Hansard: NCOP: Debate on President's Address to the NCOP: Working together to advance the lives of our people

House: National Council of Provinces

Date of Meeting: 10 Nov 2011


No summary available.




Friday, 11 November 2011 Takes: 39; 39A - C





The Council met at eNquthu Sports Ground in uMzinyathi District Municipality at 11:33.

The Chairperson took the Chair and requested members to observe a moment of silence for prayers or meditation.



Bantu bakithi, ake silalelane! Akekho-ke namhlanje ozokhuluma phakathi kwenu, sonke sizothula sithi cwaka! Sizolalela inkulumo kaMongameli kanye namaLungu ePhalamende azobe ekhuluma ngaloku ebekukhulunywa ngako phakathi kweviki. Labo abazobanga umsindo, bazokhishelwa ngaphandle. Namhlanje enye yeziNdlu zePhalamende ihlezi ngokomthetho.


This is a formal sitting. When we are in a formal sitting, the gallery does not participate. I would appreciate it if you kept quiet and listened.


Kuzokhuluma uMongameli, yinina enithe nifuna ukubona uMongameli, ukhona-ke namhlanje ngoba thina bese sikhulumile nani iviki lonke. Masihloniphe njengoba kade sihlonipha iviki lonke.


Order! Hon members, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the President of the Republic of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, to this sitting of the NCOP and call upon the President to deliver his address. [Applause.]




Friday, 11 November 2011 Takes: 39; 39A - C

Start of Day

The PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC: Hon Chairperson of the NCOP, Mr Mninwa Mahlangu; Cabinet members present; hon Premier of the province of KwaZulu-Natal, Dr Zweli Mkhize, and all premiers present here; hon provincial Speaker, Ms Peggy Nkonyeni; members of the provincial executive; His Worship Executive Mayor of uMzinyathi District Municipality, Councillor James Mthethwa; hon Mayor of Nquthu Local Municipality, Councillor Emily Molefe; provincial chairperson of the South African Local Government Association, Salga, Councillor Vukani Mdabe; chairperson of the provincial House of Traditional Leaders, iNkosi Bhekisisa Bhengu, and esteemed traditional leaders among us; religious leaders; esteemed councillors; the community of Nquthu; ladies and gentlemen ...


Ngiyanibingelela nonke, okokuqala, Mphathi sihlalo, angizwakalise ukuxolisa ngoba izulu lisiphazamisile ekuseni nje sangasakwazi ukufika ngesikhathi kwazise phela sihamba ngalezi zinqola ezindiza emoyeni. Kuye kudingeke ukuthi ilanga libalele kahle, uma izulu liguqubele, aziboni kahle zingasilahla ezintabeni. Zingami nalapho kufanele khona. Siyajabula-ke ukuthi sesilapha.


I am honoured to be here among the people of uMzinyathi today as part of the NCOP's initiative to take Parliament to the people. It is indeed a great honour to be in this historic place where one of the epic battles against colonial domination, the Battle of Isandlwana, was fought. This is the place where the spears of the nation delivered one of the mightiest victories in our history as South Africans against the colonial oppressors.


Ngizizwa nginokujabula okukhulu ukuthi namhlanje ngila phakathi kwabantu baseMzinyathi, kulokhu kuhlala kwePhalamende, uMkhandlu weziFundazwe kaZwelonke. Ngibonga nokuthi lo Mkhandlu unento enhle yokuthi ngaso sonke isikhathi udamane ivakashela lapho kukhona abantu. Ngijabule kakhulu ukuthi sibe lapha nePhalamende kule ndawo enomlando obaluleke kakhulu empini yabantu bakithi lapho okwaliwa nalabo ababezama ukuthatha izwe lethu, iMpi yaseSandlwana. Lapho khona amabutho ahlabana khona abehlula abacindezeli. Uma-ke ulapha kuye kuvuke imizwa yempi yenkululeko, ukhumbule ukuthi sisuka kuphi nokuthi le nkululeko esinayo sayilwela.

Impi yaseSandlwana yimpi eyaliwa ngabantu bakithi bevikela ububona, izihlobo zabo, isithunzi somuntu omnyama, ubumbano lwabantu abamnyama, befuna ukuhlala ngokukhululeka; yingakho ngithi le ndawo ivusa imizwa.


The place therefore evokes strong feelings of liberation and triumph. It is important that we always understand the deeper meaning of these battles in relation to our freedom today. The Battle of Isandlwana was a struggle to keep our own humanity, unity of kith and kin, freedom and independence, and, above all, to continue to live in our African ways of sharing and caring for fellow human beings. We therefore draw inspiration from the heroism of those who fought colonialism and laid the groundwork for us to live as full citizens of our country.


Akungabazeki-ke ukuthi uma silapha, sisuke sizothola umdlandla kulawa maqhawe akithi alala phansi elwa lapha ngoba elwela ukuthi thina bantu baseNingizimu Afrika, siphile impilo ekhululekile.


Hon Chairperson, we meet in this historic area at the end of a week-long programme where Ministers from national and provincial governments, parliamentarians as well as premiers from all provinces have come to interact with the people around the work they are doing to deliver basic services to the people.


Sihlangane-ke uma kuphela isonto ebelibaluleke kakhulu, lapho bekukhona izinhlelo zoNgqongqoshe abaqhamuka kuhulumeni kazwelonke nakohulumeni bezifundazwe noNdunankulu kanjalo namaLungu ePhalamende, bezokhuluma nabantu ngomsebenzi abawenzayo ekuzameni ukushintsha izimpilo zabantu zibe ngcono.


In August, the NCOP held an important community meeting that painted a good picture of the basic needs of the people of this area. This area certainly deserves the attention it has received from decision-makers. Generally, uMzinyathi District has some of the poorest and most underdeveloped rural areas of KwaZulu-Natal. Most notable are the Umsinga and Nquthu municipalities. People are still struggling without running water, with a lack of educational and health facilities, with poor infrastructure and with many other challenges. We are aware of the difficulties facing this community. I understand that uMzinyathi has a 60% unemployment rate and that about 65% of the population here aged between 15 and 65 years has no form of income. This is indeed a very grave situation.


UMkhandlu weziFundazwe kaZwelonke uke wabamba umhlangano obaluleke kakhulu nomuzi walapha eNquthu, ngaphansi koMzinyathi. Lowo mhlangano wenze ukuthi amaLungu ePhalamende athole ngokuphelele ukuma kwesimo salapha, ngamanye amagama, ukuthi inhlupheko ibakhungethe kanjani abantu kule ndawo. Le ndawo ngempela ibikudinga ukuthi ike ihanjelwe ngabantu abathatha izinqumo kuhulumeni ezigabeni ezahlukahlukene ngoba ingenye yezindawo ezaziwa ngokukhungathwa wububha kakhulu.

Kulezi zindawo zaseNquthu naseMsinga, abantu basenezinkinga zokuswela amanzi, imitholampilo, nezinto eziyingqalasizinda okufanele zibe khona phakathi kwabantu. Kuthiwa abantu bakule ndawo engaphansi koMzinyathi, abalinganiselwa kuma-60% abasebenzi bese kuthi abasukela eminyakemi eyishumi nanhlanu namashumi ayisithupha nanhlanu abatholi lutho oluwumholo kule ndawo.


These are challenges faced countrywide and they are obviously compounded from time to time by the mounting cost of living as influenced by, for example, rising fuel prices, among others. Therefore it is important for us to address these challenges.


Ngicabanga ukuthi kuyinto enhle ukuthi abaholi bahulumeni bakwazi ukuzifikela mathupha bayibone le ndawo, ukuze bakwazi ukuthatha isinqumo ngokuthi kufanele kube khona esikwenzayo ukuze sihlangabezane nalezi zinkinga.


We thank the NCOP therefore for providing such an opportunity as the President's annual address to the NCOP, which will serve as a report-back session to the community of Nquthu.By bringing us all here today to see and intervene, the NCOP is playing its role of being the eyes and ears of the people.


Siyawubonga-ke uMkhandlu weziFundazwe kaZwelonke ngokuthi usinikeze leli thuba namhlanje lokuthi inkulumo kaMongameli izokwethulwa la ifane nombiko okhuluma ngezindaba ezihlupha abantu balapha. Ngokusiletha lapha, uMkhandlu weziFundazwe kaZwelonke ugcwalisa into eyodwa ewukuthi ngempela ngempela uyihlo nezindlebe zabantu okufanele ukuthi laba abahlala ePhalamende bakwazi ukuzibonela ukuthi abantu bahlezi kanjani.


Community members raised various issues at the meeting in August. These included social security, safety, housing, medical care and unemployment, as well as basic necessities such as water, electricity and sanitation. We therefore want most of government's programmes that are geared towards promoting income-generating-activities to be rolled out in this area also. The rural development programmes, establishment of co-operatives, agriculture and tourism are some of the activities that can improve lives and the economic situation in this area.


Ngale nkathi-ke kuhlangenwe lapha, njengoba sengishilo, abantu bakwazile ukubeka izinkinga zabo kulaba baholi babo ababakhetha basePhalamende. Kucacile ukuthi kwesikwenzayo, ikakhulukazi, ukuzama ukuletha ezomnotho ezindaweni zasemakhaya, le ingenye yezindawo efuna ukunikezwa lelo thuba.


Following that meeting of the NCOP in August, the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs established an Implementation Forum made up of its provincial counterparts and other national ministries, which resulted in a joint work programme to address the challenges of Nquthu. It is my pleasure to report on some of the programmes and work that the government is doing.


Ngemuva kokuba kutholakale lo mbiko, uMnyango wezoHulumeni baseKhaya sewenze uhlelo lokuhlanganyela kanye nozakwabo baseziFundazweni kanye nabanye oNgqongqoshe ukuze kube khona okwenziwayo kule ndawo. Ngizizwa ngithokozile ukuthola ithuba lokuthi fahla fahla ngokunye okwenziwayo nokuzokwenziwa.


With regard to the shortage of housing, a number of housing projects are being rolled out in the area, while some are planned for the future. These include the Ngolokodo and Vulamehlo rural housing projects, both intended to benefit a thousand families. The Department of Human Settlements is also looking at the projects that were unfortunately marred by construction faults and is working hard to rectify the houses concerned, particularly in Nquthu Phase II.


Maqondana nokuntuleka kwezindlu, kunezinhlelo ezisahlelwa nosekuvele sekuphezu kwazo, kubandakanya indawo yaseNgolokodo naseVulamehlo okuzothi imizi elinganiselwa kwengaphezu kwenkulungwane ikwazi ukuhlomula kanti noMnyango Wokwakhiwa Kwezindlu nawo uzama ukulungisa izindlu ezonakala zoniwa ngabakhi lapha eNquthu esiGabeni sesi-II.


With regards to basic education, where the grim situation of a lack of school facilities, from the preschool to the secondary phase, prevails, the provincial Department of Education has decided to prioritise this in the current financial year as part of the provincial infrastructure plan. Through the Access to Education campaign, the Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities is coordinating with the provincial department of education, first to ensure access to education for all children who stay far away from schools, such as on farms. In addition, they will be assisted with scholar transport that will take them to schools.


Maqondana nodaba lwezemfundo, ikakhulukazi esemazingeni aphansi, kuyaziwa ukuthi lesi simo sinzima kakhulu. UMnyango wesiFundazwe uzama uhlelo lokuhlangabezana nalezi zikole uzenze kube yizo ezihamba phambili ezinhlelweni; izinhlelo ezakha ingqalasizinda ngaphansi kwesiqubulo esithi 'Abantu mabathole imfundo.' UMnyango wezaBesifazane, iziNgane, nabaKhubazekile uzama ukulungiselela ukusebenzisana nesiFundazwe ukuqinisekisa ukuthi abantwana bayayithola imfundo, ikakhulukazi abantwana abahlala emapulazini.Uphinde uzame ukuletha izinto zokuhamba ezizothutha abantwana bakwazi ukufinyelela ezikoleni.


Schools in the uMzinyathi area will also be provided with mobile units to serve as classrooms, a library and a laboratory. They will also be fenced properly and served with water and sanitation.

There are also challenges regarding, among others, drugs, children's social grants and safe places for the elderly to receive grants in Nondweni.


Izikole lapha eMzinyathi zizonikezelwa ngomahambanendlwana, ngamanye amagama, izindlwana ezihambayo, njengoba zingakakhiwa izikole ngezitini lapho izingane zizofundela khona, ngoba kuzanywa ukusondeza imfundo ebantwini. Kuzobakhona imitapo yolwazi – lapho izingane zizothola khona izincwadi zokufunda - nezindawo zokufundisa ezesayensi, lapho izingane zizokwazi ukuthola ulwazi oludingekayo. Zizobiyelwa lezi zindawo kuzanywe ukuletha amanzi nezindlela zokuthutha indle. Kuyatholakala ukuthi le ndawo ibhekene nenselele yabantu abasebenzisa izidakamizwa kanye nezinkinga zesibonelelo sezingane esivela kuhulumeni kanye nesabantu abadala, ikakhulukazi eNondweni.


The Department of Social Development is currently auditing facilities in the province with a view to increasing them where necessary. The department will also launch the Ke Moja youth antidrug programme to intervene in Nondweni Ward 10.

Government services will be brought closer to the people of Mkhuphula area in Msinga through a One Stop Development Centre. This will include providing Home Affairs services, social grant applications and others.

With regard to health, while it is generally a challenge to secure the services of doctors in the rural clinics, the Department of Health is trying to improve the situation.


UMnyango wezeNhlalakahle uzama ukutholisisa kahle mayelana nalezi zinto okuye kuthiwe azitholakali ezindaweni zokuholela. Uzama nohlelo lokuthi uma sekutholakele lokho ube usuletha izidingo lapho zidingeka khona. Uzophinda wethule uhlelo lokuzama ukulwisana nalabo abasebenzisa izidakamizwa, ikakhulukazi, endaweni yaseNondweni kuWadi 10.

