Committee programme, oversight visits, study tour discussions

NCOP Agriculture, Land Reform and Mineral Resources

21 February 2012
Chairperson: Ms A Qikani (ANC, Eastern Cape)
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Meeting Summary

Members noted that the low attendance at the Committee meetings was hampering its work, because once again there was no quorum to formally adopt the Minutes tabled, nor approve the programme. However, they discussed a number of issues. The strategic planning process would be held in Parliament, due to shortage of funding, and would be arranged after the caucus meetings on a Thursday, as soon as possible, to run over into Friday if necessary. The Committee noted that the shortfall in funding prevented it from conducting oversight visits to Mpumalanga and Eastern Cape, and would take this up with the relevant persons responsible for monitoring the Committee’s spending as it was possible that too much was used up on administrative issues. The question of refunds to Members for airtickets that they had purchased personally would also be addressed. The Committee noted the arrangements and agenda items for a forthcoming oversight visit to KwaZulu Natal and Eastern Cape municipalities. They discussed other areas that might merit a visit, including a community who were disputing mining rights in Northern Cape, an agricultural project in Eastern Cape, and to investigate allegations relating to the Department of Agriculture in Eastern Cape. The Committee then agreed that its oversight study tour would be held, in September, in Morocco. It noted the tabling of the State of the Nation Address and Water Resource Management Report by the Research Unit, but these would be discussed at a later stage.

Meeting report

Quorum and opening remarks
The Chairperson noted that the Committee was encountering problems in reaching a quorum, since some Members were attending to public hearings outside of Cape Town, and as a result the Minutes and programme could not be adopted, although it was hoped that discussions would be fruitful.

The Chairperson welcomed and introduced Mr Kobus Jooste, the new Researcher.

She noted that the Committee was supposed to have a strategic planning meeting, but this had been postponed until after the State of the National Address. This might be a good opportunity to work on the strategic plan.

Oversight visits
The Chairperson noted that the Committee was supposed to visit Mpumalanga and Eastern Cape for an oversight visit, but sufficient funding was available only for the Eastern Cape visit. She was concerned about this, saying that this indicated that too much funding had been used for administrative purposes, possibly without the Committee’s express consent. This matter would be taken up with those administering the Select Committee’s funding.

Mr G Mogkoro (ANC, Northern Cape) stated that Members had booked, and personally paid for, their own plane tickets for the Committee’s last trip to KwaZulu-Natal in November 2011, for the Parliament to the People trip. They had not been reimbursed by Parliament.

The Chairperson said that the reimbursement of that money would also need to be investigated further.

She noted that strategic planning meetings would be convened in the 2012/13 financial year, as there were no funds presently available.

Mr Mokgoro noted that it would be necessary to ensure that the strategic planning sessions and oversight visits were held timeously, so that the Committee did not fall behind on its schedule.

Ms B Mabe (ANC, Gauteng), thought it was not always necessary for the Committee to spend the night away when conducting oversight. She thought that the Committee should review its achievements so far, consolidate the available information to assist with planning, and note priorities and likely problems that may be encountered. She thought that the strategic planning session could well be conducted inside the Parliamentary precints, and it was not necessary to arrange a special venue

The Chairperson indicated that she would check the programme and slot in a meeting at Parliament.

Ms Mabe added that it was, however, important for the Committee to conduct oversight visits, to inform the Committee’s strategic planning.

Mr O de Beer (COPE, Western Cape) thought that the strategic planning needed to happen before March, noting that the budget speech would be delivered in this week, so he suggested that this should be fast-tracked, possibly to be held after caucus meetings on Thursday and Friday of this week.

The Chairperson noted that the strategic planning sessions usually took one and a half days.

Mr G Mokgoro (ANC, Northern Cape) stated that Friday was not ideal but agreed that it could be held on Thursday, after the Parliamentary caucus sessions ended at 12:00.

The Chairperson pointed out that Friday was still a working day, that the planning session would commence on Thursday and continue on Friday, if necessary.

