Call for Comment: review of section 25 of the Constitution (Property Clause)

Call for comments opened 13 April 2018 Share this page:

Submissions are now closed (since 15 June 2018)

Joint Constitutional Review Committee

The Joint Constitutional Review Committee has called for written public submissions on the review of section 25 of the Constitution (Property Clause) and other sections where necessary, to make it possible for the state to expropriate land in the public interest without compensation.

 This comes after the National Assembly in concurrence with the National Council of Provinces mandated the Constitutional Review Committee to propose the necessary constitutional amendments where applicable with regards to the kind of future land tenure regime needed.

 Submissions and your indication to make oral presentation must be sent to Pat Jayiya [email protected]  (tel (021) 403-3661) by no later than Friday, 15 June 2018

Public hearings will be held in all provinces across the country from 26 June 2018 to 4 August 2018. (See programme here)

 Read: Report of the High Level Panel on the assessment of key legislation


Read: Hansard: Expropriation of Land without Compensation


Watch: EFF's motion for land expropriation debated in Parliament