Singuhulumeni siyazama ukuthi silethe izinsiza kubantu. Kunendawo okuthiwa kuseMkhuphula kwelaseMsinga, lapho osekwakhiwe isakhiwo esizokwenza izinto eziningi ezahlukahlukene. Abantu bakhona abasezukuhlupheka bayoshona eMdlovane, sebezozithola eduzane; izincwadi zomazisi, izitifiketi zokuzalwa, njalo njalo. Lokho wukuzama ukuletha izinsiza kubantu ezindaweni abahlezi kuzo.

Siyazi futhi ukuthi ikhona inkinga yokunqaba kodokotela ezindaweni zasemakhaya, uMnyango wezeMpilo uzama ukuhlangabezana naleso simo ukuze odokotela babe seduzane.


Early in the next year, 2012, the Department of Health will build the Thathezakhe Clinic next to iNkosi Ngobese traditional offices. This will be completed in 2013. [Applause.] The issue of the availability of doctors will also be looked into.

The people also raised concerns with regard to safety and security. The SAPS has initiated a programme to speed up the building of police stations to service rural areas nationally. Thirty more police stations will be built in the rural areas across the country and uMzinyathi will be among the areas to be prioritised and considered, in light of the serious concerns raised. Meanwhile the provincial commissioner has been asked to extend the working hours of the current satellite police station in uMzinyathi Ward 2 from a 12-hour to a 24-hour service.

Plans are also at an advanced stage to revive the local economy in the district, particularly opening opportunities in such areas as tourism and heritage.


Kulo nyaka ozayo, uMnyango wezeMpilo uzokwakha umtholampilo eThathezakhe, eduze kwamahhovisi eNkosi uNgobese. Izoqala ngonyaka ozayo, ize iphele ngalowaya, ngoba kuzobe kwakhiwa umtholampilo wangempela, hhayi intwana encane nje. [Ihlombe.] UMnyango uzozama ukuthi odokotela batholakale babe baningi, lokhu kuza ngoba kuyizimpendulo ezintweni ezibekwe ngabantu ngenkathi behlangene namaLungu ePhalamende.

Okunye okushiwo ngabantu kube ngukukhala ngesimo sokuvikelela, bathi abavikelekile kahle. Yingakho uMnyango wezamaPhoyisa uphezu kohlelo lokwakha iziteshi zamaphoyisa eziningi ezweni lonke, ezilinganiselwa kwezingamashumi amathathu. Kulezo zakhiwo, ngesizathu sokuthi abantu balapha babonisile ukukhononda ngokuvikeleka, noMzinyathi uzoba khona kulezo zinhlelo wakhelwe nawo isiteshi.

UMphathi wamaPhoyisa wesiFundazwe, njengoba esezwile ukuthi abantu bakhala ngokuthi lezi ziteshi zamaphoyisa ezingomahambanendlwana kuWadi 2 - khona lapha eMzinyathi - bathi siyavalwa lesi siteshi, sithi uma sesivaliwe kwande ubugebengu; usethathe isinqumo sokuthi ayisezukuvalwa manje, izovulwa ubusuku nemini. [Ihlombe.]


The Department of Arts and Culture has committed itself to reviving crafts and to working with the province and the District Municipality for the development and implementation of the Isandlwana Project. This is a comprehensive heritage project with great potential, which will also help the majority who are unemployed.

Through the Lilane Hot Springs project, the national Department of Tourism plans to upgrade and renovate 12 chalets in the area, the conference centre and the pathways to create a proper access route to the hot springs. The income generated could be around R20 million.


ILilane yindawo ephakathi kwe-Kranskop ne-Greytown enamanzi ashisayo. Abangenazo izindawo ezinje ngasemakubo bazovakasha bazoshiya imali. Kuthiwa uma uhlambe kula manzi uyaphila noma ngabe ubunezinhlungu.


In addition, the Tourism Ambassadors Programme, which was started at the Dundee Local Municipality, is training unemployed youth for jobs in the tourism industry, while providing funding for small tourism businesses.

In an effort to improve the economic situation in the area, the Department of Labour will work with the Department of Higher Education and Training to develop the skills needed for small businesses and related ventures, as well as for individuals. The Department of Trade and Industry will assist primarily with regard to re-establishing co-operatives in the area. It will run a support programme and hold a co-operative's workshop in Nquthu.

Hon Chairperson, we also know that infrastructure and roads are a major challenge in this area, affecting access to schools and other facilities, such as health care centres.


Siyazi ukuthi kunenselele enkulu maqondana nengqalasizinda kule ndawo, imigwaqo, njalo njalo, eyenza ukuthi kube nzima ukuthi abantu bafike lapho befuna ukuya khona.


The Department of Transport has budgeted R28 million for improving the road network within the Nquthu area.


UMnyango wezokuThutha usubeke imali elinganiselwa ezigidini zamarandi ezingamashumi amabili anesishiyagalombili ukuzama ukwakha imigwaqo lapha eNquthu.


In Ward 2, for example, a 6km road will be improved during the current financial year. This road will not only be of immense help to the people of the Mbokodwebomvu Traditional Authority but will provide access to the Felani Clinic, Mgombani School, Msibo School and Silutshana School.


KuWadi 2, isibonelo nje, njengoba sithi kuzokwakhiwa imigwaqo, uma sibheka nje indawo eyodwa enomgwaqo olinganiselwa kumakhilomitha ayisithupha ozokwakhiwa maduzane. Imali yokuwakha isikhona, hhayi ukuthi isazofunwa. Lo mgwaqo uzoletha ushintsho olukhulu kule ndawo, ngoba kule ndawo engaphansi kweMbokodwebomvu Traditional Authority, uzokwenza ukuthi ukwazi ukufika kalula eFelani Clinic, eMgombani School naseMsibo kanjalo naseSilutshana School; okusho ukuthi impilo izothanda ukushintsha kule ndawo.


Another road that will be improved this financial year is the one that falls under Inkosi Mdletshe of the Emandleni Traditional Authority, which will also benefit Nkunyane School. The Nondweni pedestrian bridge has also been built to provide access for the people of the area. Several other roads are being repaired in the area, including for the Mangwebuthanani Traditional Authority. The list goes on and on.

The expansion of water supplies is also being considered. The number of boreholes will be increased, while plans are afoot to expand the water treatment plant. The provincial department of agriculture, environmental affairs and rural development established the Small Dams Project to address the lack of bulk water supply. Government is also in the process of refurbishing neglected water boreholes. Furthermore, the national Department of Water and Environmental Affairs is in the process of building a dam that will address the water supply challenges faced by the District Municipality and eradicate the water tank truck delivery system.

Regarding land reform, Minister Nkwinti has also detected corruption among evaluators who inflate land prices, which impacts negatively on land reform. His department is in the process of dealing with officials found guilty of colluding in such acts. [Applause.]


UMnyango wezaManzi, eyezoLimo neyezokuThuthukiswa kweziNdawo zaseMakhaya zakhe uhlelo lokuthi kwakhiwe amadamu amancane ukuze kukwazi ukuthi kuhlangatshezwane nesimo sokusweleka kwamanzi. Uhulumeni usemkhankasweni wokulungisa amapayipi amadala ukuze alungele ukuthutha amanzi ngendlela efanele.

Okunye-ke wukuthi uMnyango obhekene naManzi uzama ukwakha namanye amapayipi azokwazi ukuthutha amanzi kahle, ulungise indlela yokuthutha amanzi. UNgqongqoshe obhekene nokuthuthukisa emakhaya nokubuyiswa kwemihlaba usehlangabezane nokuthi kunenkohlakalo enkulu kulabo ababhekene nokuhlola inani lemihlaba. Sengathi bayakhwabanisa. Kuye kuthi uma behlola umhlaba bebona ukuthi uyintengo engaka, bengeze okwabo ngaphezulu, bayithathe leyo mali ingene emaphaketheni abo. Sekukhona ababanjiwe benza lokhu bakhalelwa ngamasongo kasigonyela ngoba bayahlupha. [Ihlombe.]


Later this afternoon, in Pretoria, I will receive the draft 2030 National Development Plan from the National Planning Commission. I mandated this commission in 2009 to take a broad, crosscutting, independent and critical view of South Africa in order to map out a path to achieve a successful and prosperous South Africa by 2030. After an intensive consultative process, they have concluded their work. Receiving this report is an important moment because it will help us design more programmes that will improve the quality of life of our people. The NCOP interaction with the community in August raised some of the issues that the National Planning Commission will no doubt raise.


Namuhla ntambama nje, ngizobe ngemukela umqulu olethwa nguNgqongqoshe olaphaya eMnyangweni kaMongameli, obhekene nokwakha uHlelo lwezwe lokuthi sizolenza kanjani izwe lethu libe yimpumelelo. Basebenze kakhulu-ke ngemva kokubacela ukuthi bathole ukuthi yini esingayenza ikwazi ukuletha intuthuko ezweni ngokushesha. Sebeqedile-ke, yingakho kufanele ukuthi, Sihlalo, ngingahlali kakhulu lapha namhlanje. Bengizojabula ukuba seNquthu ngename, kube mnandi, kodwa-ke bayangifuna ePitoli, bathe ngisheshe ngibuye ukuze ngamukele lo mqulu obalulekile. Lo mqulu uzobonwa ngabantu bezwe lonke, bajobelele lokho abafisa ukukujobelela ukuze lolu Hlelo lube wusizo.

Ngicabanga ukuthi okuqukethwe yilolu Hlelo, okunye kwako sekuke kwabekwa wumphakathi ngenkathi ukhuluma namaLungu ePhalamende.


Let me thank the NCOP once again for demonstrating its unwavering commitment to the constitutional mandate of meeting with the people and hearing their views. We thank you for this session and applaud your initiative of taking Parliament where it belongs - to the people. [Applause.] We make a commitment to ensuring that the undertakings made by government will be followed up and implemented.


Sihlalo woMkhandlu kaZwelonke weziFundazwe, namaLungu ayo angamanxusa aqhamuka ezifundazweni zonke, ngifisa ukudlulisa ukubonga okukhulu ngokuthi nibonakalise ukungahlehli maqondana nokuzimisela kwenu ngokuqhuba into eniyithunywa nguMthethosisekelo wezwe, ukuba nihlangane nabantu, nizwe imibono nemicabango yabo. Phela iPhalamende ngelabantu. Sibonga kakhulu ukuba sihlangane lapha, ngicabanga ukuthi lokhu kwenza iPhalamende libonakale ukuthi ngelabantu. Nabantu balibone ukuthi linjani, babone nokuthi ningena kanjani ePhalamende nilandelana, nigqoke izingubo ezimnyama, niphethe nenduku engathi yimbali. Balibone lapha phambi kwabo, bangalibuki kumabonakude kuphela. Ngifisa ukusho ukuthi konke okuzothenjiswa nguhulumeni lapha kinina, sizokwenza. Ngeke uhulumeni athembise into angeke ayenze. [Ihlombe.]


The Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation in my office will work with the Office of the Premier to monitor progress.


Kulokho esikuthembisile la, sizokulandela. Ihhovisi lami linoMnyango obhekene nokuthi kuyasetshenzwa yini kwahulumeni, uma kusetshenziwe, kusetshenzwe kanjani. Uzosebenzisana noNdunankulu wesifundazwe ukuzama ukufezekisa ukuthi yonke into esiyithembisile iyenzeka.


Together we have to ensure an improvement in the quality of life in uMzinyathi.

I wish all delegates and community members well as everybody travels back home after this initiative.


Ngicabanga ukuthi uma sibambisene sonke singayishintsha impilo yabantu balapha eMzinyathi ibe ngcono. MaLungu ePhalamende ahloniphekile nginifisela ukuthi niphumelele emsebenzini enizowenza lapha. Ngifisela nina nonke ngobuningi benu, nabo bonke abantu baseMzinyathi abakhona lapha, bahambe kahle bephephile.


Working together we can, indeed, do more!


Ngiyazibongela, Sihlalo ohloniphekileyo, ngizibongele nasemphakathini waseNquthu. Siyabonga.

IPHINI LIKASIHLALO WOMKHANDLU KAZWELONKE WEZIFUNDAZWE (Nk T C Memela): Siyabonga kakhulu Mongameli ngamazwi azokwenza ukuthi nabantu balapha eNquthu bazi ukuthi ikusasa lizobe liqhakazile.




Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 40


USIHLALO WOMKHANDLU KAZWELONKE WEZIFUNDAZWE (Mnu M J MAHLANGU): Sekela Sihlalo woMkhandlu weziFundazwe kaZwelonke, Mongameli wethu ohloniphekile kakhulu, Mnumzane Jacob Zuma, Ndunankulu wesiFundazwe sakwaZulu-Natal, Dokotela Mkhize, amakhosi onke akhona, nani nonke enikhona.

Isikhathi sesidliwe yinja, ngakho ngizozama ukuthi ngibe mfushane. UMongameli usekusho konke lokhu ebengifuna ukukusho. Usenichazele konke, kodwa ngizogcizelela ngoba kubalulekile. Ngiyabonga Mongameli ukuthi uyayihlonipha futhi uyasisekela ngaso sonke isikhathi kuleNdlu yethu esiyithanda kakhulu. Ngiyabonga Mongameli ngibongela namaLungu oMkhandlu kaZwelonke weziFundazwe.

Namhlanje siqeda iviki sisendaweni yaseMzinyathi. Kungokokuqala ngqa ukuthi sizobheka umsebenzi noma ukulethwa kwezidingo zomphakathi kule ndawo kodwa sihambele izindaweni ezingama-50. Isilinganiso sethu kuzo zonke izifundazwe sokubheka ukulethwa kwezidingo zomphakathi kuba yizindawo ezingama-22, kepha lapha eNquthu sibheke izindawo ezingama-50.


This shows the intensiveness of the programme and the progress that we are making as the NCOP.


Kanti-ke futhi Khabazela, lokhu kukhombisa ukubambisana phakathi kwesifunda sakho nohulumeni waseKhaya, kanye noNgqongqoshe abaphezulu ukuze lolu hlelo luphumelele lube luhle kangaka. Mongameli, size kule ndawo ngoba...


