ATC090701: Report on Budget Vote 17: Sport and Recreation

NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries

Report of the Select Committee on Education and Recreation on Budget Vote 17: Sport and Recreation, dated 01 July 2009


Having considered Budget Vote 17 of the Department of Sport and Recreation, the Committee reports as follows:


1. Introduction

On 1 July 2009, the Select Committee on Education and Recreation considered the Budget Vote of the Department of Sport and Recreation as part of conducting parliamentary oversight and ensuring executive accountability.


2.                   Objectives of the Department

The main aim of the Department is to maximise access, development and excellence at all levels of participation in sport and recreation to improve social cohesion, nation building and the quality of life of all South Africans.


3. The Department highlighted the following as the measurable objectives:

3.1. Sport Support Service

The Department intends to:    

(a)                  Increase the number of South Africans participating in sport and recreation by approximately 12% over the next 3 years by supporting National Federations to run club development programmes, with a focus on disadvantaged communities.

(b)                                                     Increase the number of high performance athletes by approximately 10% over the next 4 years, with specific emphasis on participants from disadvantaged communities and marginalised constituencies.

(c)                                                     Ensure good corporate governance in sports federations by providing education and training, financial and human resource support to sports federations.


3.2. Mass Participation Programme (MPP)

The Department intends to:

(a)                 Improve delivery of the MPP in provinces by monitoring and supporting all provincial departments in the delivery of their mass sport and recreation activities.

(b)                 Increase the number of participants in sport & recreation by 20% by hosting more festivals, social mobilisation programmes and sports tournaments in 2009/10.

(c)                 Contribute to the 2010 FIFA World Cup legacy by monitoring and supporting provinces and other stakeholders to deliver 45 mass mobilisation programmes by June 2010.


3.3. International Liaison & Events

The Department intends to:

(a)           Maximise the probability of success of SA teams and individuals in international events by improving expertise in coaching, officiating, administration and sport science through at least 10 bilateral exchanges in 2009/10.

(b)           Encourage peace and social cohesion by promoting sports relations and organising joint activities as a reconciliation pilot project in one post-conflict African country in 2009/10.

(c)           Increase the number of sports tourists to South Africa by providing 4 national federations with logistical and financial assistance to host 4 international events in 2009/10, as part of the sports tourism strategy.


3.4. 2010 FIFA World Cup Unit

The Department intends to:

(a)           Ensure that all approved competition venues are completed by December 2009 by monitoring progress and ensuring that all role players deliver on their assigned responsibilities, as indicated in the funding agreement and the construction programme.

(b)                 Align 2010 FIFA World Cup programmes with broad government strategic objectives and ASGISA by monitoring the social impact of the stadium construction programme, focusing on the number of jobs created and small enterprises involved in the procurement process.


3.5. 2009 Expenditure Trends

(a)                 The Department Expenditure increased from R436.8 million in 2005/06 to R4.9 billion in 2008/09 at an average annual rate of 124%, due mainly to the additional allocations for upgrading and constructing stadiums for the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

(b)                 Over the 7-year period, spending in programmes other than the 2010 FIFA World Cup Unit increase at an average annual rate of 25.8%, mainly as an extension of the conditional grant for the MPP, which has included school sport since 2006/07 and 2010 legacy projects since 2007/08.

(c)                 Over the medium term, expenditure is expected to decrease to R771 million at an average annual rate of 46%, as spending on the 2010 FIFA World Cup will be completed.


4. Conclusion

Having considered and deliberated on departmental budget vote 17 the committee has noted the following:

4.1. There is no memorandum of understanding between the Department of Education and the Department of Sport and Recreation in terms of facilitating physical education in schools.

4.2. Transformation is moving at a snails pace in national teams.

4.3. The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) did an excellent job in organising the Confederations Cup Tournament.

4.4. The Department does not have clear programmes to reach out to disadvantage areas.

4.5. Other provincial teams are expected to pay participation fees and this has a negative impact in sports participation in rural areas.


5. Recommendations

In order to ensure continuous executive accountability and parliamentary oversight over the Department, the Committee recommends that the Department should: 

5.1. Develop a memorandum of understanding with the Department of Education to ensure that there is proper infrastructure and physical education in schools.

5.2. Ensure that transformation is not compromised and the national teams reflect the demographics of the country.

5.3. Report to the committee, together with the LOC on the challenges they had experienced during the confederations cup and how those challenges will be addressed for the 2010 world cup.

5.4. Develop strategies on improving access and reaching out to disadvantaged areas.

5.5. Develop mechanisms to ensure that sports facilities are put in areas where communities live.

5.6. Ensure that the schools do not charge extra money from learners who participate in sport.

5.7. Avail itself to further engage with the committee on the issues that could not be discussed due to limited time.

5.8 Ensure that after a period of three months the department should be able to report to the committee on progress made wit regard to the memorandum of understanding between the Department of Education and the Department of Sports and Recreation.


The Committee recommends that budget vote 17 be passed.


Report to be considered



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