ATC200806: Report of the Select Committee on Health and Social Services, on the Appointment of the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) Board Members, dated 05 August 2020

NCOP Social Services

Report of the Select Committee on Health and Social Services, on the Appointment of the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) Board Members, dated 05 August 2020


The Select Committee on Health and Social Services (hereinafter referred to as the Select Committee), having considered the request by the Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) dated 18 November 2019, to fill vacancies for persons to serve on the board of the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA), reports as follows:




The NYDA was established in 2009, following a merger between Umsobomvu Youth Fund and the National Youth Commission. The NYDA derives its mandate from the legislative frameworks, including the National Youth Development Agency Act (Act 54 of 2008), the National Youth Policy (2015–2020) and the Integrated Youth Development Strategy. Section 9 of the NYDA Act stipulates that the Board consists of seven members, two of whom are Executive Directors. Members of the Board hold office for a period of three years and are appointed by the President, on the recommendation of Parliament. The term of office of the NYDA Board expired on 31 May 2020.




  1. Establishment of the Sub-Committee


On 26 November 2019 the Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities and the Select Committee on Health and Social Services met, nominated and announced Members to serve on the Sub-Committee, in terms of the NA Rule 172 and NCOP Rule 106. In terms of the Rules, the Sub-Committee must report its activities to the principal committees – the Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with disabilities; and the Select Committee on Health and Social Services.


The Sub-Committee was established in terms of Joint Rule 142. The Co-Chairpersons where appointed on 26 November 2019, and on 3 December 2019, the Sub-Committee programme was adopted.





The Sub-Committee is composed of the following Members of the Portfolio Committee and Select Committee:




African National Congress

Ms CN Ndaba

Ms M Gillion (Western Cape)

Ms FA Masiko

Ms AD Maleka (Mpumalanga)

Ms B Maluleke

Mr ME Nchabeleng (Limpopo)

Ms T Mgweba


Democratic Alliance

Mr L Mphithi

Mr MR Bara (Gauteng)

Economic Freedom Fighters

Ms N Khawula

Ms SA Luthuli (KwaZulu-Natal)




On 15 December 2019, Parliament advertised in various local, regional and national newspapers, including the parliamentary website, inviting applications for persons to serve on the NYDA Board. The deadline for applications was 24 January 2020. A total of 680 applications were received. One (1) candidate withdrew and this brought the total number of curricula vitae (CVs) to 679. 


  1. Publication of CVs on parliamentary website


Candidates’ CVs were published on the parliamentary website on 27 January 2020 for civil society comments and transparency purposes. Having published the applicants’ CVs on Parliament’s website for public comment, the Sub-Committee discharged its duties conscientiously and with all due regard to the requirements of thoroughness, openness and transparency.


All CVs and supporting documentation were catalogued by the Committee Secretariat and stored on a secure internal platform of Parliament, namely Uvimba, which was accessible only to the Sub-Committee Members and the Sub-Committee support staff. These documents were accessible to Committee Members during shortlisting and throughout the interview process.




The selection criteria for the shortlisting of candidates was discussed and adopted with amendments in a closed meeting of 30 June 2020 and a revised version was presented in a Sub-Committee meeting of 1 July 2020.


The following criteria was used for screening and shortlisting:

  • A South African citizen;
  • Demographics and geographical spread of the Republic;
  • Knowledge (mandate of NYDA, NYDA Act, National Youth Policy and the Constitution) and experience on youth development interventions;
  • Sound judgement, high integrity, reliability, independence, team player and commitment to serve the NYDA mission and goals;
  • Proven track-record and performance on youth development (4th Industrial Revolution, economy, unemployment, social cohesion and substance abuse) initiatives, innovation and creativity, leadership and vision; and
  • Good governance experience.


The Sub-Committee resolved to shortlist only 30 candidates. Shortlisting took place on 1 and 2 July 2020. The names of shortlisted candidates were published on the parliamentary website on 3 July 2020. In line with Section 9(8) of the NYDA Act, thePresident will publish the appointment of a Board member in the Government Gazette.




All 30 shortlisted candidates were subjected to an academic qualification verification check, and security clearance on the basis of adhering to Section 10 of the NYDA Act. A progress report on academic qualifications was tabled in the meeting of 4 August, and the report from the State Security Agency clearance was still outstanding.








The Sub-Committee decided on an interview guideline to ensure that the interview process is fair and within the ambit of the NYDA mandate. The following interview guidelines were adopted:

  • Introduction by a candidate
  • Knowledge (mandate of NYDA, NYDA Act, National Youth Development Strategy and National Youth Policy)
  • National Development Plan
  • Good governance principles
  • Youth development experience
  • Innovation and creativity; leadership and vision


The Sub-Committee also agreed on a 45-minutes interview schedule per candidate, which allowed for at least six questions. In addition, follow-up questions could be asked by any Member, to seek further clarity from a candidate.


The Sub-Committee interviewed twenty-nine (29) candidates between 27-31 July 2020. One (1) candidate did not attend the interview and was disqualified after the Sub-Committee resolved that no valid reasons were provided and as a result of the non-attendance, fruitless and wasteful expenditure was incurred for travel arrangements that were cancelled.


During the interviews, all 29 candidates were assessed based on the interview guidelines. The Sub-Committee agreed that only Members who participated in interviewing all 29 candidates will be eligible to deliberate in the process of recommending suitable candidates to the Board of the NYDA and to report to the principal Committees.


  1. Recommendations


  1. The Sub-Committee resolved that seven (7) candidates be recommended by the Portfolio Committee and the Select Committee to both Houses of Parliament, to be appointed by the President to serve as board members in the NYDA for a period of three years.


  1. The Select Committee on the recommendation by the Sub-Committee resolved that the following seven (7) candidates were recommended to both Houses of Parliament,to be appointed by the President to serve as board members in the NYDA for a period of three years:


  1. Mr John Sifiso Mtsweni
  2. Ms KaraboMohale
  3. Ms Thuthukile Zuma
  4. Ms PaballoPonoane
  5. Mr LukhonaAfika Mnguni
  6. Mr AvelaMjajubana
  7. Mr MolaoliSekake




The Select Committee would like to assure citizens that it has complied with all sections of the NYDA Act in its recommendation of candidates for the appointment to serve on the NYDA Board.


The Select Committee is confident that all candidates recommended for the appointment have an understanding of the NYDA mandate and are passionate about youth development in the country. They are all fit and proper persons to serve young people in the country with distinction in addressing socio-economic challenges facing the youth. The Select Committee would like to thank all candidates for making themselves available to be considered for appointment as NYDA Board members. Further, the good work done by Members of the Sub-Committee and the support staff was acknowledged and commended.


Report to be considered.



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