Higher Education and Training Laws Amendment Bill: finalisation and adoption
Meeting Summary
The Higher Education and Training Amendment Bill (B-23B) was adopted. It was noted that the Democratic Alliance did not support two specific sections 38J(4)(a) and 49A(4)(a).
Meeting report
Higher Education and Training Laws Amendment Bill: finalisation and adoption
The Chairperson welcomed Members and said that they would be voting on the High Education and Training Laws Amendment bill clause by clause. The Committee had held substantive deliberations on the bill and its amendments, which were subjected to thorough discussions.
Clause 1
The Committee approved of the amendment of section 27 of Act 101 of 1997.
Clause 2
Members approved of the substitution of section 38A of Act 101 of 1997, as inserted by section 3 of Act 38 of 2003.
Clause 3
The Committee agreed to the substitution of 38B of Act 101 of 1997, as amended by section 3 of Act 38 of 2003.
Clause 4
The Committee agreed to the amendment of section of 38C of Act 101 of 1997, as inserted by section 3 of Act 38 of 2003.
Clause 5
The Committee approved the amendment of section of 38H of Act 101 of 1997, as inserted by section 3 of Act 38 of 2003.
Clause 6
The Committee approved the amendment of section of 38I of Act 101 of 1997, as inserted by section 3 of Act 38 of 2003.
Clause 7
The majority of the Committee agreed to the insertions of sections 38J, 38K, 38L, 38M, 38N and 38O in Act 101 of 1997.
The DA said that it did not approve of section 38J(4)(a) because it was worded as the Minister “must” dissolve the board...as opposed to “may” dissolve the board…
The Chairperson said that he did not want to go through the bill as if they were debating.
Clause 8
The Committee approved the amendment of section 41A of Act 101 of 1997.
Clause 9
Members approved the insertion of sections 45A and 45B in Act 101 of 1997.
Clause 10
The Committee approved the amendment of section 47 of Act 101 of 1997.
Clause 11
The majority of the Committee approved the insertions of section 49A to 49E in Act 101 of 1997.
The DA stated that it did not agree agree with section 49A(4)(a) for the same reason as its earlier objection.
Clause 12
The Committee approved the amendment of section 13 of Act 67 of 2008.
Clause 13
The Committee approved the short title.
The Committee adopted the report.
The DA reserved the right to not approve the Bill in total.
The Chairperson said that they would record the reservation of DA.
The meeting was adjourned.
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- We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting
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