ATC231129: Report of the Select Committee on Security and Justice on the progress of Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Police, during the Taking Parliament to the People in Ugu District Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal from 14 to 18 November 2022, referred to the Committee on 4 August 2023, dated 29 November 2023
NCOP Security and Justice
Report of the Select Committee on Security and Justice on the progress of Executive Undertakings made by the Minister of Police, during the Taking Parliament to the People in Ugu District Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal from 14 to 18 November 2022, referred to the Committee on 4 August 2023, dated 29 November 2023.
The Minister of Police made the following Executive Undertakings during the Taking Parliament to the People in Ugu District Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal from 14 to 18 November 2022:
- Executive Undertaking 1: There is an agreement that the National Department, the Speaker of the Provincial Legislature and MEC for Transport and Community Safety will visit Umuziwabantu Local Municipality on 28 November 2022 to attend to taxi violence that has engulfed the area.
- Executive Undertaking 2: “Moving the Msinsini Police Station: Rural police stations are old and dilapidated. For example, the Msinsini police station was built for a shop. When the shop was shut down, the station remained operating in the middle of nowhere. A discussion has been ongoing to move it either to Qwabe or Xoloxolo area. There are engagements with traditional leaders to move that police station.
- Executive Undertaking 3: Mgaye Mobile Police Station: The Minister noted that a mobile SAPS station for KwaMgaye is finalised and he undertook that it will be introduced shortly.
- Executive Undertaking 4: Gamalakhe Station handover: Regarding the Gamalakhe SAPS Station, the Minister claimed that handover was supposed to have happened, but the launch could not happen due to heavy rains. He further stated that the station should not be closed at night and it should be staffed at all times. The Department will open the Station officially.
- Executive Undertaking 5: Stipends for CPFs: The Minister undertook to further investigate options in relation to stipends for CPFs and related structures.
- Executive Undertaking 6: Internal discipline: The Minister stated that SAPS will work hard to root out police officials who do not serve the people and become involved in criminality.
2. Committee consideration
On 22 November 2023, Minister B Cele and relevant officials of the Department appeared before the Committee to report on the progress made in implementing the executive undertakings under consideration.
3.Progress Report by the Ministry and the South African Police Service
3.1 Executive Undertaking 1:
The Ministerial Imbizo by the Minister of Police took place, on 28 November 2022, where a commitment was given to establish a task team to deal with the murders in the Harding policing areas. The task team was established and is still active in addressing murder cases in the area. Members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) Employee, Health and Wellness (EHW) visited some of the victims of crime to provide support and counselling. The task team is still in place and functional.
3.2 Executive Undertaking 2:
The construction of the Msinsini Police Station is part of the Deep Rural Programme and is currently operating from a farm house that is in a process of re-establishment on a new site, which has already been cleared. The professional services were appointed and are currently busy with the planning and design phase, which will be completed by 31 March 2024. The bid for the appointment of the contractor will be advertised during April 2024 for award before July 2024. It is envisaged that the site will be handed over to the appointed contractor during September 2024, after the Department of Labour has provided the construction permit.
3.3 Executive Undertaking 3:
The placement of a mobile Community Service Centre (CSC) at the Sawoti Police Station will be addressed and allocated as soon as it becomes available.
3.4 Executive Undertaking 4:
The Gamalakhe Police Station was constructed by the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) and completed on 30 August 2019. The process is underway to set a date for the official opening of the police station.
3.5 Executive Undertaking 5:
The Office of the Secretary of the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service (CSPS): The Minister, through the SAPS and the CSPS, is still investigating viable and affordable options to address the requests from communities and CPFs relating to, amongst others, stipends, equipment, meeting fees and other resources necessary to carry out their functions. Options, such as the utilisation of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) and engagements with the private sector to facilitate the resourcing of CPFs, are also being explored. A draft resourcing model will be developed to provide for the minimum standardisation for the provision of resources for CPFs, as a collaborative exercise between the CSPS, the SAPS and Provincial Departments of Community Safety. The proposed solution/s that would be presented in due course will have to take into account the current fiscal constraints and the struggling local and international economic climate. Provision has been made in the SAPS budget for 2023/24 for the allocation of additional funding to empower community policing forums (CPFs) and support their functionality on the ground. An amount of R70 million was allocated to provinces to provide for the strategic and operational needs of CPFs, covering a wide spectrum of resources such as transport, laptops, phones, airtime, reflector jackets, safety boots, stationery, etc. Guidelines for the effective utilisation of this budget have been compiled and distributed to provinces accordingly. The CSPS will continue to monitor the utilisation of the allocated funds, as part of its assessment on the SAPS’ budget and programme performance.
3.6 Executive Undertaking 6:
All members of SAPS who are involved in criminal activities are subjected to disciplinary processes, in terms of the SAPS Discipline Regulations. To this end, a total number of 12 SAPS members from the Ugu District Municipality were subjected to a disciplinary process after it was found that they had been involved in criminal activities. The status of the disciplinary proceedings, against the 12 members, are as follows:
- One member was dismissed from the SAPS.
- One member was given a written warning.
- One member was found not guilty.
- One member was found guilty and sanctioned to two months’ suspension without salary.
- Disciplinary proceedings were provisionally withdrawn against six members.
- The disciplinary hearing against two members is still in progress.
4. Observations and Key Findings
In noting the progress report given by the Department in relation to the implementation of the executive undertakings under review, the Committee made the following observations and key findings:
The Committee noted that issues of policing, safety and security was prominently brought to the delegation’s attention in Ugu District. The Committee commended the Station Commissioner for being on top of issues of crime, communication and interaction with the community. The Committee urged the Minister to continue building on the important collaboration between the police and communities in the fight against crime.
The Committee acknowledged the Minister’s report that a means of travelling and transportation was offered to the community police forums to enable their effective functioning. With the necessary support, equipment, and material transport, the CPF must work with the police in the fight against crime. The CPFs are an important component of the whole police service in our country. The Committee noted that the Minister must consider giving priority in the next financial year to CPFs.
On the issue of discipline of the police members the Committee appreciated the measures taken by the Department.
The Committee congratulated the Minister on the work they are doing within all provinces including the Western Cape. The Committee noted that South Africa has a national police service that must serve the whole country.
5.1 The Committee therefore urges and recommends that the Department step up its efforts to remedy the challenges with regard to CPFs and finalise the draft resourcing model to properly resource the CPFs in the next financial year.
5.2The Committee acknowledges that the fight against crime requires collaboration and therefore recommends that the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster should work together in the fight against crime.
5.3 The Committee encourages the Department to ensure that all necessary disciplinary measures are taken against implicated police members. Police members should conduct themselves in a manner above reproach, to gain the confidence of the public in the fight against crime in South Africa.
3.4 The Committee recommends that the Department should continue to work closely with communities and CPF structures to ensure that it understands the nature of crimes within specific communities in order to effectively fight crime. The Committee urges co-operation and collaboration at all levels in the fight against crime.
Report for consideration.