ATC131023: Report of the Select Committee on Labour and Public Enterprises on the Labour Relations Amendment Bill, dated 23 October 2013:
NCOP Public Enterprises and Communication
Report of the Select Committee on Labour and Public Enterprises on the Labour Relations Amendment Bill, dated 23 October 2013:
The Select Committee on Labour and Public Enterprises, having considered the subject of the Labour Relations Amendment Bill [B16B – 2012] (National Assembly – sec 75), referred to it, reports the Bill with proposed amendments as follows:
1. On page 3, in line 3, after “of” to omit “section 22(4)” and to substitute “subsection (7)”.
2. On page 3, in line 22, after “of” to omit “section 22(4)” and to substitute “subsection (7)”.
3. On page 3, in line 42, after “workplace” to insert “of a client”.
1. On page 5, from line 31, to omit paragraph (a).
2. On page 6, from line 2, to omit paragraphs (c) and (d).
3. On page 6, in line 18, after “than” to omit “48 hours” and to substitute “that contemplated by subsection (13)”.
1. On page 18, in line 27, after “subsection” to omit “(4D)” and to substitute “(4C)”.
1. On page 21, after line 26, to insert the following subsection:
“(4) Subsection (3) applies, three months after the commencement of the Labour Relations Act, 2013, to part-time employees employed before the commencement of the Labour Relations Amendment Act, 2013.”
2. On page 21, in line 27, to omit “(4)” and to substitute “(5)”.
3. On page 21, in line 30, to omit “(5)” and to substitute “(6)”.
4. On page 21, in line 43, after “198A(5)” to omit “198B(3)” and to substitute “198B(8)”.
5. On page 21, in line 52, after “subsection (1)” to insert “, other than a dispute about a dismissal in terms of section 198A(4),”.
Report to be considered.
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