Nominations: Agricultural Research Council

Call for comments opened 17 January 2020 Share this page:

Submissions are now closed (since 07 February 2020)


The term of office of the members of the Agricultural Research Council is to expire at the end of March 2020.

The Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, hereby invites persons, stakeholders, the Premier of each Province as well as the Portfolio and Select Committees responsible for Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development in Parliament to provide her with the names of persons to be considered for appointment as members of the Agricultural Research Council.

 In terms of the provisions of the Act, the nominees shall be considered for appointment by virtue of their knowledge and experience of agriculture, marketing, the training of agriculturalists and veterinarians, business and financial management, the law, the environment, rural development, or research, development or technology transfer in the field of agriculture.

No person falling within the categories described in section 9(5) of the Act shall qualify for nomination or appointment to the Council. Suitable candidates would be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record, citizen and qualification verification).
 The following documents must accompany each nomination:
(a) A detailed curriculum vitae
(b) Written acceptance of the nomination by the nominee
(c) ID copy
(d) Documentary proof of all qualifications(Including matric certificate where applicable)

Nominations must be addressed to Ms M. van Rooyen at [email protected] by no later than Friday, 07 February 2020

Enquiries please contact Ms M. van Rooyen on tel 012) 319 6907

Nominations should be marked for the attention of Ms M. van Rooyen. Correspondence will be limited to successful candidates