ATC110622: Report Consideration of a shortlist of candidates for appointment to NRF Board

Science, Technology and Innovation

Report of the Portfolio Committee on Science and Technology on the consideration of a shortlist of candidates for appointment to the Board of the National Research Foundation (NRF), dated 22 June 2011.


The Portfolio Committee on Science and Technology, having considered the shortlist of candidates for appointment to the Board of the NRF in terms of section 6(2)( c ) of the National Research Foundation Act, 1998 (No 23 of 1998), reports that it agrees to the following shortlist of candidates:


  1. Prof. P Clayton
  2. Prof R Crewe
  3. Prof AM Crouch
  4. Dr A Fourie
  5. Prof M Leibbrandt
  6. Dr P Lolwana
  7. Dr K Mokhele
  8. Dr M Mosia
  9. Prof S Nkomo
  10. Dr V Pillay
  11. Ms T Ramano
  12. Prof J Sealy
  13. Prof M Singh
  14. Prof S Maharaj
  15. Prof E Tyobeka
  16. Prof B Cousins



The Committee recommends that the Minister, in finalising the appointment of the NRF board, ensures that it is a broadly representative board, which can progressively advance the policies and programmes of the Department of Science and Technology, especially its priority focus areas of Vision 2018 such as the development of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) and Climate Change redress, etc.





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