Mr Asgar Bawa, Committee Secretary, presented what had been done in respect of the envisaged oversight visit to Kwazulu-Natal (KZN) and the Eastern Cape. He had contacted municipalities in Umzimkhulu and Port St Johns, and all local and district municipalities of OR Tambo and Sisonke, provinces, through provincial liaison offices. He had also written letters to them, and informed national departments, provincial offices, the Department of Rural Development, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Environmental Affairs about the proposed visits. The Department of Environmental Affairs would only participate on the last day of the visit, but the rest of the departments would attend, with their delegation, every day. The Umzimkhulu Municipality had made the Council Chamber available for the meetings, and Port St Johns would still liaise on a venue.. Mnquma and Nyandeni local municipalities had also been asked to make their presentations at Mthatha. The Mnquma municipality had acknowledged receipt of the letter, and was working on the presentation and delegation. The Nyandeni municipality had not yet responded.

Mr Mokgoro asked how many municipalities the Committee would visit in Eastern Cape, and whether the Committee would meet them individually or in groups.

Ms Mabe enquired what issues were to be discussed during the oversight visit.

The Chairperson stated that the Umzimkhulu visit was related to agricultural projects. In Port St Johns, the focus would be on concerns related to the unavailability of drinking water and the attack by the Zambezi sharks. The Chairperson had asked the municipality to provide documents. At Nyandeni the issues related to agricultural projects.

The Researcher confirmed that he would make a report on these issues available by Thursday.  

Mr Gunja Mankayi, Committee Assistant, read out the travel arrangements for Members.

The Chairperson said that Ms N Magadla (ANC, Kwazulu Natal) had queried her bookings.

Mr Mankayi confirmed that she had since e-mailed to note that she would be using own transport.

The Chairperson noted that according to the Parliamentary Rules, weekend travel was not allowed if the oversight visit was to be held only in the following week. She would deal with this matter.

International Study Tour
The Chairperson noted that at the previous meeting it had been agreed to visit Morocco, and she asked Members to confirm that this would be done in September.

Members confirmed that this was acceptable.

Other issues
Mr Mokgoro appealed to the Committee to arrange a special visit to South African areas with specific problems. He cited that a Kimberley community had been removed from their historic land during the apartheid era, had subsequently moved back on to the land and engaged surveyors, who found the presence of diamonds. However, the mining rights were awarded to parties who were not the rightful owners of the land. He suggested that this Committee engage in this dispute, at Schmidtsdrift.

Ms Mabe cautioned that before visiting the area, the community would have to address this Committee in writing on the problem, so that the Committee was well informed.

The Chairperson highlighted a problem in the Eastern Cape related to a vegetable project. The beneficiaries of the project were not aware that the sum of R180 million rand had been borrowed from Old Mutual. The mentor of the project was awarding himself R100 000 per month, whilst the workers on the project were getting only a stipend of R1 000. At present, there was only R30 000 remaining, and the mentor had apparently disappeared, after which it was discovered that he had also “borrowed” R250 000 for personal use. This came to light only when Old Mutual called on the project workers to collect premiums.

Mr Mokgoro noted that another issue was reported in City Press, concerning the Department of Agriculture.

Ms Mabe cautioned that this Committee should not act on the basis of press reports, but should check the information from the Department before conducting any oversight visits.  

The Chairperson noted the importance of visiting many projects.

Ms Mabe suggested that funding be arranged for these visits and said programmes should be structured in such a way as to engage with communities on the projects.

Further announcements
Mr Kobus Jooste, Researcher, noted that he had prepared a preliminary document on the State of the Nation address, although it was premature to consider it before the Departments had presented their strategic plans and budgets.

The Committee Secretary noted that a delegation from Finland had requested a meeting with the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements on 9 March and would also like to meet with this Committee.

The Chairperson confirmed that this meeting could be arranged for Thursday 9 March, after the caucus meeting.

The Chairperson noted that the Committee had invited the media to cover the oversight visits to achieve better awareness on the communities with whom this Committee was working.

The meeting was adjourned.


  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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