Final briefing on the preparations for the WSSD and briefing on Kalahari Gemsbok Park Deproclamation.

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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report


This meeting was minuted by the Committee secretary , Mr Keith Williams

Select Committee On Land And Environmental Affairs
13 August 2002


Northern Cape
Mr A E van Niekerk (Visiting member)
Mr J Horne

Western Cape
Ms A M Versfeld

Rev M Chabaku
Mrs J N Vilakazi
Mr M A Sulliman
Ms B N Dlulane
Mr R Z Nogumla
Dr E A Conroy
Mr V V Windvoël
Rev P Moatshe

Also in attendance, from the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, was:
Dr C Olver - Director-General.

AGENDA: 1. Final briefing on the preparations for the WSSD.
2. Briefing on Kalahari Gemsbok Park Deproclamation.

This was a joint meeting with the Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs and Tourism, and its Chairperson, Ms G Mahlangu, welcomed members and guests present.

The Select Committee on Land and Environmental Affairs did not form a quorum, and so no Acting Chairperson could be elected.

Briefing on preparations for the WSSD:

Dr Olver briefed the Committees on South Africa's approach to the Summit. He also named the South African delegation and touched on some key events of the Summit
(see Appendix 1).

Response to questions:

In response to questions from members of the Committees, Dr Olver made the following points:

Members of Parliament would participate at the Summit by being part of the South African delegation or by being among the 25 members who would be selected to attend the IPU Conference. Furthermore, members would be free to attend side events that took place outside of Zone 1.

The delegations would aim at integration between Type I and Type II agreements so that a coherent framework of enforceable agreements could be achieved.

Had the Precautionary Principle been in force at the time, the Industrial Revolution would not have taken place in Europe and the US. Given this fact, the needs of developing countries must be taken into account when this principle is dealt with.

Jowsco had spent about 10% more than was originally budgeted for, but, in the light of the magnitude of the occasion, this was reasonable.

Briefing on the Kalahari Gemsbok Park Deproclamation:

In his briefing, Dr Olver said that an attempt was being made to repair the damaged relationship between SANParks and the communities (see Appendix 2).

Response to questions:

In his response to questions from members of the Committees, Dr Olver made the following points:

A contractual park is a park set up as a contractual agreement between the owners of the land and the National Park. The owners of the land benefit through limited rights of Biodiversity use. They also benefit from the game lodges built and run by the communities.

There is a 30-year termination clause in the contract with the Park, but an obligation remains on the community to observe conservational practices.
The communities will gain access to a share of all funds collected in the Park.

All stakeholders were consulted and they were completely happy with the new arrangement. It was a win-win situation in which the communities got their land back but conservation would still be observed.

The Committees felt that they needed a bit more time to reflect upon the agreement before they sanctioned it.


The Chairperson thanked members and officials present and adjourned the meeting at 12:15.

Ms G Mahlangu
Chairperson: Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs and Tourism.



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