... we have discovered that this is a rural area and the communities of uMzinyathi are underdeveloped. As you said, hon President, 93% of this area is rural and very poor. It is NCOP policy to visit people at the back of beyond so that we can bring service delivery to the people. That's the reason we are sitting here almost in the middle of nowhere and made all of you travel to this area


Nazi-ke izinto ezivezwe abantu phakathi neviki engithanda ukuthi uhulumeni wasekhaya, uhulumeni wesifundazwe nohulumeni kazwelonke bangenelele kakhulu kuzona – uMongameli usezithintile ngeke ngisagxila kakhulu kuzona: Ukungabibikho kwemithombo yamanzi. Akhona amanzi amapitsi, kodwa uMongameli usememezelile ukuthi nizolithola idamu nibe nompompi abanele kule ndawo yaseMzinyathi.

Okunye, ibanga elide elihanjwa abantwana uma beya esikoleni ngenxa yokungabibikho kwezithuthi zabafundi. Ukungabibikho kwamabhuloho. Izingane ziyakhinyabezeka azikwazi ukuya esikoleni ngoba kufanele ziwele imifula ngaleyo ndlela zihlale emakhaya iviki lonke zingayi esikoleni.

Okunye esikutholile, izindlu azakhiwanga kahle ngoba ziyawa, kodwa ngibonga uhulumeni wesifundazwe osengenelele njengalaphaya eNondweni lapho eseqalile wazidiliza wakha kabusha. Kodwa-ke sithi labo abamosha izimali zombuso bangenzi umsebenzi ofanele, mabalandelelwe ngumthetho, baboshwe ngoba badla izimali zomphakathi.

Okunye okuphakanyisiwe wukungeneli kodokotela ezibhedlela, njengoba uMongameli esekuthintile lokho. Umbuso uyakubhekelela konke lokho kanti akukhona la KwaZulu kuphela, kepha inkinga yeNingizimu Afrika yonke.

Kukhona izidingo ezinkulu zokweseka abantu bakithi kwezolimo, ngizongena kuzo ngazinye ngazinye masinyane. Kwezolimo-ke, uMnyango wezoLimo, amaHlathi kanye neMboni yokuDoba unikele ngogandaganda abayisi-9. Nokho-ke abantu baphawulile ukuthi bancane labo gandaganda kudingeka ukuthi bengezwe.

Sikhulumile neminyango ethile kanti naboMnyango wezoLimo bebekhona futhi bathembisile ukuthi ngokuhamba kwesikhathi bazobengeza ogandaganda ukuze abantu bakwazi ukulima bazenzele ukudla emakhaya banganciki kuhulumeni kuphela, kepha bazenzele bona ngokwabo. Kuzophinde kwengezwe imbewu, kubiyelwe amasimu ngocingo ukuze izinkomo nezimbuzi zifohli emasimini.

Phakathi neviki, Mongameli, sivule ngokubambisana nesiFundazwe sakwaZulu Natali, iHlanzakazi Water Project, ezonikeza amanzi kuWadi yoku-1, eyesi-2, eyesi-3 neyesi-4 khona lapha eNquthu. Sesiwavulile lawo manzi senizokwazi ukuwathola.

Siphinde savula into ebizwa ngokuthi i-Sewer treatment plant, ezosiza abantu abayi-3000 sebehlangene bonke. Ngike ngahamba ku-phase yoku-1 neyesi-2, le uMongameli akhulume ngawo, kanti ingqalasizinda yakhona ayiyinhle neze, ngakho-ke i-sewer treatment plant izokwazi ukusiza labo bantu ukuze izinto zihambe kahle.

Okunye, kukhona isikhalo esilethwe yiNkosi uNgobese, amanye amalungu omphakathi kanye namakhansela, sodaba lwendawo yokulahla udoti, lapho saziswe ukuthi la emzini kulahlwa nezinto ezingafanele.

Kodwa-ke, lapho mangisho ukuthi isibhedlela siyaganga ngoba sithatha izinto zasesibhedlela; ukudla okonakele, nokunye okungudoti wasesibhedlela, sikulahle la kule ndawo yokulahla ekhona la eNquthu.

Lezo zinto akufanele zilahlwe lapha, kepha kufanele ziyiswe eThekwini ziyoshiswa khona ngoba lapha zibangela abantwana izifo ngoba abantwana bangena kuyo baphathe izinaliti ezinobuthi, baphathe nokudla okungcolile okusale esibhedlela bakufake emlonyeni badle. Ngamanye amagama, isibhedlela sibulala izingane zethu. Izinkomo zethu zingena khona laphaya zidle bese ziyafa. Sivumelene-ke noNyambose ukuthi ayivalwe le ndawo kuyobhekwa enye indawo.

Siyavumelana ukuthi uhlelo lwezempilo lwezikole, olubandakanya ukuvakasha kwabahlengikazi ezikoleni luzoqala ngonyaka ozayo ezikoleni ezingama-800 ezihlaselwe wububha ezweni lonke. Nani-ke nizohlomula kuleyo ndawo.

Kwezokuthuthukiswa komphakathi, i-Princess Mkabayi Children's Home, izolungiswa ngezigidi zamarandi eziyisithupha, nibonile uDokotela Hadebe, ophethe uMnyango wezokuThuthukiswa koMphakathi, esinika izigidi zamarandi eziyisithupha izolo.

UNgqongqoshe wezokuThuthukiswa koMphakathi wesiFundazwe uphendule isoyi ukuvula Intshisekelo Early Childhood Development Centre ezokwakhiwa ngemali eyizigidi zamarandi ezimbili. Izolo sivule i-Ke Moja Anti-Drug Campaign, nayo niyibonile.

Ngingakaqedi, ngicela ukukhuluma le nto engithanda ukuba singenelele kuyo. Kunegama engilizwile lonke leli viki likhulunywa lapha kuthiwa kukhona abantu abahamba bebuza ukuthi wena usonta kuphi uma kulethwa izidingo zomphakathi. Mina bengingalazi lelo gama futhi ngimangele ukuthi amasonto noma izinkonzo zingenaphi odabeni lokusetshenziswa kwezinto zikahulumeni. Ngibe sengibuza kuNgqongqoshe wesiFundazwe obehleli eceleni kwami engingeke ngimusho ukuthi kanti uma bethi wena usontaphi kungena kanjani lokho. Wabe eseyangichazela, ngeke nginitshele ukuthi utheni ngoba nina niyazi ukuthi nikhuluma ngani.

Kodwa-ke, ngithi umbuso uma usukhethiwe – njengoba uMongameli eshilo - ungowabantu bonke. Zonke izinhlelo zentuthuko ezilethwa umbuso kubantu, vulani umnyango umbuso ungene. Musani ukuvala iminyango la umbuso ufuna ukuletha intuthuko khona. Izindaba zamasonto azingeni lapha, kungena umbuso obusayo bese uletha izinto okufanele zenzelwe abantu, wenze izimpilo zabantu zibe ngcono emphakathini. Izindaba zamasonto nizozikhuluma ninodwa le, dedelani umbuso ungene usebenze.

Uma sengiqeda - okuningi ngizokuyekelela ozakwethu - kuMnyango wezoLimo, amaHlathi kanye neMboni yokuDoba, nisize kakhulu futhi nibonakele nidlala indima yenu. KuMnyango wezokuThuthukiswa koMphakathi nenze kahle kakhulu. Mongameli, sithole izicelo eziyi-160 eziya eMnyangweni wezokuThuthukiswa koMphakathi, kanti izicelo ezingama-95% zixazululwe khona lapha, asilindanga ukuya ePhalamende.

KuMnyango wezeMfundo, Macingwane, ngikhulumile nawe sazwana kanti ngibonge kakhulu ukuba khona kwakho. Zonke izinkinga eziveziwe uzozihambisa ngokomthetho womnyango wakho, inqobo nje thina uma sikubikele siyazi ukuthi uzozilungisa. Ngibonge kakhulu ngokubakhona kwakho nokubambisana nathi. KuMnyango kaHulumeni wokuBambisana kanye neziNdaba zezeNdabuko, Mama Nomsa Dube, ngibonge kakhulu noma ungaphumelelanga ngoMsombuluko kodwa labo obubathumele babambisane kahle kakhulu nathi kanti konke kuhambe kahle. KuMnyango weziNdawo zokuHlaliswa kwaBantu, ngiyaxolisa ukuthi anibonakalanga kahle. KuMnyango wezabaSebenzi, ngiyaxolisa ukuthi anibonakalanga kahle.


With regard to the Department of Home Affairs, 833 applications for identity documents and certificates were made and 90% of those applications were resolved on the spot. [Applause.]


uNkosazana Dlamini-Zuma ubekhona la neloli lakhe kusukela ngoMsombuluko. Bonke labo abebenezinkinga beze kimina noma kubasebenzi beminyango ngeminyango, zaxazululwa, asilindanga ukuya eKapa ukulungisa lezo zinkinga kepha sizixazulule khona lapha.

Ngithanda ukubonga oNgqongqoshe beziFundazwe bonke abebekhona, ngibonge oNgqongqoshe bonke abebekhona, ngibonge uDokotela Mkhize okade ekhona ebambisene nathi, ngibonge kuNyambose onguMeya wesiFunda, ngibonge kuMeya wasekhaya, ngibonge noMeya waseBaqulusini obekhona, nabo bonke abanye engingababalanga ngithi masiqhubekeni kanjalo. Uhulumeni wasekhaya, uhulumeni wesifundazwe nohulumeni kazwelonke basebenzisane njengeketango ukuze izidingo zabantu zifezeke. Ngiyabonga Sihlalo.




Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 41


The ACTING PREMIER OF THE NORTHERN CAPE (Ms G Cjiekella): Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the NCOP; His Excellency President Jacob Zuma; premiers and MECs who are present; leaders of South African Local Government Association, Salga; delegates of the NCOP and distinguished guests, the Taking Parliament to the People programme speaks to the progress that we as people and a country have made, as well as the challenges still facing our country.

The Northern Cape Provincial Government, which initiated the Government Meets the People programme, still appreciates and is committed to the ongoing interaction between the people and their elected public representatives. Taking Parliament to the People ensures that government accounts to the people and is responsive to their issues and needs.

In an effort to deal decisively with the challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality, the Northern Cape provincial government, in collaboration with the other spheres of government and arms of the state, has made and continues to make 2011 the year of job creation, as declared by our President, especially for the youth and people living in rural areas, through ensuring that vacant funded posts continue to be filled within the stipulated period, among other measures.

We are determined to meet the Extended Public Work Programme's overall target of work opportunities and thus making a significant contribution to halving unemployment by 2014. In pursuing this objective, the Northern Cape Provincial Government entered into a protocol agreement with the national Department of Public Works in 2009, to ensure that provincial departments and municipalities in the Northern Cape met their targets of creating not less than 135 000 work opportunities over the electoral period of 2009-14.

Since the first financial year of 2009-10 to the second quarter of the current financial year, in the second phase of the EPWP, 37 818 work opportunities were created. These work opportunities benefited target groups as follows: 57% were women; 63% were young people; and 0,6% were people with disabilities.

One of the critical challenges remains infrastructure, especially in the John Taolo Gaetsewe District. The province has developed an integrated plan to deal with the challenge but resources remain an obstacle to adequately addressing the backlogs in the province.

The President further indicated in the 2011 state of the nation address that, as government, "we will continue to provide financial and nonfinancial support to small, medium and macro enterprises, SMMEs, small-scale agriculture, as well as co-operatives". In line with this Presidential commitment of supporting the SMME sector, and working together with our social partners, we participated in the official opening of the De Beers Zimele Enterprise Development Hub. This initiative is aimed at assisting emerging businessmen and businesswomen to realise their dreams. Furthermore, it is dedicated to innovation in the support of small and medium enterprises. All efforts are directed towards developing novel solutions for its clients and their needs.

Consequently, the Northern Cape Provincial Government, through the department of roads and public works, is implementing a contractor development programme which seeks to promote and mentor women contractors to integrate easily into the mainstream of the economy. There are currently 401 women-owned construction companies across the province.

The Northern Cape successfully hosted the Maloof Money Cup World Skateboarding Championship from 29 September to 2 October this year. The Maloof Money Cup Skateboarding Championship is touted as the richest skateboarding contest in the world. Hundreds of international skateboarders, their supporters and a large contingent of global media converged in Kimberley. The Money Cup is a long-term legacy project covering all aspects of youth development in our local communities and was launched to promote skateboarding as a positive, active lifestyle for the youth of South Africa. In order to ensure that the championship indeed left a legacy in South Africa in general and in the Northern Cape in particular, the government has launched the Skateboarding for Hope outreach initiative, which is currently being rolled out across the districts of the province. This is an attempt to galvanise the youth of the country and to create awareness for the sport of skateboarding, which has become one of the fastest-growing sporting disciplines in the world.

In addition, a total of 656 jobs have been created through the different tourism initiatives across the province. The Northern Cape will also be hosting the Bloodhound Project in June 2012. This project is an attempt to set a new world land-speed record and its intention is to inspire young people to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics by building a car capable of reaching a speed of 1 600km per hour. Hosting the Bloodhound Project in June 2012 will not only impact on local economies but will also draw national and international attention, incorporating tourism, infrastructure and community development. It will transfer skills and support the overall economic development of the Northern Cape. This project will also play an integral part in the positioning of the Northern Cape as the extreme sports and recreation destination of the world.

Energy is a major catalyst for social and economic development. As such, the Northern Cape is strategically poised to play a leading role in the green economy, given the province's endless access to sunshine and wind. In accordance with our strategic positioning, it is incumbent on the province to play a leading role in the initiative regarding the proposed solar park corridor and its associate processes. The solar park, which is based in Upington, will to a large extent change the economic landscape of the province, from an overreliance on agriculture and mining to other sectors, such as manufacturing and the supply of solar-related parts and components.

The province also hosted a Provincial Climate Change Summit as part of national preparations for the 17th Conference of the Parties, COP 17, which will be hosted by our country from 28 November to 9 December 2011. The purpose of the summit was to ensure that climate change remained high on the priority list of government, private enterprise and civil society, long after the conference had come and gone.

