ATC130510: Report of the Select Committee on Trade and International Relations on Budget Vote 36: Trade and Industry and on Annual Performance Plan 2013/14 of the Trade and Industry Department, dated 8 May 2013

NCOP Economic Development & Trade

Report of the Select Committee on Trade and International Relations on Budget Vote 36: Trade and Industry and on Annual Performance Plan 2013/14 of the Trade and Industry Department, dated 8 May 2013

Report of the Select Committee on Trade and International Relations on Budget Vote 36: Trade and Industry and on Annual Performance Plan 2013/14 of the Trade and Industry Department, dated 8 May 2013

The Select Committee on Trade and International Relations, having considered Budget Vote 36: Trade and Industry and the Annual Performance Plan 2013/14 of the Department of Trade and Industry, reports that it has concluded its deliberations thereon.

Report to be considered.


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