ATC101102: Report South African Citizenship Amendment Bill

NCOP Social Services

Report of the Select Committee on Social Services on the South African Citizenship Amendment Bill [B17 B – 2010] (National Assembly – sec 75), dated 02 November 2010:


The Select Committee on Social Services, having considered the subject of the South African Citizenship Amendment Bill [B17 B – 2010] (National Assembly – sec 75), referred to it, and classified by the JTM as a Section 75 Bill, reports the Bill with proposed amendments:





1.         On page 6, from line 37, to omit paragraph (a).


2.         On page 6, after line 47, to add the following paragraph:


(b)        the addition of the following subsection:


               (3)        Any person who obtained South African citizenship by naturalization in terms of this Act, shall cease to be a South African citizen if he or she engages, under the flag of another country, in a war that the Republic does not support.



Report to be considered


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