The Northern Cape's 50 human settlement projects for 2011-12 resulted in the creation of 4 972 jobs, surpassing the target of 1 661. More importantly, over 50% of these jobs were provided to the youth. I am particularly pleased to report that due to the province's good performance, an additional R174 million was received in February this year for the implementation of human settlement projects.

As the President directed, the focus in basic education this year is on the "triple Ts" and we reiterate our call that teachers must be at school, in class, on time, teaching for seven hours a day. The Northern Cape department of education continues to monitor and track teacher attendance through the South African School and Administration System, SA-SAMS. To improve the collection of attendance data capturing, 351 youth learnerships have been created. Through the school nutrition programme, 1 524 food handlers have been provided work opportunities.

Our government remains focused in ensuring that access to higher education is expanded for children of the poor and rural masses of the Northern Cape. We can report that the process of establishing a university in the province remains an important point on our agenda. Therefore we would like to call upon everyone who is involved in this process to really work hard and fast-track this because we are looking forward to the speedy implementation of this priority.

In conclusion, much has been done but still more needs to be done to deal with unemployment, especially among our young people; grinding poverty, mostly in our black townships and rural areas; and inequality, which is largely along racial lines. We are saying that, working together, we can and must eliminate these challenges in order for us to be a truly democratic, nonracial, nonsexist and prosperous South African society, united in its diversity. [Applause.]


IPHINI LIKASIHLALO WENDLU YESISHAYAMTHETHO SEZIFUNDAZWE (Nk T C Memela): Mphakathi wakithi, ngiyacela ukuthi nihlale phansi. Nihlinzekelwe ngazo zonke izidingo zenu, akekho ozoswela. Ngicela sihloniphane, sihlale phansi. Ngiyabonga.




Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 42


Mr M J R DE VILLIERS: Chairperson of the NCOP, hon President Jacob Zuma, hon premiers and Ministers, hon members and members of the public, it is indeed a huge honour to participate in this debate today. We are all here for one goal: working together to advance the lives of our people.

Today is the 11th of the 11thmonth of 2011. It is called Remembrance Day and is also known as Poppy Day, Armistice Day or Veterans Day. On 11 November countries in the Commonwealth, South Africa too, remember those who have died in the line of duty since World War I. Hostilities formally ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, with the Germans signing the armistice. The 11th hour refers to the passing of the 11th hour, or 11am.

Today we also acknowledge the battle of Isandlwana, when 20 000 Zulu warriors retaliated against the imperial forces, slaughtering plus-minus 1 400 foreign troops on Wednesday, 29 January 1879. The Zulu nation also had serious casualties in this battle, just one of the many they fought in KwaZulu-Natal. When we were at the grounds where the battle was fought, I could feel the emotions, pain and other things that happened that day. On Tuesday evening I was struggling with these experiences. Luckily I could put the spirits and my own emotions to rest. This must never, ever happen again in South Africa.

Parliament has come here to listen to the challenges of the people in Nqutu and uMzinyathi District Municipality. In its development report of 2011, the Development Bank of South Africa said that South Africa needed 10% growth a year to create 500 000 jobs a year for the next decade. We can create more jobs if we can succeed in putting our minds and hands together in addressing corruption, nepotism, maladministration, etc. We can do this if everybody worked together as one and brought the ills in government, in all three spheres, into the open and addressed them properly.

During this week people have told us about all the ills in their area and how poor service delivery influenced their lives, causing misery and hardship. This is a shame. We also experienced that the lack of cooperation and consultation affected service delivery negatively.

Clause 27(1)(b) of the Constitution of South Africa says that everyone has the right to have access to sufficient food and water, while clause 27(2) says, "The state must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of each of these rights." Actually, government has the obligation to address the challenges mentioned.

Nqutu scored a Blue Drop evaluation of 69,84% in the Blue Drop Report. This does not mean that the water is of poor quality but that many of the management systems around drinking water are not sufficient. No Blue Drop score is available now because of the lack of information. People deserve a better Blue Drop score. Water availability is a huge problem in this area and a more concentrated focus must be applied to alleviate and address this challenge.

Teh departments of environmental affairs, local government and health also lack the means needed to work together to advance the lives of our people. Clause 24(a) says, "Everyone has the right to an environment that is not harmful to their health or wellbeing", while clause (c) states that we have the right "to have the environment protected, for the benefit of present and future generations", etc. Nqutu's dumpsite is an illegal site and is not fenced. Pieces of asbestos are openly dumped in a flood furrow. Drainage pipes are blocked by refuse. The area smells of decomposing carcasses. Pieces of a coffin are lying next to the road yet cattle are grazing on that site. Medical waste is also dumped there. While our oversight team was there, a municipal waste truck dumped its load. The driver knew that this was not a permitted area and that he should have gone to the Nondweni site, which was 11km away. Still, he dumps five loads per week at that illegal site. Again, that load of refuse dumped by the municipal truck contained medical waste. This is dangerous and a threat to the lives of people. Such irresponsibility is against the rules and laws of the department and the country.

This is not the only problem threatening people's health. In Ghost Town and Lindelani these problems are also experienced. It seems that local government officials and politicians are in complete denial of the situation. They don't care about working together to advance the betterment of our people.

The Nqutu Municipality does not have a solid waste policy and the policies of other municipalities are also in question. Our information is that the uMzinyathi District Municipality negotiated R5 million for two new dump sites - hopefully this funding will be allocated. A progress report on this is very important. Even at the Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital, no contract is in place for the disposal of medical waste.

In the education sector, scholar transport is a huge problem, especially in the rural and deep rural areas. It seems that people living in these areas are not properly serviced and our children are not being viewed as an important priority, which they are in other areas and regions. This is an injustice to them because they are part of the development of our nation. We must educate our nation – that is our future. If we do not succeed, then we have catered for a failed country. [Time expired.]




Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 42


Mr D V BLOEM: Deputy Chairperson, premiers, MECs, President, members and the community at large, let me start with what the President said regarding certain people in the Department Rural Development and Land Reform who are involved in corruption.

President, those people are criminals. They are murderers. They must be put in jail for ever. [Applause.] They are not supposed to sit in offices because they are criminals. All week long, the people here were crying for water, education and clinics. Those people are stealing the money of these people. They must go to jail. [Applause.] I know that you are going to put them in jail, President. I know you; you are going to put them in jail. [Applause.] I have four minutes but I know they are going to give me more time.

On 3 October this year, our group from the NCOP visited Mvoti Local Municipality. There is the mayor – he is sitting over there. We visited a place called Ghost Town and he was with us. The name suits the conditions under which people live there. The area was dirty and smelly. Without doubt the people living there can't be healthy. The whole area is a health hazard. There is no water system in place in that area. Regarding toilets, we can call them toilets but they are not really toilets. I think Mme Winnie Mandela's toilet committee must visit this place to see for herself. The education of the children of the area is being severely affected. When it rains, they can't cross the self-made foot bridge to get to school.

We also visited a school in that area. Let's call it a school for our purposes now. There are no toilets for the children or the teachers in that area. There are no windowpanes. All the windowpanes were broken. Doors are kept closed with pieces of wire. During our visit it was clear that goats were staying in those classrooms. Goats! It's a very painful and sad situation, very painful! And then we have people stealing the money that should be going to places like these!

On Monday the Speaker of the legislature showed us a bottle of water. She said people gave her this water so that we as members of Parliament could see for ourselves what human beings had to drink. It's the same water that animals are drinking. [Time expired.] But I said nothing! [Laughter.] [Applause.]




Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 43



Nksz N D NTWANAMBI: Mongameli, ziinkosi, naye wonke umntu okhoyo apha eNdlini ngokushiyana kwezihlalo ...,


... today we are exactly 67 days away from the historical January 8 celebration of the birth of the people's movement, the ANC. On 8 January 2012, the oldest surviving liberation movement on the whole of the African continent will be celebrating 100 years of existence. In all these years, it has been the one movement that has always been consistent and has understood the plight of our people.


Mongameli, ngemvume yakho Sihlalo, ingathi ndiyabeva abantu bale ndawo sikuyo xa besithi: "Ukhongolose uyamangalisa ngoba unothando kwaye uyanakekela." [Kwaqhwatywa.] Futhi abantu balapha bathi bayazi ukuba isidima sabo siyabuya, nabo baziva bengabantu. Kule minyaka yenkululeko sele sibonakalisile, nokuba senze kancinane kangakanani, kodwa umahluko wona siwenzile kuba noko zikhona izinto ezibonakalayo. Sisaqinisekisa ukuba izidingo zabo ziseza kufezekiswa kwaye baseza kuba ngabantu nabo. Utshintsho kwimpilo yabo lusendleleni.

Ngokwenene, Mongameli, siyavuma singuKhongolose ukuba unamhlanje akafani nezolo. [Kwaqhwatywa.] Imitha yelanga iyabonakala apha eMzinyathi. Abantu balapha bathe xa bethetha ndacinga eli culo lesiZulu lithi: "Wena ANC ukuba wawungenathi ngesafele' endleni." [Kwaqhwatywa.]

Ukuya nje kancinci kwizinto osele uzithethile, Mongameli, sibonile ukuba i-FET college ikhona. Kodwa ukuze ilunge nathi zisa kuncedisa ngokupasisa lo mthetho wokuba ii-FET zibe phantsi kolawulo lukaMphathiswa uNzimande, zingasokolisi uMphathiswa uMchunu, ukwenzela ukuba izinto ekufuneka zibe khona kwii-FET colleges zibe khona. Nathi siza kuwenza owethu umsebenzi ukubonakalisa ukuba iya dingeka.

Kwakhona, kwesikaNkosi uJiyane aph' eNquthu kwindawo ekuthiwa kuseMazingevu - ndiyathemba ukuba ndibiza igama elililo, andiwazi amagama eewadi - sibone isikolo esisakuba yivenkile yomlungu apho abantwana abafunda ibanga lokuqala ukuya kwelesithandathu befundela kwigumbi lokugcina impahla. Loo mabanga omathandathu asendaweni enye. Abebanga-R imeko yabo imbi nangaphezulu. Njengokuba kusehlotyeni balwa neenyoka ukuze zingangeni endlini. Abanandawo nazinto zokuhlala ngaphandle kokucudaniselana ezibhankeni. Yeyona nto ibuhlungu ke leyo, Mongameli. Sivile ukuba zizakwakhiwa izikolo kodwa ukuba nje bangancedwa aba bantwana msinyane. Siyacela, Mongameli nawe Mphathiswa uMchunu ukuba nibe ngathi niyakhawuleza nje kancinci, nixelise iNkulumbuso uNomvula xa besithi eRhawutini: "Kuyashehwa la".

Sivile, Mongameli, ukuba abantu balapha abanazindlu, ukuchaphazele oko. Kodwa ikhona enye indawo emasiyigxininise kukuba apha emizini isureji ihamba apha ngaphandle kwimisele eyenziwe ngabantu. Noko besicela ukuba urhulumente wephondo akhawulezise athumele nokuba ngaba bakhulu oomasipala bazokukhawulezisa ukuncedisa. Izifo siyazibiza ukuba zingene kanti sinayo indlela yokuzinqanda ukuba zingafiki.

Izibhedlele sizibone zizihle, Mongameli, kodwa inye nje indawana abayikhalazelayo abantu kukuba zincinci kuba abantu bayanda. Kodwa, eyona ngxaki kukuba abasebenzi bakarhulumente ababaphathi kakuhle abantu. [Intswahla.] Abantu abaninzi bashiya iiklinikhi zabo babalekele kule incinci yaseNquthu ngenxa yokungaphathwa kakuhle ngabasebenzi bakarhulumente.

Abantu balapha eMzinyathi bayavuma ukuba isithili siyakwenza esinakho ukwenza. Sinethemba ke ngoko ukuba konke abathe bakucela abantu bekhala baza kukufumana njengoko uMomgameli etshilo. Kwaye ndiyazi ukuba lo mbutho ukhokelwe nguMongameli ayingombutho othetha ungenzi; ngumbutho wabantu, ngumbutho owenzayo.

Xa ndivala, Mongameli, njengoko ndibona ukuba uqale wasijonga sonke ukuba siza kuthini na waze wacaphula kwezi ntetho zethu ukwenzela ukuba singakumosheli ixesha, mandithi abantu balapha bathi ilanga liyaphuma, futhi wena ANC ungena apho kungangenwa khona. Wohlula ucalu-calulo; uza kuzisa uphuhliso. Ndiyabulela. [Kwaqwhatywa.]




Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 43

Nksz N D Ntwanambi


Mnu M M M ZULU: Sekela Sihlalo wale Ndlu, Msholozi, Nxamalala, Mongameli waleli lizwe lakithi eNingizimu Afrika, amaKhosi aseNdlunkulu akhona phakathi kwethu, amalungu ePhalamende ahloniphekile, amalungu esiShayamthetho, oNgqongqoshe kaZwelonke uma bekhona kanye nabaphathi beMinyango.

Kungikhuthaze kakhulu Mhlonishwa Mongameli ukuthi ukubeke kucace ukuthi lapho esimi khona omunye wobabomkhulu, iSilo sasOndini, Inkosi uCetshwayo kaMpande wahamba namabutho akhe eyonqoba umbuso wamaNgisi. Hhayi ngoba wayeyowasukela uqobo lwawo lawo maNgisi kodwa yiwona ayezogxovagxova amalungelo abantu bakithi eNingizimu Afrika.

Ngibonga kakhulu umnikelo owenziwa abantu bakule ndawo namaKhosi kanye nawo wonke amaKhosi ayekhona ayebambisane neNkosi ayengebona abasizi bamaNgisi ngaleso sikhathi, elwa nokucindezelwa ngabamhlophe. Mhlonishwa Mongameli, sebekhulumile bonke ozakhwethu kodwa ngithi akusiyo neze imfihlo ukuthi iMikhandlu le esingaphansi kwayo, ngenxa yokuthi isemakhaya lapho singenawo amafemu, ngaleyo ndlela izinsiza zizoza kancane ngoba lapha emakhaya asinawo amafemu. Siphila ngesibonelelo esivela eMinyangweni yakho kaZwelonke ukuba sikwazi ukuphila.[Ubuwelewele] Leyonto ayiyona imfihlo, akukhona la kwelikababomkhulu uMqalajuba, kuyo yonke iNingizimu Afrika, ezindaweni zasemakhaya sinenkinga efanayo.

