Departmental Budget Vote: adoption of Committee Report; Committee’s programme & strategic planning

NCOP Agriculture, Land Reform and Mineral Resources

06 July 2009
Chairperson: Ms A Qikani (ANC Eastern Cape)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee considered and adopted the Committee Reports on the Budget Votes, numbers 25 and 34, without amendments.

The Committee noted that the Management Committee should compile a draft of the second-term programme. Members noted their concerns about access to water, which remained of continuing concern, and suggested a visit to dams in the Northern Cape where communities, despite owning the land where dams were situated, had no access to water. Members also suggested that investigations by the Department should be undertaken into those areas where the bucket system had not been eradicated, since the Committee had a limited budget and could not pay oversight visits to all areas. It was suggested that the Management Committee must also investigate and report back on the overlap, in this area, between the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, and the Department of Human Settlements.

The Committee adopted the Minutes of the meetings held on 23, 24 and 26 June.

Meeting report

Mr Z Mlenzana (COPE alt) noted an apology from Mr S Plaatjie (COPE).

The Chairperson replied that Mr Plaatjie himself should have submitted an apology because Mr Mlenzana was an alternate Member.

Committee Report on Budget Vote 34: Deliberations and adoption
The Committee tabled and went through its Committee Report (the Report) page by page.

Ms D Ntwanambi (ANC, Western Cape) suggested that the Budget report should be tied together with the Minutes because the two documents correlated with each other.

Members adopted this Report without amendments.

Committee Report on Budget Vote 25: Deliberations and adoption
Members adopted this Report without amendments

Second Term Draft Committee Programme: deliberations
Ms Ntwanambi suggested that the Management Committee should be responsible for drafting the next term’s Committee programme, for discussion and adoption by the Committee.

Mr G Makgoro (ANC Northern Cape) suggested that the Committee should examine access to water access as part of the oversight visits to the rural areas, citing, as an example, a visit to the newly built dam in the Northern Cape. The communities who owned the land on which the dam was built did not have access to its water, and the dam benefited only the commercial farmers in the area.

Mr B Mashile (ANC Mpumalanga) added that Water Boards that handled bulk water supply had to brief the Committee.

Mr Mlenzana reminded Members about follow up visits to areas that had already had been visited by the previous Committee, and the need to consider the Committee budget.

The Chairperson noted that the bucket system was still in use in some Provinces, and suggested that the Department should be requested to inspect and report back on these areas, since the Committee did not have the budget to visit all the mentioned areas.

Mr Mashile cautioned Members that investigations into the eradication of the bucket system encroached on the mandate of the new Department of Human Settlements. He asked the Management Committee to investigate the overlap.

Discussion on the Committee Strategic Plan Workshop
The Chairperson informed Members that the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) would be running a strategic planning workshop for all NCOP Members. She suggested that the Committee should, instead of holding its own strategic planning session, rather participate in that strategic planning workshop and identify issues from it.

Members unanimously agreed to her suggestion.

Committee Minutes: 23, 24 and 26 June: consideration and adoption
The Chairperson tabled the Minutes of the meeting held on 23 June.

Ms Ntwanambi suggested that the Department should make use of Further Education Training Colleges to fill in the staff shortages within the Department. She said that not every student was academically inclined to study at universities.

The Minutes of 23 June were adopted, with minor amendments.

The Chairperson then tabled the Minutes of the meeting held on 24 June.

Mr Mashile noted that the Minister’s attendance was not captured in the minutes, and asked that this be amended.

The Minutes of 24 June were adopted, as duly amended.

The Chairperson tabled the Minutes of the meeting on 26 June.

Members adopted the Minutes of 26 June, with minor technical amendments.

The meeting was adjourned.


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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