the fee account. In addition, there is a loan agreement form for the historic debt funding, using one form for 2013 to 2015. A second form will need to be completed for the additional funding for the 2016 academic year, for both continuing and first-time entering students.

The loan agreement form can be signed by students who have historic debt, students who are continuing with their studies in 2016, and first year students. The loan agreement form will be equal to difference between recommended award and paid amount, to a certain capped value for those that have historic debt. The NSFAS has been in communication with stakeholders since the beginning of the 2016 academic year. Circulars were sent to universities and colleges including the historic debt circular, workshops were held, meetings were held between the NSFAS and Sector Education and Training Authorities and student formations, institutional visits were held and engagements with the media also took place.

The focus now is to increase funding for students through fundraising and improving recoveries, roll out a new student centred model to all NSFAS students by 2019, develop a product for the “missing middle” (those who cannot afford to pay themselves but who also do not qualify under the current financial model) and improve relations with the students and maintaining collaborations with current funders.

Dr Bozzoli said that TVET colleges are showing the same signs which led to the Fees Must Fall campaign – namely that the colleges are under-funded, students are unable to get NSFAS, and it seems as if the standards would have to be dropped if this continued. She asked if the Departments’ targets will be changed to accommodate the new matters.

Mr Cassim said the registered students will not have residences, food or books and questioned how they were expected to pass if other circumstances did not promote productivity. There seemed to be a continuous cycle where students who do not qualify for NSFAS are financially excluded because they are unable to pay for their fees. He wanted to know what exactly was the plan of NSFAS to help these students.

Ms Mchunu asked how the students whose were more than R75 000 would be accommodated by the NSFAS, and whether students were aware that they must pay the shortfall. Some institutions do not stick to the criteria given to them by the NSFAS and she asked how the Department was ensuring that they complied.

Dr Mahlobo replied that the setting of targets for particular projects was done by the government and the Cabinet and could not be altered by the Department. This tied in also with the Ministerial agreement with the President. He explained that although education training opportunities are available at TVET colleges, they were not the primary targets of the Department. The Annual Performance Plan (APP) of the Department clearly indicates the targets of the Department but the problem was whether the colleges would admit the students. The Committee must note that students may not be accepted based on the criteria for substitution. 

Mr Sizwe Nxasana, Chairperson, NSFAS, said the rule for qualifying students not paying upfront had been in existence for some time but was never observed. Parents ended up being advised to go to credit bureaux and advisers, which left them even more confused. NSFAS does not always pay for the students’ residency fees although it was trying to cover all the costs which would benefit a student and lead to productive work by the student. NSFAS had found cases where universities are not following the right criteria. It was important to emphasise to universities that these are rules and not guidelines. NSFAS is still waiting for results which will indicate the number of returning students which have benefitted from the new loan agreement.

Mr Daca added that NSFAS has been conducting workshops in universities to inform them about the criteria and new loan agreements which have to be signed by the students. The funding for students has increased by 68% for the 2016 academic year.

Mr Cassim said he was still worried about the number of first year students that would not be able to get funding, which was likely to lead to drop-outs.

Mr Daca said the 75 000 returning students are already covered by the NSFAS and this will not affect the first year students.

Mr Nxasana said there was a huge amount of work which was done during the holiday period, in which the NSFAS had worked closely with universities and colleges. He thanked his colleagues for their hard work.

The Chairperson said the Minister had made an appeal to the Committee to lobby for additional funding for TVET colleges, and the Committee would do so. She commended the NSFAS for listening to the students and asked that the officials of the Department should continue balance quality and demand.

Committee Minutes adoption
The Committee adopted minutes of the meeting on 3 February 2016.

The meeting was adjourned.

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