Njengendoda yakhona lapha eNkandla, wazi kahle ngiyazi ukuthi awubhekisile eThembisa, ilokishi laseGoli. Njengoba uthi le Minyango yakho uzoyimela ngesitswebhu, uqonde kona impela ngoba unguMongameli wokuqala kuleli lizwe okwazi ukufaka isitswebhu kuzwakale uma sesikhulumile singamaqembu aphikisayo.[Ubuwelewele nehlombe.]

Okunye esingakukhuthaza ukuba kuqikelelwe kakhulu eMinyangweni kahulumeni wukuba kungabibikho ukuncintisana phakathi kukahulumeni waseKhaya, wesiFundazwe kanye nokaZwelonke ngoba uma kuzofika uNgqongqoshe wesiFundazwe anze okuthile eMvoti, uMeya uMavundla nekhansela lakuleyo ndawo bengazi ,usuke ecekela phansi iMinyango kahulumeni kube sengathi kuyancintiswana. Akuncintiswana la uMthethosisekelo ucacile kulezi zinto. Uma sikhuluma ngoMthethosisekelo uthi uhulumeni kaZwelonke nohulumeni wesiFundazwe kumele balekelela uhulumeni wasekhaya ukuze akwazi ukufeza izidingo zabantu. Uma kuzoba sengathi kusemncintiswaneni, sidlala i-lotto noma siya emahhashini angeke sakwazi ukuzuza lutho. Izethembiso ozenzile ngiyethemba ukuthi yingoba ngempela uzizwa ngaphakathi. Ngiyabonga.






Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 44

Prince M M M ZULU

The PREMIER OF GAUTENG (Ms N P Mokonyane): Deputy Chairperson of the NCOP, his Excellency, the President of the Republic of South Africa Mr Jacob Zuma, Chairperson of the NCOP, premiers present, MECs, Members of Parliament and provincial legislatures, and fellow South Africans, good afternoon.

Two-and-half years ago, the people of South Africa told us in no uncertain terms what they expected from their country and from us as government in the current term of government. It is this, the electoral mandate of 2009, that has formed the basis of our service delivery programme in Gauteng, with the emphasis on improving the quality of education and health services, fighting against crime and corruption, creating more and better employment and promoting rural development, as well as food security.

We are now approaching the mid-term of the current term of office and we are making steady progress in all these areas. This is despite the fact that we are facing growing pressure on our services due to rapid urbanisation and in-migration. Gauteng's population is around 11,2 million, which is 22% of the country's population. It is estimated that an additional 3,2 million people made Gauteng their home between 1995 and 2009 - an annual growth rate of 2,6% compared to the national growth rate of 0,6%.

The increasing concentration of people in a few, mainly urban locations is a national trend, and a handful of dense urban areas increasingly account for a greater share of the population. For example, while Gauteng has had high levels of housing delivery compared to other provinces in the country, the percentage of people living in informal settlements continues to rise above that in other provinces due to in-migration and an increase in the number of households. The percentage of households in Gauteng that receive a state housing subsidy increased from 4,4% in 2003 to 10% in 2009, while the percentage of households in informal dwellings increased from 19,9% to 22,3% in the same period. This is way above the national average of 13,4%.

As part of our efforts to change Gauteng for the better, we continue to prioritise the implementation of key provincial flagship infrastructure projects, including projects that are going to look at the struggle heritage, projects that will focus on the women's monument, the youth monument, as well as the Oliver Tambo Memorial, which will be opened in 2012, as we celebrate the centenary of the African National Congress. [Applause.] These flagship projects will make a significant contribution to building Gauteng as a globally competitive and inclusive city region, as well as creating employment opportunities.

We have begun to turn around the education system, with the focus on ensuring quality learning and teaching in every classroom from Grade R to Grade 12. As part of our efforts to expand Grade R in order to ensure universal access to Grade R by 2014, we have established 2 421 Grade R sites and trained close to 3 000 Grade R practitioners. The 2010 Statistics SA General Household Survey shows that the enrolment of learners five years and older attending school has increased from 77,3% in 2009 to 81,5% in 2010, and we are quite certain that we will realise the Millennium Development Goals target.

We have also focused on literacy and numeracy, as well as mathematics and science in different phases of schooling. Despite interruptions to schooling resulting from the teachers' industrial action and the 2010 Fifa World Cup, performance was improved owing to matric examination camps and extra lessons during the school holidays. Matric performance increased from 71,6% to 78,9%, and we have implemented a range of interventions to ensure that we achieve our target of an 80% pass rate for 2011. Many of these interventions have focused on underperforming secondary schools and are working with close to 50 000 Grade 12 learners.

We are also implementing various programmes to ensure that learners from poor families have equal access to learning. School nutrition is provided to over one million learners in Gauteng, including over 176 000 learners from the poorest secondary schools. Gauteng also has 1 334 no-fee schools, servicing almost 51% of learners, and provides scholar transport to over 55 000 learners who live far from the nearest public school. Programmes to improve parental and community support for learners to address school safety, social services and school health have also been implemented.

In line with the desired health outcomes, we have prioritised measures to reduce maternal and infant mortality, interventions on HIV/Aids, the reduction of TB cases and health-system effectiveness, with a particular focus on primary health care. As part of our efforts to improve access to quality health care, we have extended the operating hours of 90 clinics in Gauteng and 24 community health centres now offer a 24-hour service. Communities have better access to doctors, who are now based in the health centres. We have also established seven health posts in local communities that involve community health workers and other health care practitioners.

To reduce maternal mortality, we have increased the number of pregnant women who book for antenatal care before 20 weeks gestation, thereby enabling the detection of complications at an early stage. Mass education on HIV/Aids, especially aimed at high risk groups, is proceeding apace. However, as a province, we do feel that we need to do more, in partnership with civil society, to improve the profile and visibility of the campaign.

We are pleased to report, as was announced by the SAPS, that there has been significant progress in the fight against crime in our province, with a reduction in crime in a number of crime categories in Gauteng, including murder, attempted murder, sexual offences, car hijackings and nonresidential robberies. As provincial government, we have also continued to work with a range of stakeholders on social crime prevention, particularly reducing crime against women and children. The Gauteng provincial government established 119 victim empowerment centres and we also have 83 youth desks linked to police stations to focus on the critical area of youth crime prevention.

As part of the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign later this month, we will be launching 16 local safety homes, known as "Green Doors", in our communities in different parts of Gauteng. A lot of work has been done to improve school safety, including over 200 school searches and the deployment of school safety patrollers.

While low growth levels have impacted negatively on employment levels, we are on track in implementing the Gauteng Employment Growth and Development Strategy, which will serve to promote inclusive goals and contribute to job creation in our province. As part of our efforts to stimulate economic growth and job creation, we are prioritising investment in strategic economic infrastructure in addition to flagship projects that one has referred to. Our efforts to create jobs are proceeding quite well against a target of over 240 000 in the current financial year ... [Time expired.] [Applause.]




Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 45




Mnu D D GAMEDE: Ngiyabonga Sihlalo, Mongameli wezwe, Msholozi, ngizwe lapha eMzinyathi bethi unguSabelabembiza, ngiyanibingelela nonke. Thina njengoKhongolose njengoba sizogubha ikhulu leminyaka ngonyaka wezi-2012 okuyinto ebaluleke kakhulu ekhombisa ukuthi kade siphila sonke lesi sikhathi esiyikhulu.

Okubalulekile wukuthi sesibuse iminyaka eyishumi nesikhombisa kule minyaka eyikhulu, lokho kusho ukuthi iminyaka engamashumi ayisishiyagalombili nantathu, iminyaka ebesizabalaza ngayo sicindezelwe. Abanye abantu abayibali le minyaka uma bekhuluma futhi abayibali engaphezulu kwamakhulu amane sizabalaza.

SinguKhongolose sikusho lokhu ngoba izigcawu ezifana nalezi sizithatha njengesibuko lapho thina njengohulumeni kaKhongolose sizibuka khona, lapho sizwa khona ukuthi abantu bathini; mhlawumbe bethi kulungile lapha, kuyabheda lapha, asilungise lapha. Ngalokho siyabonga kubantu baseMzinyathi nabaseNquthu.

Abantu baseMzinyathi bakhulume ngalezi zinto ezilandelayo; ukuthuthukiswa komphakathi, ukuthuthukiswa kwezindawo zasemakhaya, ezolimo, ezomlando nezokuvakasha lapha eMzinyathi nakwaZulu Natali, ukudala amathuba emisebenzi, izinselele zabaphila nokukhubazeka, ezezindlu, ukuhlaliswa kwabantu kanye nenkohlakalo. Kuningi-ke osekukhulunyiwe kepha okunye ngizokweqa ngenxa yokuthi isikhathi sesihambile.

Msholozi, bayabonga abantu ukuthi kwasungulwa lo Mnyango wokuThuthukiswa kweziNdawo zaseMakhaya neziNguquko zoMhlaba, bathi kukhona okwenziwayo, kepha kuningi kakhulu okusafanele kwenziwe, njengengqalasizinda njengoba uke washo.

Okokuqala, bancoma ukuthi isabelomali masibheke kakhulu ezindaweni zasemakhaya, phecelezi, [the budget must talk to the backlogs],nathi njengoKhongolose siyavuma. EPolokwane ngonyaka wezi-2007 sathatha izinqumo eziyi-14 ngalolu daba, kukhona ezimbili ezibaluleke kakhulu; isinqumo sesi-3(b) nesinqumo se-14 engingeke ngizibalule. Kepha lezo zinqumo zisho ukuthi abantu mabasizwe ngogandaganda, izimbewu nazo zonke izinto ukuze bakwazi ukusebenza umhlaba.

Mayelana nezolimo nomhlaba, abantu baseMzinyathi bathi ezolimo yimpilo yabo; bayadla baphinde badayise, futhi bakhonze nokufuya. Bathi bayezwa futhi bayababona ogandaganda , kepha bakhala ngokuthi labo gandaganda babuye babe namehlo. Okusho ukuthi kunamagama amabili asetshenziswayo lapha, ukuthi usontaphi nokuthi ube namehlo.

Baphinde bakhala ngokuthi kusenenkinga lapha odabeni lwamapulazi, ikakhulukazi lawa okusafanele abuyiselwe kubantu kanti ihhovisi eliphathelene nalokhu alikho lapha, alikho ngisho e-Dundee kepha lise-Newcastle.

Kwezomlando nezokuvakasha bathi le ndawo inomlando omkhulu wezimpi lapho amakhosi nabantu babelwa bezabalaza, imifula iphenduka igazi. UMongameli uzazi kahle lezo zimpi ngoba ngisho iNkosi uCetshwayo yatshalwa khona lapha eduze eNkandla. Ngakho-ke, bacela uhulumeni abalekelele babambe iqhaza kwezokuvakasha futhi bacela nendawo ingene kumgudu wezamagugu, i-Heritage Route, nomgudu wenkululeko, i-Liberation Route.

Njengohulumeni kaKhongolose sibeke ezokuvakasha ohlwini lwezinto eziphambili ngoba ziyingxenye yokuthi abantu bathole imisebenzi. Iningi labantu njengoba sekushiwo, alisebenzi, kanti indlala nobumpofu insakavukela umchilo wesidwaba.

Abantu bacela ukulethelwa izimboni ezintsha kuphinde kuvuselelwe ezinye izimayini njengezimayini zamalahle e-Dundee, e-Newcastle nakwezinye izindawo. Abanamakhono bacela ukuxhaswa nguhulumeni ukuze bazisize bondle nemindeni yabo.

Abaphila nokukhubazeka bakhale kakhulu ngalama phesenti amabili okubonakala kunzima nokuthi iminyango kahulumeni imbala ifinyelele kuwo. Bathi uma iminyango ihluleka ukuqasha abantu abakhubazekile abangamaphesenti amabili kuyothi kufika kwayishumi kuyobe kunjani.

Bathi impela kuyabonakala ukuthi uhulumeni ubanakekele abantu besifazane nabantu abasha, buka nje ngoba sekukhona amaphesenti angama-50 kanti kukhona ne-National Youth Development Agency, NYDA, ebhekelela abantu abasha.

Bacela izikole eziyisipesheli, kukhona esinye ebesisivakashele lapha eMsinga okuthiwa UkuKhanya koMsinga. Okubuhlungu wukuthi sifike sivaliwe ngenxa yokuthi amabhasi abefile engakwazi ukulanda izingane ukuze ziye esikoleni. Nokho uhulumeni kaKhongolose wenze okuningi ngalolu daba futhi ushaye ngisho imithetho efana ne-Employment Equity Act, abantu abasifisa ukuthi sengathi ingalandelwa.

Kwezokuhlaliswa kwabantu, abantu bathi akuzi kahle futhi nokho-ke abaningi sebekhulumile ngalokho. Imizamo kahulumeni icekelwa phansi; uhlelo lwezindlu nalo lunamehlo ngoba zitholwa omntakabani. Izindlu ziyakhiwa kepha azikho esimweni esihle; ziyawa, zinemifantu futhi ziyanetha. Empeleni inkohlakalo iningi kulo mnyango. Abakhubazekile bathi bona abazitholi izindlu, uma bezitholile, azihambisani nezimo zokukhubazeka. Uhulumeni wesifundazwe nomnyango basibheke ngeso lokhozi lesi simo, kuyaphenywa kanti nabathile bazoboshwa.

Sengigcina, kuningi kakhulu okukhulunywe ngabantu bakwaZulu-Natal, abaseMzinyathi nabaseNquthu. SiwuKhongolose siyababonga abantu, sikholwa ukuthi bayasithanda kakhulu, yingakho besitshela okufanele sikulungise, amaphutha nokunye nokunye.

Sihlalo, abantu bathe bayawuthanda uhulumeni kaKhongolose oholwa nguMsholozi. Abanye bathi noma intuthuko ingakafiki kubona ngqo kepha bayayibona ukuthi iyeza nakubo.

