National Gambling Amendment Bill (B27-2018)
Share this page:Section 76: Ordinary Bills affecting the provinces
Under consideration by the National Assembly.
Bill history
National Assembly
Minister of Trade and Industry
20 August 2018Bill introduced to National Assembly
Trade, Industry and Competition
24 October 2018National Gambling Amendment Bill: public hearings day 1 public participation
26 October 2018National Gambling Amendment Bill: public hearings day 2 public participation
30 October 2018
06 November 2018
20 November 2018
National Assembly
05 December 2018Bill passed by National Assembly and transmitted to the NCOP for concurrence
National Council of Provinces
NCOP Economic Development & Trade
30 January 2019
26 February 2019
National Council of Provinces
27 March 2019
National Assembly
National Assembly
06 May 2019Bill lapsed in terms of National Assembly Rule 333 (2)
National Council of Provinces
National Council of Provinces
17 October 2019Bill revived on this date
National Council of Provinces
21 May 2024Bill lapsed in terms of National Assembly Rule 333 (2)
National Assembly
National Assembly
25 July 2024Bill revived on this date
Bill Text
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