Interviews for ICASA

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Communications and Digital Technologies

17 August 2009
Chairperson: Mr I Vadi (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The following shortlisted candidates were interviewed by the Committee on 18 August 2009:
1. Ms. Z Mxaku
2. Mr. D Vannucci
3. Ms. J Mabotja
4. Ms. D Lehlokoe
5. Mr. E Baloyi
6. Mr. W Stucke
7. Mr K Boqwana

Mr M Zokwe had withdrawn his nomination as he had been offered an executive director position with another company. Mr Luthando Mkhumatela was absent from the interview process as he had been hospitalised. He was expected to submit a medical certificate during the course of the day. The Committee indicated that they would consider his nomination later.

Meeting report

Candidates were asked the following questions:

The interviewees were asked to give a brief background about themselves (who they were and what they had achieved) in relation to the job they were applying for.

They were asked whether they felt that their previous work experience was sufficient to qualify them for the task of being an ICASA Councillor.

Interviewees were asked what they thought the mandate of the ICASA was.

Candidates were asked how and what measures they would bring to deal with interconnectivity problems.

Candidates were asked what they thought the difference was in the mandate between ICASA and the Competition Commission.

They were also asked to identify problems encountered by ICASA, and what skills and expertise they would bring to cure those problems

Nominees were asked to explain their understanding of the concept “Independence”.

Candidates were asked if they had any business interests in the telecommunications industry.

They were asked if they were conversant with section 6 of the ICASA Act, which provided for the disqualification of an ICASA councillor, should he/ she become involved in a conflict of interest.

The Committee asked the interviewees whether they thought there was a need to regulate the telecommunications industry.

Candidates were asked if ICASA was fulfilling its mandate and how they would make sure that Board officials did not receive gifts

The nominees were asked about whether they had any plans to ensure that rural development is enhanced.

Candidates were asked to comment on the statement “legislation that guides ICASA hinders it to fulfil its mandates”.

Refer to the audio link above to listen to the candidates’ responses to these questions.

The meeting was adjourned.



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