Legislature Programme for 2024-05-07

Kindly note the below in preparation for the Special Sitting of Tuesday, 7 May 2024 accordingly:




08h30to 08h45            -    Preliminaries (No notices of motions)


08h45 to 08h50           -    Report by the Chairperson of Finance Portfolio

 Committee on the Public Procurement Bill [B18D-2023] (5 mins)


08h50 to 09h20           -    Debate on Bill (30 mins)


09h20 to 09h25           -    Response by the Chairperson of the Portfolio

 Committee to debate (5 mins)


09h25 to 09h30           -    Conferral and Voting on the Bill (5 mins


09h30 to 09h35           -      Report by the Chairperson of Transport Portfolio

    Committee on the Railway Safety Bill [B7B- 2021] (5 mins)


09h35 to 10h05           -      Debate on Bill (30 mins)


10h05 to 10h10       -           Response by the Chairperson of the

                                            Portfolio Committee to debate (5 mins)


10h10 to 10h15           -       Conferral and Voting on the Bill (5 mins)



10h15 to 10h20           -    Report by the Chairperson of Agriculture and Rural Development

  Portfolio Committee on the Preservation and Development of

  Agricultural Land Bill [B8B- 2021] (5 mins)


10h20 to 10h50           -    Debate on Bill (30 mins)


10h50 to 10h55       -        Response by the Chairperson of the

                                         Portfolio Committee to debate (5 mins)


10h55 to 11h00           -     Conferral and Voting on the Bill (5 mins)


11h00                          -     END OF PROCEEDINGS



Office of the Chief Whip