ATC160517: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services on the filling of vacancies at the South African Human Rights Commission, dated 17 May 2016

Justice and Constitutional Development

Report of the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services on the filling of vacancies at the South African Human Rights Commission, dated 17 May 2016


The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services (the Committee), having considered the requests by the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services (the Minister) and the South African Human Rights Commission for the National Assembly to recommend two candidates to be appointed as Commissioners to the South African Human Rights Commission, reports as follows:


1. In a letter dated 23 March 2015, the Minister requested that the National Assembly recommend a person for appointment as a Commissioner to the South African Human Rights Commission. This was necessary in order to fill the vacancy that arose following the operationalisation of the South African Human Rights Commission Act 40 of 2013.


2. In July 2015, the Committee placed adverts in various newspapers calling upon members of the public to nominate suitable candidates for appointment as members of the Regulator. The Committee received 24 nominations.


3. In a further letter dated 25 September 2015, the South African Human Rights Commission informed the National Assembly that a vacancy would arise following the expiry of the term of office of Ms Pregs Govender on 30 November 2015, which would need to be filled. In March 2016, the Committee placed another advert in newspapers requesting members of the public to nominate a suitable candidate for appointment. The Committee received 10 nominations for the position.


4. The Committee agreed to combine the processes of the filling of the two vacancies and invited eight candidates to interviews. The shortlisted candidates are as follows:


a)     Mr Andre Hurtley Gaum

b)    Mr Edward Nkhangweleni Lambani

c)     Mr Anandroy Ramdaw

d)    Prof Rushiella Songca

e)     Mr Lindelwe Mabandla

f)     Adv. Thomas Kwena Ntsewa

g)    Mr Hassen Ebrahim

h)     Dr Oupa Moshebi



5. The interviews were held at the Protea Hotel, Kempton Park on 11 May 2016. A total of six candidates attended the interviews. Mr Ebrahim could not attend the interviews due to prior commitments outside the country. Dr Moshebi also withdrew from the process, citing his employment by another organization as the reason for his withdrawal.  


6. Having considered the letters from the Minister and the South African Human Right Commission to the National Assembly, the Committee resolves that the National Assembly recommends the following candidates for appointment as Commissioners to the South African Human Rights Commission on a full time basis:


a)     Mr Andre Hurtley Gaum

b)    Mr Edward Nkhangweleni Lambani



Report to be considered



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