Okokugcina, bathe bayafisa ukuthi uMsholozi aphinde abe nguMongameli wezwe ngonyaka wezi-2014. [Ihlombe.] Kepha-ke, sibaxwayisile ukuthi uma kufanele abe umongameli wezwe ngonyaka wezi-2014 kuyofanele abe umongameli kaKhongolose kuqala, bathi abanankinga nalokho. [Ihlombe.] Ngiyabonga Sihlalo.




Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 46


Mr J J GUNDA: Deputy Chair, Your Excellency, President Jacob Zuma, and all protocol observed, the hon President has touched on almost 95% of the issues that I would really like to talk about, so let me say just a few things here. Working together to advance the lives of our people should, like so many campaigns, be an ongoing battle in South Africa. The departments and provincial and local government must work with and consult with all the stakeholders in order to achieve maximum results.

We should foster creativity and innovation to allow our youth and young children to explore academic, cultural and sports-related concepts. The dedication and accountability of government should ultimately be reflected in the enhancement of youth skills development and a complete overhaul of social programmes, which are generally poorly managed, to maintain South Africa as a hub of potential. We must rise to meet these challenges so that the lives and wellbeing of our people can be secured.

President, Chairperson and members, let me just say that I visited a few projects. One of them is the Isandlwana Development Project. There is a young lady there by the name of Xolile Khumalo. It amazes me that people are so humble, people who have nothing but their vision to support and develop their own people. She needs assistance. The Department of Social Development has given them just R605 000 to develop that project, so we need the other departments of government to assist this project.

Another project is a school project in Eskhaleni. It is far from here. It is a deep rural school and it needs water, a library, electricity – it needs our assistance.

The last thing I would like to say is that I have just been informed by the mayor of Umvoti regarding what happened after the visit of the NCOP from 3to 7 October. To that great town in that municipality, the Department of Human Settlements gave R104 million to build houses. [Applause.] They also gave them another R10 million, which has been there for the last five years. So the NCOP is working. Government is also working. All I am doing is challenging the departments to come to the table. The departments must know that humble people, like the people here at uMzinyathi, should not need to beg the departments. The departments need to come to the table and provide services to these people because service delivery is not a favour - it is a must. Government has committed itself to ensuring that services are delivered to the people. [Applause.]

Mr N D MASEMOLA (Limpopo)



Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 46


Mr N D MASEMOLA (Limpopo): President of the Republic of South Africa, Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the NCOP, MECs present here, members of the NCOP, comrades and colleagues, fellow South Africans, on behalf of our premier it is an honour and a privilege for me to address this august gathering of Parliament on this important occasion of Parliament meeting the people of Nquthu in order to gather first-hand information about their experiences and in particular to get an update on service delivery development programmes and other pressing issues affecting our people. We consider this programme very important because we as leaders should know and understand all the challenges that our people are facing and respond positively by working with them to address those issues.

In Limpopo we are hard at work building government institutions that are responsible and focused on delivering quality services to our people faster and better. We are registering great progress in strengthening the capacities of our structures to give a clear account of every cent spent as part of building a financially accountable system. Most of our departments and the provincial legislature have received unqualified audit reports and all government departments and municipalities are working tirelessly to ensure that their names are added to those that have done well as we advance this campaign of having clean audits by 2014.

In the midst of building clean and accountable institutions, we remain highly focused on the delivery of services to our people. We are continuing to provide our people with decent houses suitable for human settlement and to date we have already completed more than 10 000 households and been able to provide all the necessary amenities associated with housing delivery.

During the 2010 financial year, we managed to provide water and electricity to more than a million households in the province. It is important to indicate that certain parts of the province are severely affected by drought, but we are working very hard to ensure that the water shortage in such areas is addressed permanently.

We are continuing with the opening of new health care facilities, in accordance with our resolve to up the provision of access to health care services. We are also increasing the number of clinics that offer a 24-hour service and the number of facilities that provide antiretroviral drugs. Although we are making significant strides in health infrastructure development, some of our health care facilities are still without the required number of medical professionals, especially in the rural areas.

We are continuing with our programme of building strong, state-of-the-art schools and providing space for teaching and learning, qualitatively so, based on the pillars of our education revolution and advanced by a highly organised and mobilised broad front.

The creation of job opportunities for our people is one of the top issues on the agenda of our provincial government. Despite many difficulties, which have slowed down the growth rate in our country and caused turbulence in the economies of many countries, we have managed to reduce unemployment in the province. According to the recent employment statistics released by Statistics SA last week, we have succeeded in decreasing the unemployment rate from 25,1% to 19,3% in the past 12 months. This is as a result of massive infrastructure development projects and related activities in the province. We are treating this news as a clear sign of victory, attesting to the fact that we are on track in our efforts to reduce unemployment while at the same time pushing back the frontiers of poverty.

Regrettably, and notwithstanding the fact that the soil in our province is endowed with numerous mineral resources, we have to say that many of our people are still engulfed by poverty and underdevelopment. As government we have made a commitment that we will indeed make sure that the proceeds of the mineral wealth of this country are shared among our people. However, many of our people who reside next to mining activities are still living in abject poverty and are without meaningful development. Our people need an approach in this regard that will give practical meaning to the intentions of making the mineral riches of this country their heritage. We must build a strong mining industry - one that will make our people the primary beneficiaries of its growth and success.

As the government of Limpopo, we are motivated more than ever before to actualise our resolve in improving the living conditions of our people, regardless of their location. Our rural people in particular will continue to receive our special attention in service delivery programmes and we will continue to be biased towards them. We have vowed never to fail in our mission and we are certain of victory.

Thank you for the opportunity to address this Parliament of the People as we continue with our programme of mobilising a broad front for accountable government in this country. [Applause.]




Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 47


Mr M S A MASANGO (Mpumalanga): Deputy Chairperson, I want to thank the Chairperson of the NCOP, hon M J Mahlangu, and his Excellency, the President of the Republic of South Africa, hon Jacob Zuma ...


... amalunga we-NCOP nesitjhaba soke salapha eNquthu neMzinyathi ...


... hon premiers, Ministers, mayors and traditional leaders.


Angithome ngokuthokoza ikulumo ehle kangaka ephuma kuMongameli ayilethe lapha namhlanjesi. Ngitjho nokobana ngibawa ukumthokoza bona iveke ephelileko ngelanga lesi-6 kuSinyikhaba besinaye uMongameli lapha kuMasipala weMkhondo, lapho-ke asidose phambili njengesibonelo. Uthe ekuseni ngosondo nakaqeda ukuvula izindlu ezima-400, ezibizwa bonyana ma-Presidential Houses, wase ukhamba nathi saya emasimini nge-Donkerhoek lapho gade ahlubule isudu wambatha izambatho zabasebenzi namanyathelo wakhona ama-boots aphethe nelembe ahlakula nathi. Ungidosise nzima khulu nakangibona bona ngisesemutjha kangaka, khange angizwele bona ngirholophele.

Okhunye, ngithanda ukwazisa uMongameli nesitjhaba bona simuzwe kuhle uMongameli nakathi sisebenzisane nabantu bemakhaya siqede indlala begodu abantu bazenzele. EMpumalanga sihlome ihlelo elibizwa ngokuthi yi-Comprehensive Rural Development Programme, i-CRDP, okutjho bona kuzokwakhiwa ama-co-operatives wokwenza iintina, amafreyimu weminyango newamafesidiri, ibhaga lamarotho, iindawo zokusebenza ngepende nokufuya iinkomo lapho bazakubolekwa khona iinkuzi nenkomo ezizalako ngurhulumende bonyana bakwazi ukufuya. Manje ngehlelweli sitjho bona abantu bazakuvuka bazenzele.

Ehlangothini lezindlu, isibonelo, kuzokwakhiwa izindlu ze-People's Housing Process, i-PHP, ezima 5 300. Okuzokwenzeka ngilokhu: kuzokukhethwa abomasipala abalikhomba, Seven CRDP Sites, lapho kumunye nomunye umasipala kuzokwakhiwa izindlu ezima-960. Iintina namafreyimu weminyango zizabe zenziwe babantu bazenzela bona ngokwabo. Ehlelweni leli, njengoRhulumende weMpumalanga sizokusebenzisa imali engange R1,4 billion.

Ngithanda ukuthokoza uMongameli nesitjhaba ngokusikhumbuza ngePi yeSandlwana ukuze bona abantabethu bangakhohlwa bonyana inarha le yalwelwa kangangani. Namhlana sele singasaphili, bangathomi bayithengisele abogalajana. EmNyangweni wezokuHlaliswa kwaBantu ...


... we want to thank the President for his strategic vision in changing the Department of Housing into the Department of Human Settlements so that a totality of amenities will be provided to our people. This means that in addition to providing houses we must purchase land, provide bulk sewerage and water, and invite our social and education partners ...


... bona bafake iinkolo, amatliniki nama-police station, njalonjalo ...


... so that this totality of amenities makes it a humane human settlement. We think we must thank the President for that leadership and in Mpumalanga ...


... sizokubiza umhlangano wokukhulumisana nabantu ngezinto ekufanele bangazenzi, njenge-land invasion,abantu sebasukele inarha bangene bese bathi insiza azize muva.

Endabeni yama-co-operatives, siyilandele indaba le, yokobana ama-co-operatives ngokuhlukahlukana akabekhona ukuze abantu bakwazi ukuzenzela. Siphezu kwayo indaba le eMpumalanga, kungalokho-ke selengitjhwile ngokulandelisana iinsiza ngokuhlukahlukana.

Njengombana uMongameli wakhe wasivakatjhela ngeMpumalanga wasinikela iintrekere begodu wakhulumisana nabantu bona ikholiji yalokha yezefundo yeMarapyane eyavalwako kufanelwe yenziwe ikholiji yezefundo zokulima, ngalokho-ke, sithanda ukwazisa uMongameli kobana emnyakeni ozako ikholiji le izabe ivulwa.

Ngokezepilo, iMpumalanga iyasebenza. Ngithanda ukwazisa isitjhaba bona kunehlelo esilihlomileko elibizwa nge-Male Medical Circumsision, i-MMC. Abafundileko nabodorhodera bathi yehlisa izinga lokusulelana kwesifo sentumbantonga, i-HIV and Aids nge-60%. Manengi-ke amadoda asele ajike lapho kanti nathi siphethe emphakathini sikhuthaza abantu bona baziphathe kuhle. Begodu sakha namakliniki njalonjalo bona abantu baphile ipilo engcono.

Kwamaswaphela, Mongameli sikuzwile bona utjele abantu bala bonyana abantwana abaye esikolweni. Wathi wena abatitjhere abafundise, bese abantwana nabo bafunde ngokusekelwa bazali begodu urhulumende uzabasiza ngeensizakufundisa. Sikhambisana nawe, eMpumalanga siyabatjela abantwana bona abangatjarhathi khulu uthole bona nge-iri le-10, 11 nele-12 basesesendleleni ungazi bona bayaya nanyana baya buya esikolweni na. Sicabanga bona insizakufundisa lezi esele zibaliweko lapha zilethwe nangeMpumalanga ngombana abantu abanzima bazimisele bona bafunde. Ngiyathokoza Sihlalo weNdlu. Inarha ayilale, iinhliziyo zipharumelane. [Iwahlo.]


Mr M S A MASONGO (Mpumalanga)



Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 48

Mr M S A MASANGO (Mpumalanga)


INKULUMBUSO YEPHONDO LEMPUMA KOLONI (Nksz N Kiviet): Sihlalo, Mongameli, Sihlalo noSekela-sihlalo we-NCOP, iinkulumbuso ezikhoyo ezikhokelwa ngu Khabazela, usokhaya, OoSomlomo bonke, abaPhathiswa bamaPhondo, amaLungu e-NCOP, amaLungu ePalamente, amaLungu eziNdlu zoWiso-mthetho zamaphondo, abantu balapha ekhaya, ingakumbi abalapha eMzinyathi, mandithathe eli thuba ndizibulisele ngale njikalanga.

Mongameli neNdlu ngokubanzi, ndifuna ukuthi njengabantu bephondo leMpuma Koloni siyazingca ngokufumana ithuba lokuthabatha inxaxheba kule ngxongxo. Le ngxongxo imnandi kuba yingxongxo ejongise phambili, hayi ingxoxo-mpikiswano. Xa ndimamele abantu beminye imibutho namhlanje ndiphawula ukuba sicula iculo elinye elithi "abantu kuqala." [people first]. Iyandivuyisa ke loo nto.

Silapha nje namhlanje sishiya abantu bephondo leMpuma Koloni, abantu boMzantsi Afrika, bekwimeko yongxunguphalo. Ootitshala bayaqhankqalaza ngeli xesha kubhalwa iimviwo. Ndifuna ukuthoba uvalo nezibilini ngokuthi ndichaze ukuba iimviwo ziqhubile namhlanje, abantwana babhalile kuwo onke amaziko angama-191 ephondo laseMpumakoloni. [Kwaqhwatywa.] Abantwana baqale ngentsibi yethoba kwaye bagqibile ukubhala sithetha nje. Amaphepha asiwe kumaziko afanele ukuya kuwo ngokwesiqhelo.

Singurhulumente wephondo sithe asisayi kuyivumela into yokuphithikezwa zizaphuselane eziphukanekayo kuba umthetho wokuba abantu kuqala,imfundo kuqala ubekiwe, kodwa bona bakhetha ukwenza ngeyabo indlela. Kumnandi ke ukutsho kuba ngokwakuthi siye sithi "uSathana udanile, uThixo uvumile" kuba abantwana babhalile ngaphandle kwamagingxigingxi


As part of building a developmental state, we, as the people of the province, are committed to building a thriving economy that enables job creation and sustainable livelihoods. We have also committed ourselves to addressing the social ills that were inherited from our past through leveraging access to the social security net for the neediest, especially in rural areas.

During the 2011 local government elections, we made a call to work together to build better communities. We were informed by the firm belief that our people must be their own liberators, rather than spectators in the struggle for their own emancipation.


