ATC170912; Report of the Select Committee on Social Services on the Refugees Amendment Bill [B12B – 2016] (National Assembly – sec 75), dated 12 September 2017

NCOP Social Services

Report of the Select Committee on Social Services on the Refugees Amendment Bill [B12B – 2016] (National Assembly – sec 75), dated 12 September 2017:

The Select Committee on Social Services, having considered the subject of the Refugees Amendment Bill [B12B – 2016] (National Assembly – sec 75), referred to it, reports that it has agreed to the Bill with proposed amendments as follows,






  1. On page 4, in line 44, to omit “(1)”.





  1. On page 9, after line 4, to omit subsection (1) and to substitute with the following subsection:


  2. An application for asylum must be made in person in accordance with the prescribed procedures [, within five days of entry into the Republic,] to a Refugee Status Determination Officer at any Refugee Reception Office or at any other place designated by the Director-General by notice in the Gazette.’’.




  1. On page 10, in line 7, after “asylum”, to omit “have” and substitute with “has”.





  1. On page 10, in line 38, after “time”, to insert “prior to the expiry of an asylum seeker visa”.


  1. On page 10, in line 38, after “withdraw”, to omit “an asylum seeker” and substitute with “such”.


  1. On page 10, in line 47, after “dependants,”, to insert “either”.


  1. On page 10, in line 47, after “with”, to insert “or without”.





  1. On page 12, from line 36, to omit “Refugee Status Determination Officer at the”.





  1. On page 15, in line 4, after “of”, to insert “words or”.


  1. On page 15, in line 5, before “phrase”, to insert “word or”.


  1. On page 15, in line 9, to omit “phrase” and substitute with “word”.


Report to be considered







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