ATC240510: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation on Statistics Amendment Bill [B31D – 2023], dated 10 May 2024

Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

Report of the Portfolio Committee on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation on Statistics Amendment Bill [B31D – 2023], dated 10 May 2024


The Portfolio Committee on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, having considered the Statistics Amendment Bill [B31B – 2023 (National Assembly – Sec 75), as referred to it on 09 May 2024 (ATC No 69-2024), reports that it agrees with the proposed amendments and reports the bill with amendments [B31D-2024], as follows:


1.       On page 8, from line 33, to omit "clause 9”, and to substitute the following:

         “9. Section 15 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution for subsection (1) of the following subsection:

         “(1)         For the purposes of making enquiries or observations necessary for achieving the purpose of this Act, the Statistician-General or any officer of Statistics South Africa authorised by him or her may enter on any land or premises [, other than a private dwelling,] of any individual, organ of state, business or other organisation and inspect anything thereon or therein—

  1. on the authority of a warrant issued in terms of subsection (2); or
  2. with the consent of the person who is competent to consent to such entry and inspection.”.”

Report to be considered.