Committee Reports on the budget and strategic plans of Department of Higher Education and Training, SAQA, CHE, NSFAS, NSA and NSF

Higher Education

24 May 2011
Chairperson: Ms N Gina (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee considered and approved all outstanding minutes. These were dated 23 February 2011 and 1, 9, 15, 16, 29 and 30 March 2011. It was agreed that decision making in meetings would be given time frames in order for actions points to follow as this did not happen often. Members appointed Mr G Radebe (ANC) to remind Mr Anele Kabongesi Committee Secretary to follow up on this. Members agreed that if there was no quorum at a meeting they could add a sentence at the end of a report or minutes stating that the committee ratified it. Members agreed that their role was to provide oversight to the SETAS in order for them to carry out their responsibilities with the necessary care before the Committee approves budgets. The Committee approved reports on the budget and strategic plan of the Department, the National Skills Authority, National Skills Fund, South African Qualifications, Council on Higher Education and National Student Financial Aid Scheme. It was agreed that the Committee Secretary would seek a date change from Parliament for the proposed study tour to Germany as the current dates July-August were not suitable for German universities and Parliament.

Meeting report

Election of Chairperson
In accordance with the rules of Parliament, the Committee elected Ms N Gina (ANC) as Acting Chairperson.

The Chairperson announced that Adv I Malale (ANC) was unable to attend as he had to meet with the Chinese delegation visiting Parliament. Apologies were given by the Committee Secretary, Mr Anele Kabingesi, on behalf of the Chairperson. Mr A van der Westhuizen (DA) apologised on behalf of Dr J Kloppers-Lourens (DA) as she was ill. An apology was also received on behalf of Ms N Vukuza (COPE) who was also not present due to illness. The Chairperson noted that many of the Members were ill as a result of being overworked during the Local Government Elections.

Outstanding Minutes
The Chairperson noted that there were only 2 items on the agenda, (1) to adopt outstanding minutes and reports and (2) to receive a briefing from the Committee Secretary on the proposed study tour.

The Chairperson reminded Members that they had been given an opportunity to peruse the Minutes and Reports beforehand as it had been emailed to them earlier.

Minutes dated 23 February 2011
Members noted that the numbering did not follow in numerical order. Furthermore, the Committee agreed that Members who were present should be recorded as well as those who were absent with or without apology.

Members agreed that matters that required follow up should be grouped together with actual dates and time frames. This would ensure that action points follow the decisions taken in meetings and are not overlooked or forgotten.

Members appointed Mr G Radebe (ANC) to remind Mr Anele Kabongesi to follow up on this. Minutes were adopted as amended.

Minutes dated 1, 9,15,16,29 and 30 March 2011
The minutes dated 1, 9,15,16,29 and 30 March 2011 were adopted as amended.
Mr K Dikobo (AZAPO) asked what would happen if minutes were not corrected for future purposes.

Mr van der Westhuizen noted that having a quorum was important when it came to taking resolutions and decisions. He suggested that Members confirm a resolution at another meeting as it would then carry the necessary jurisdiction power.

Mr C Moni (ANC) agreed with this suggestion.

Mr Dikobo suggested that Members check the parliamentary rules as in other organisations votes and decisions must be unanimous.

Members agreed that allowances would be made for discussion reports in another meeting.

Members agreed that if there was no quorum at a meeting they could add a sentence at the end of the minutes or report stating that the committee ratified it.

Minutes dated 20 April 2011
The minutes dated 20 April 2011 were adopted with minor grammatical and technical errors.
Members agreed that there were challenges within the SETAS.

Ms W Nelson (ANC) noted that the Budget debates would be held on the 26 May and asked if the budget for the SETAS would go through the department or national government.

Mr van der Westhuizen noted that the actual SETAS were the responsibilities of the SETA boards and not the Committee. Members agreed that their role in future was to provide oversight to the SETAS in order for them to carry out their responsibilities with the necessary care before the Committee approved their budgets.

Outstanding Reports
The Chairperson tabled the following reports for consideration: Draft Report of the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training on the Budget and Strategic Plans 2011/12 of the National Skills Authority (NSA) and National Skills Fund (NSF) and Draft Report of the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training on the Budget and Strategic Plans 2011/12 of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), South African Qualifications (SAQA), Council on Higher Education (CHE) and National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) These reports were adopted by Members.

The Chairperson noted that the reports would assist the Committee with the budget plans and debate for the following day, 26 May 2011.

Mr van der Westhuizen raised concerns about the reports as he was uncomfortable with the lack of clarity relating to strategic planning for the next 2 years.

The Chairperson asked Mr van der Westhuizen if he had objected to the reports on the actual day it had been presented to the Committee.

Mr van der Westhuizen noted that there had not been a motion or resolution to adopt the report on the day of the report presentation. Members had agreed that in future time allowances would be made for the Committee to review reports and presentations independently. Allowances would also be made for debate with presenters.

Mr van der Westhuizen’s dissatisfaction with the report from the Department of Higher Education was noted.

The Committee approved both reports without any changes.

Study Tour
Mr Kabingesi briefed the Members on the status of the planned study tour to Germany. He explained that an application had been sent but the main challenge was the dates allocated by Parliament for the tour. The study tour had originally been planned for January but had been shifted to after the local government elections, during the months of July and August. This was during the summer season in Germany and both parliament and universities would be in recess.

Ms Nelson noted that they were left with 2 options, (1) to ask Parliament for a different date or (2) look outside Europe.

The Chairperson requested that the Secretary request a date change from Parliament and that a follow up would be made.

The meeting was adjourned.


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