
in Committee Meetings

6 matches
  • 15 Sep 1997

    Draft report: discussion

    Committee Meeting | Report of SA Law Commission on Surrogate Motherhood | National Assembly

    ... might be an act that governs that issue. The chairperson said that it was the Adoption Act. Also she added ... to the issue and included the following acts: Human Tissue Act (1983), which gave the meaning of Artificial ...

  • 31 Oct 1997

    Basic Conditions of Employment Bill [b98-97]: discussion

    Committee Meeting | Employment and Labour | National Assembly

    ... definition of small businesses in the Small Business Act was not being accepted and that the small business ... performed in a way that was not in the spirit of the Act then there would be an outcry. Mr Kettledas believed ...

  • 03 Nov 1997

    Basic Conditions of Employment Bill [b98-97]: discussion

    Committee Meeting | Employment and Labour | National Assembly

    ... agree with the NP suggestion that the Purpose of the Act requires the addition of the words "and social justice" ...

  • 27 Oct 1997

    Basic Conditions of Employment Bill [b98-97]: hearing

    Committee Meeting | Employment and Labour | National Assembly

    ... allowed to employers to avoid the provisions of the Act, as this would open the door to immoral tendencies ...

  • 13 Oct 1997

    Draft Report: discussion

    Committee Meeting | Report of SA Law Commission on Surrogate Motherhood | National Assembly

    ... simply because her husband-to-be did not want her to act as a surrogate mother. The chairperson also reminded ... believed that a standard form should be provided in the Act. She added that E (II) would be unnecessary as provisions ...

  • 22 Oct 1997

    Contingency Fees Bill, Divorce Courts Amendment Bill & State of Emergency Bill: deliberations, briefing & vote

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Security and Justice | National Council of Provinces

    ... felt that in a State of Emergency one could not act as if there was only one House. He was of the opinion ... 3 (1). Nel replied that it was an interpretation act and would not be a problem. The only impact would ...