ATC131108: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Energy on the Independent System and Market Operator Bill (B9 - 2012) (National Assembly - Section 76 (1)), dated 08 November 2013:

Electricity and Energy

Report of the Portfolio Committee on Energy on the Independent System and Market Operator Bill (B9 - 2012) (National Assembly - Section 76 (1)), dated 08 November 2013:

The Portfolio Committee on Energy, having considered the subject of the Independent System and Market Operator Bill [B9 – 2012 ], recommitted to it, initially classified by the Joint Tagging Mechanism as a Section 75 Bill and subsequently reclassified as a Section 76(1) Bill, referred to it, reports the Bill with amendments [B9A – 2012].


The Portfolio Committee on Energy recommends that the National Assembly requests the Minister of Energy, acting in consultation with the Ministers for Public Enterprises, Finance and Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, to:

a)         Conduct a due diligence study in order to determine the feasibility and    implications of the transfer of transmission assets and to submit a final report to     the National Assembly by the end of May 2014;

b)         Conduct a cost benefit analysis of the possibility of incorporating the transmission         assets into the Independent System and Market Operator (ISMO);

c)         Further conduct a cost benefit analysis of establishing a Transmission System    Operator (TSO); or any other arrangement suitable to the South African situation;        and

d)         Ensure that the efforts on the restructuring of the entire electricity sector be         addressed as a matter of urgency.

Report to be considered


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