Ngoko ke, Mongameli, ekubambisaneni kwethu kunye nabantu bephondo, siye sazisikela umthamo,i-EPWP, inkqubo yokusetyenziswa kwamandla abantu ukuphucula iindawo abahlala kuzo. Ndiyafuna ukuqhayisa ke ukuba kule kota yokuqala yonyaka-mali, iphondo laseMpumakoloni libe kwinqanaba lokuqala ekuchithweni nasekudalweni kwamathuba emisebenzi engama-64 837. [Kwaqhwatywa.] Sizimisele ukuhlala phaya entloko kwaye sizimisele ukwakha ubomi obungcono kubantu bela phondo sibambisene nabo. Ngoko ke, ndicela umngeni koogxa bam.

Kwakhona, mandiyithethe into yokuba, ekuphuculweni koluntu ngokwamabakala okuphuhlisa umntu ngokunokwakhe okanye njengesiqu, iphondo laseMpumakoloni lichithe imali engangezigidi ezingama-97, unyaka nonyaka ukusuka kunyaka ka-2009 lixhobisa abantu ngezakhono ngokusebenzisana neekholeji zokwandisa imfundo noqeqesho. Ndithetha nje nawe, kulo nyaka nje uwodwa, ngamawaka amabini abantwana abathweswe izidanga kwezobugcisa kumabakala ahlukeneyo. [Kwaqhwatywa.] Oko kuthetha ukuba le nto esimane siyithetha yokungqongophala kwezakhono,thina siyekile ukuyikhwaza nokukhalaza koko senza into ngayo.

Ndigqithe ke ngokuthi, nanjengoko iSebe leZempilo lisoloko linengxaki yoogqirha nabantu abanobuchwephetshe obububo ekuphilisweni kwabantu okanye ekunyangweni kwabantu, ngokusebenzisana neSikolo seZonyango seYunivesiti i-Walter Sisulu abantwana abamalunga nama-52 baye bathweswa isidanga kwi-Clinical Associate. Ngoku banezidanga zabo kwaye bazakuncedisa kwinani loogqirha kunye neengcali zezempilo ebezikade zingqongophele. Kule nkqubo sisebenzisana neSebe leZempilo likazwelonke ukuze siyiphuhlise ukuze sandise amanani kangangoko sinakho. Siyekile ukukhalaza siyanyanga.

Ekusabeleni ikhwelo lakho, Mongameli, kwakunye nelombutho wesizwe, lokuqinesikisa ukuba imfundo yabantwana bethu isemgangathweni kwaye siyasiphucula isizwe sethu, singabantu bephondo laseMpumakoloni siye sazama ukuqinisekisa ukuba abantwana abasesikolweni bafumana ukutya ngendlela eyiyo kwaye ingekokutya nje, koko ikukutya okunempilo nokunezakhamzimba ezizizo.

Sizama indlela yokuphucula intlalo yasemakhaya ngokuthi sidibanise abantu abaneegadi nabalimayo kunye nezikolo balime iigadi ekuhlaleni ukuze bathengisele izikolo ezilapha kwindawo le abahlala kuyo. Loo nto ithetha ukuba imali ekhutshwa ngurhulumente iyakuphuhlisa abantu kwiindawo abakuzo, hayi inkquleqhu yeziniki maxabiso apho kunokuphumelela umntu oza kuzisa isonka seveki yonke ngoMvulo, kuba ehlala edolophini ze abantwana batye eso sonka sele kukubi. Ngoku, abantwana kwela phondo kwilali phantse zonke batya imifuno ephuma kwezaa gadi nephekwe ngenkathalo ngabazali babo. Ngoko ke, imali le esiyithumela esikolweni iphuhlise bona. Enkosi. [Kwaqhwatywa.] [Laphela ixesha.]

Cllr S MDABE (Salga)



Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 49



Cllr S MDABE (weSalga KwaZulu Natali): Mphathi Sihlalo woMkhandlu kaZwelonke weziFundazwe, mhlonishwa okhethekileyo uMongameli wezwe ubaba uNxamalala, umhlonishwa uNdunankulu wesifundazwe saKwaZulu Natali ubaba uKhabazela, oNdunankulu abaqhamuka kwezinye iziFundazwe, uSomlomo wePhalamende lesiFundazwe sethu, umama uNkonyeni, amalunga ahloniphekile eKhabinethi kuzo zonke izifundazwe ezikhona, amalunga ahloniphekile oMkhandlu kaZwelonke weziFundazwe kanye neSishayamthetho saKwaZulu Natali, iziMeya ezikhona nozakwethu abangamakhansela, uSihlalo weNdlu yoMdabu KwaZulu Natali namakhosi wonke akhona, umphakathi waseMzinyathi, sanibonani.

Bahlonishwa bePhalamende, kuyazeka ukuthi sisanda kubuya okhethweni lwesithathu lohulumeni basekhaya. Lapho bekubhekeke khona ukuthi siqhamuke nezinguquko zokuguqula isimo sokusebenza komasipala bonke ezweni lethu. Namhlanje sisesigabeni lapho uhulumeni wethu kufanele abuyekeze ngokuhanjiswa kwezidingo-ngqangi emphakathini wethu. Leli thuba esilitholayo lokubhekisisa ukuthi azikho yini izingqinamba nezinkinga ezenza uhulumeni wethu angakwazi ukusiza umphakathi ngokwethembisa kwakhe. Okubalulekile ukuthi izinhlaka zonke zikahulumeni kufanele zisebenzisane ekuxazululeni izinkinga ezihlangabezene nabantu bakithi.

Ingqinamba ebonakala inkulu kakhulu esibhekene nayo ukuzibophezela ezethulweni zoMthethosisekelo wezwe kanye nokubambisana kukahulumeni nomphakathi. Iziphathimandla zonke kufanele zazi ukuthi ukusebenza ngokubambisaa yikona okwenza kuqhubeke intuthuko komasipala bethu kanye nasemphakathini. Okubalulekile eqhazeni lokusebenzisana, akufanele sibheke ukuthi yisiphi isigaba sikahulumeni esingenzanga kahle kodwa kunalokho masibambisane ngoba umphakathi wona uma uvota uvotela uhulumeni owuthembayo ukuthi uzoletha intuthuko kubo.

Uhulumeni wethu, ngokubambisana ekwenzeni izinto ngendlela ehlukile, ukubeke kwacaca ukuthi izindaba zohulumeni basekhaya zidinga wonke umuntu owakhele leli zwekazi. Zonke izinhlaka zikahulumeni azilwele ukuba yingxenye yokusiza kanye nokuletha inqubomgomo kanye noMthethosisekelo olandelwayo ekusizeni umphakathi. Siyinhlangano eyengamele omasipala sikuqonda ngokugcwele ukuthi emakhanseleni ayishumi, ayisikhombisa kuwona ayaqala ukuba kulo msebenzi nasezinhlakeni zikahulumeni. Okubaluleke kakhulu wukuthi sibambisane ukuze sisheshise ukufundisa amakhansela wonke lawa amasha nalawa abekade ekhona ngenqubomgomo yokusebenza kukahulumeni futhi ebe ewenza umsebenzi wawo wokubikela imiphakathi ngokwenzekayo kuhulumeni nasezinhlakeni ezahlukeneyo.

Lapha KwaZulu Natali sinezikhala eziyishumi nanye zezimenenja zomasipala okufanele ngabe yizona ezihola ukuphathwa komasipala. Sinezikhala eziyishumi nesithupha zalabo abangochwepheshe noma ongoti ekuphathweni kwezimali zomasipala. Sihlela noMnyango Bezokubusa ngokuBambisana kanye nezobuHoli boMdabu, ukuhlela kanye nabezemfundo ephakeme, ukuqeqesha kulawa makhono esiwaswele, ikakhulukazi njengoba ukuhlala kwaleli Phalamende kulapha eMzinyathi. Amalungu ahloniphekile azibonele ngokwawo ukuthi izikhala zobuchwepheshe ukuze abantu bekwazi ukuqala ukuthola ingqalasizinda kube nohlelo oluhlelekile lokuhlelwa kwezimali ukuthi ingqalasizinda ekhona iphathwa kanjani; kuhlelwa kanjani ukuthi iphatheke leyo ngqalasizinda.

Okuvelile eMzinyathi akusikhona nje okwaseMzinyathi kuphela kodwa nabanye omasipala bezifunda banayo inkinga efanayo. Siyinhlangano emele omasipala sizimisele ukulekelelana nayo yonke iminyango kahulumeni ukusiza ukuthi oMasipala bakwazi ukwenza umsebenzi wabo ngendlela efanele. Sihlela nomasipala ukuthi ngonyaka wezi-2014 bonke omasipala bakwazi ukuthola imibiko emihle kuMcwaningimabhuku. Usemkhulu umsebenzi okufanele wenziwe ukuze sifinyelele esinqumweni sethu, siyazibophezela ekutheni sonke sisebenzisane. Ngokubambisana kanye nokumela omasipala bethu ezinhlakeni ezahlukeneyo, sizoqhubeka nokungena ezingxoxweni zemithetho ethinta ukusebenza kohulumeni basekhaya ukuze kungabambezeleki izidingo zabantu emphakathini abahleli kuyo.

Siyafisa ukudlulisa ukuthi konke okudingwa ngumuntu ngabe usesesiswini sikamama wakhe aze ayobelethwa, akhule angene abe yingane efundiswayo, aze abe ngumuntu omdala akwazi futhi nokuzimela kuze kube kufika ekugcineni kwempilo yakhe. Konke lokho kudinga iKhansela. Siyabonga Mphathi wohlelo. [Ihlombe.]

Mr M MASIKE (Northwest)



Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 50

Cllr S MDABE (Salga)

Mr M MASIKE (North West): Chairperson, His Excellency, President Jacob Zuma, our hosting Premier of KwaZulu-Natal, Dr Zweli Mkhize, and other premiers, Amakhosi wethu, MECs, mayors and councillors who are here, ...


... nani bantu balapha ekhaya eNqutu siyanibingelela nonke.


I come from a province called the North West, which is 60% rural and has an unemployment rate of 22%.


Okusho ukuthi masila eNquthu sizofunda ngoba izinto eziningi ngathi ziyafana nalezi zasekhaya.


In the North West we are trying very hard.


Mongameli, siyazama kakhulu ukuthi,


We must entrench the culture of participation in decisions of government. We are going to have an imbizo on 16 November in the Dr Kenneth Kaunda district. We have already done so in one of our districts, the Dr RSM district. These izimbizo are going to influence the budgetary cycle of next year.

We have already confronted municipalities that are not performing, giving them the order that 40% of the budget must be spent on roads and other infrastructure that are not income-generating. We have also issued orders to our municipalities that 60% of their budget must be spent on income-generating infrastructure development, because this formula has shown us that it is a productive formula that makes municipalities sustainable. We have also given the order that the salary bill must be kept at 33% of the total budget.

In 1994, when the ANC-led government took over, the infant mortality rate was still classified in terms of racial groups. So, in 1994 the infant mortality rate of blacks was 10 times higher than the infant mortality rate of whites, in other words 130 per 1 000 births compared to 13 per 1 000 births. Today we are happy to report that our infant mortality rate has dropped to 8 per 1 000 births. [Applause.] We agree that this is not good enough. We agree that one death of a baby is a death too much, but we believe that development is a human-centred, people-driven but multifaceted process. That is why, in addressing our problems, we understand that it is a journey.

We admit that our road infrastructure is not good enough. Through the facilitation of the premier, we are going to discuss with the presidential infrastructuretask team how they can help us to have better roads.

We are aware that we also have backlogs in water availability, especially in areas such as Tlokweng and Bojanala. The department of water affairs is on board to assist us in developing a better strategy. We have gathered all water service providers under one roof, not just to come up with a strategy but with an implementation plan that will place resources where our people need them most.

May I take this opportunity to report once again that our HIV counselling and testing, HCT, campaign in the North West exceeded expectations? In the end we achieved 109% of our target. We took the instruction very seriously and in the end 109% was the highest figure in the country. It shows that we understand the instructions as given. Of course, we do have challenges. As you know, we are no different from the rest of the country. We face the same quadruple burden: HIV and Aids; TB; maternal and child mortality; noncommunicable diseases; injury and violence. But we have a plan and we know what needs to be done. We are working very hard on improving our health infrastructure. We are working very hard to recruit doctors and nurses. This is very difficult. We have what we call a rural allowance to try to get doctors to our rural areas. But we also know that money is not enough to make people do good work. Our public servants, our doctors and our nurses must also want to do a good job. We are busy recruiting retired nurses and retired social workers because we believe that it is not the years in your life but the life in your years that matters. Some of them are back and they are helping us.

We have adopted the paediatric ward of our local tertiary institution in Mafikeng. Our premier has been able to organise a trust to which business contributes, helping to make this ward look like a hotel room.

In conclusion, we have learnt from this interaction that if we come together as government to share experiences, we can come up with a far better solution. Siyabonga kubantu baseNquthu. [Thank you.]





Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 51

Mr M MASIKE (North West)


UNDUNANKULU WESIFUNDAZWE SAKWAZULU NATALI (Dkt Z Mkhize): Siyabonga Sihlalo woMkhandlu Kazwelonke Wezifundazwe baba uMahlangu ohloniphekile, sibingelele kuMongameli wezwe uNxamalala uMsholozi, sibingelele iSekela likaSihlalo woMkhandlu Kazwelonke Wezifundazwe, uNdunankulu wase-Gauteng, umama uMokonyane ohloniphekile, nomama uKiviet uNdunankulu owumakhelwane ngapha eMpumalanga Kapa, amalunga ahloniphekile oMkhandlu Kazwelonke Wezifundazwe, oNgqongqoshe besiFundazwe saKwaZulu Natali, uSomlomo wePhalamende, iSekela lakhe, namaLungu ahloniphekile esiFundazwe, iziMeya zonke, amakhosi onke, umphakathi wonke waseNquthu namaphethelo.

Ngizoqala ngibonge ukuthi uMongameli uNxamalala akwazi ukuphumelela namhlanje. Siyabonga kakhulu Mhlonishwa Nxamalala, inkulu kakhulu intokozo esinayo njengomphakathi wakwaZulu Natali ukuthi sivakashelwe nguwe. Bathe wusuku oluhlukile-ke namhlanje ngoba izinsuku ziyi-11 enyangeni ka-11 onyakeni wezi-2011. Silubona njengosuku olubaluleke kakhulu, futhi sijabulela nje ukukubona ngoba siyazi ukuthi izwe lonke likhala ngawe liyafisa ukukubona lapho ungakhona. Sibonga kakhulu ngenkulumo osuyibekile, sibonga futhi ukuthi usinikeze ithemba phezu kwezinto ozishilo abantu balapha eNquthu abazizwile eziyizinhlelo okufanele zenzeke. Ngifuna-ke ukugcwalisela kakhulu emazwini akho, ukuthi njengoba usushilo ukuthi sizozilandela zonke lezi zinto ukuba zibonakale ukuthi ziyenzeka. Nami ngilapho ngiyavuma ukuthi njengoba usushilo kuzokwenzeka, sizokulandela ngendlela efanele.

Ngibonge kakhulu ubaba uMahlangu nesiGungu sonke soMkhandlu Kazwelonke Wezifundazwe, ngendlela enivakashe ngayo nangendlela enisenze sazibona sibaluleke ngayo, ukuba ningene zonke izindawo. Ngizwile ukuthi nivakashele izindawo ezingama-50 okungajwayelekile. Kodwa ngifuna ukubonga ukubambisana kwethu kanye noNgqongqoshe bonke nesiShayamthetho ukuthi sibendawonye lapho sihamba khona neziMeya, amakhansela, namakhosi ukuze kubonakale uhulumeni obambisene nobambene.

Ngifisa ukubabonga nabantu balapha, ikakhulukazi eNquthu kanye nesifunda sonke soMzinyathi, neziMeya, namakhansela, namakhosi akhona ukuthi niphatheke kahle uma nihamba nokuthi uma befika baziveze zonke izinto okufanele zixoxwe. Kusijabulise kakhulu. Ziningi futhi izinto ezikhulunyiwe, ziningi ezilungisiwe njengoba sengichazile.

Ngiyafuna nje ukudlula Mongameli ukuthi cha, bekusetshenzwa impela kuyacaca futhi ukuthi ziningi izinto ebezikhulunywa phezu kwalokhu obukubalula okufana nomsebenzi wokulethwa kwamanzi; okuwumsebenzi omkhulu oqhamuka kuhulumeni kazwelonke oholwa nguMsholozi. Laphaya Kwahlazakazi bekuyovulwa uhlelo lwamanzi – baluchazile. Iningi imali eyafakwa khona engaphezu kwezigidi zamarandi eziyi-100 kanye nezinye izinhlelo ezikhona zokulungisa amapitsi ezindaweni ezehlukene. Amanzi afuna ukulungiswa ezindaweni zakoNondweni kanjalo nangapha koMsinga, Ophathe.

Kunohlelo futhi lwamanzi olusebenzayo oseluqashe abantu abasha abaningi, ngiyakhumbula ngoba kula masonto adlule bekufike uSekela Ngqongqoshe Wezemisebenzi Yomphakathi ezofundisa abantu abasha. Kwathathwa nje cishe abantu abasha abangaphezu kwe-100 bahamba bayofundiswa, okuyizinhlelo-ke eziningi esizisebenzayo lapha kule ndawo.

Ngiyafuna-ke ukuthi ngibonge kukho konke lokhu kubambisana okwenzekile bese ngithi-ke ezinye izinto ezikhona, njengalolu daba olushisa kakhulu obekukhulunywa ngalo lokulahlwa kokungcola lapha ngaphakathi eNquthu. Ngizwile ukuthi wudaba lolu olwenyusa kakhulu imimoya. Ngizocela nje koMeya namakhansela, amakhosi, kanye nomphakathi ukuthi cha, ake kubanjiswane, noma-ke udaba lunyusa imimoya kodwa kuhle uma sisebenza izindaba zomthetho sibambisane.

UNgqongqoshe Wezohulumeni Basekhaya umhlonishwa uDube, noDokotela uDlomo bazobambisana nomama u-Lydia Johnson ophethe Ezemvelo Nezolimo bese bezomelekelela ukuthi sikwazi ukulungisa leyo nkinga. Siyacela nje ukuthi kungaqhubeki ukuthi kube nezinto ezingekho emthethweni ezenzekayo ngoba wudaba okufanele silulungise lolo futhi luyezwakala ukuthi lusukaphi.

Nodaba lwesikole obelubalulwa laphaya eNtinini ngaphansi kweNkosi uJiyane, olubekwe ohloniphekile umama uNtwanambi – udaba lwesikole esafakwa nje ngomdlandla womphakathi singabhalisiwe – safakwa nje lapho bakhosela khona kodwa-ke wudaba olulungiswayo ngendlela efanele. Empeleni ziningi lezi zikole ezinjengalezi, lapho uthola ukuthi izingane zimbalwa kube kufuneka kube khona isikole. Uthole ukuthi ukuqala ebangeni loku-1 kuze kuyofika phezulu kufuneke uthisha mhlawumbe abe munye noma ababili kodwa kuthi ngenxa yenani elincane lezingane bese zingafundiseki. Lokhu ngenye yezinto ezifuna ukulungiswa ukuba kutholakale indlela yokuzithwala zisiwe esikoleni esizokwazi ukuziqoqa zonke.

Enye inkinga engiyizwile nakhona eyokuthi kunenkinga yamabhuloho, amanye amabhuloho aqalile ukwakhiwa. Kusho ukuthi uhlelo nje engifuna ukuthi silubambisane ngoba akuyona inkinga engasehlula uma siyibambisana. Ngakho-ke, siyafisa ukuthi kubanjiswane ngaleyo ndlela. Ziningi-ke ezinye izinhlelo ezicaciswayo ebezichazwa. Ubaba uMagadlela ubekhuluma lapha, ubaba uGamede ngokuthi njengoba le ndawo kuyindawo yomlando, sengathi ingafakwa ngaphansi kohlelo Lwendlela Yamagugu, i-Heritage Route. Uhlelo lukhona ngingabika nje Mongameli ukuthi sesasifaka isicelo ku-Lotto ukuthi kwakhiwe isithabathaba sento ezokwazi ukudonsa abantu laphaya eSandlwana. Noma singakalungi-ke isicelo kodwa-ke umsebenzi siyaqhubeka nawo futhi sifisa ukuthi sibambisane kuwona.

Ezinye izinhlelo-ke okukhulunywa ngazo ngicabanga ukuthi baluchazile kakhulu uhlangothi lwezolimo njengoba sinenkinga yemisebenzi, ogandaganda bazolethwa. Kodwa-ke njengoba sizwile kukhona isikhalo esivelayo, umhlonishwa uyethembisa ukuthi uzokulandela lokho sibone ukuthi abanjani abantu abagcina bengabatholile ogandaganda bokubasiza ngoba indaba yogandaganda ababonayo asiyisebenzi. Into enkulu ebengiyikhuza nakulo nyaka odlule ngoba kwakwenzekile nakugesi ukuthi amakhansela aphethe iminyango akhethe abantu nemizi; lokho asikwemukeli, namanje sifisa ukuthi sengathi iziMeya zingayisukumela ukuze iphele.

Lapha-ke selokhu siqalile, khona bekungakabi khona inkinga yokubangisana noma ibikhona kohulumeni abedlule inkinga yokungabambisani, kodwa inciphile kulokhu. Ngicabanga ukuthi-ke kungumsebenzi wabo abantu ukuthi bazikhethele ukuthi obani abazosebenza, kungabikhona ukudonsisana. Kodwa-ke kusebenzeka kahle kangangokuthi uMcwaningimabhuku-Jikelele besikhuluma naye ngendlela esisebenze ngayo ukucwaninga amabhuku, uthe kulokhu wayesesho ukuthi uzihambele zonke iziMeya zakhombisa ukuthi zizimisele ukuthi zibambisane ukuze amabhuku atholakale asesimweni esifanele.

Sizobonga-ke nje, sithi umsebenzi owenziwe siyawubonga kakhulu, Nxamalala, nomphakathi wonke kuvelile ukuthi intando yeningi iyasebenza. Ngakho-ke sethemba ukuthi niyohamba niye emakhaya ninethemba lokuthi sizoqhubeka nokubambisana senze izimpilo zibengcono. Ngiyabonga kakhulu, mhlonishwa. [Ihlombe.]




Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 52


Mr R J TAU: Chairperson, Your Excellency, the President of the Republic, members and the public, this morning I was reminded of a very important evolution that has taken place in our country. As young people, we were taught the distorted history of South Africa. Hon De Villiers reminded me of that history when he mentioned that as a result of his experience at the museum he learnt at some point that the Zulus "retaliated". In actual fact, this is not about retaliation. If you look at South African history and the manner in which it was distorted, you will find that we were taught that when the African warriors went on an offensive to attack and defend their land, it would be said that the Europeans "retreated" when in actual fact they ran away! [Laughter.] And when the African warriors attacked and went on the offensive, it is said that they "retaliated". They did not retaliate; they actually defended what belonged to them. It is therefore important that we reaffirm our position of rewriting the history of South Africa to ensure that our children learn the real history. [Applause.]

I was also quite impressed to learn from the hon De Villiers that the DA has finally agreed that the ANC was not wrong in saying that working with our people we can do more. He kept on repeating and reminding us that together, all of us will definitely do more. Thank you very much for that. [Applause.]

One thing that I found quite disappointing coming from the hon De Villiers, and something that I think is important for us to bring up very sharply, is that the DA is unashamed of the fact that it represents the interests of big capital. It represents the interests of the minority that own the majority of the resources of this country. I had thought that given this experience in Nquthu, and having seen the kind of colonial structural imbalances that resulted from that dispossession by the colonisers, as was clearly articulated by the President this morning, the hon De Villiers would declare that from now on the DA was going to mobilise its constituency – private capital and big private companies - to invest more money in infrastructure development in rural areas. What is happening right now is that the private sector has assumed the character of a parasitic South African citizenry. They are waiting on government to invest money in infrastructure development in the rural areas and only then will they come in. When will the Pick 'n Pays, Shoprites and Checkers of this world say that they are going into the rural areas like Nquthu because they have seen people growing cabbages that are bigger than my head? When are they going to ask how they can to assist those people to produce crops that they will be able to sell and, as a result, ensure that they integrate those people into the broader economy of our country?

It is important that we do not lose sight of the fact that we need to aggressively call on the private sector, in particular those who are, in the main, the constituency of the DA, to really play their role and not sit on the periphery.

For that reason we perhaps need to pause a little and ask ourselves: "What exactly has the ANC been saying all along?" As the ANC we have consistently said that our cause is the creation of a united, nonracial, nonsexist, democratic and prosperous South Africa. The question we need to ask ourselves is why this strategic position or objective was adopted as we advance our cause of transforming our country. It is informed, of course, hon Bloem, by a very simple matter: the structural challenges that we find in places like Nquthu.

The fact that we have these kinds of challenges in the rural areas is not of our own making. It is not the making of our own people. It is the making of a particular economic system. We must be honest: That economic system is nothing but capitalism, and it would not have survived if it had not relied on the labour reservoir that was deliberately developed – where? - in the rural areas. It is through that labour reservoir - that men and boys would leave rural areas to go and sell their labour for a wage - that the exploitation of workers and the particular conditions of our people in the rural areas continued.

So, the challenges we are facing today are not the making of our people. Hence, as the ANC, we resolved that one of our key priorities would be rural development – and not just rural development for the sake of rural development. [Applause.] We have said that when we talk about rural development, we were going to ensure that at the economic heart of our infrastructure development and in our infrastructure investment programmes will be the linkage of the rural economy with the urban or developed economy. In so doing, we will be entrenching the character of economic dualism in South Africa. Through that we will then be able to resolve the structural problems that we have in our country.

It is for that reason that we, the ANC, agreed with the President when he opened Parliament in 2011 and said that 2011 would be the year for job creation, with specific emphasis on rural job creation and rural economic development. The President called on the nation - on everybody - to rally all our resources for infrastructure development as a means of and a base for growing our economy because through that we will be able to create jobs, improve on our skills and so forth.

Hon President, while as Members of Parliament we support your view of infrastructure development as a principal issue, it was quite disappointing during the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement to see that most of the departments, particularly in provinces, rolled over money that was meant for infrastructure development. We think this is a matter that needs to be addressed very urgently and we call on the executive and on provinces to do so. [Time expired.] Oh dear, I wanted to conclude but, nevertheless, thank you very much. [Applause.]

The CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: You have done well, so don't worry, hon member.




Friday, 11 November 2011 Takes: 53 & 54



UMONGAMELI WERIPHABHULIKHI YASENINGIZIMU AFRIKA: Ngiyabonga kakhulu Mphathisihlalo, ngethuba onginika lona futhi. Ngiyafisa ukuthi ngibonge kakhulu uMkhandlu KaZwelonke weziFundazwe ngokuhlala njalo wakha leli ithuba lokuba sikwazi ukuhlangana kanje nabantu okuyibona abangabanikazi bePhalamende. Ngicabanga ukuthi lesi senzo siyinto enhle kakhulu ngoba senza ukuthi sikwazi ukuhlangana ndawonye sikhulume ngezinto eziyizingqinamba neziyizinselele phakathi kwethu ukuze abantu bazizwele ukuthi uhulumeni uthini.

Ngithanda futhi ukuthi ngibonge wonke amalungu ahloniphekile ePhalamende abambe iqhaza kule nkulumo ebilapha namhlanje ngoba asho izinto eziningi ezibalulekile. Ukuvezwa kwamathuba anje kuyisibonakaliso esihle kakhulu sokuthi umbuso wentando yeningi muhle ngoba usinikeza ithuba lokuphefumula ngemibono nangezinto esicabanga ukuthi zingenziwa.

Ngijabule kakhulu Sihlalo ohloniphekileyo, ukuzwa ukuthi kulokhu kuvakasha kwenu nivakashela lapha eNquthu nikwaze ukuvakashela izindawo ezingamashumi amahlanu, okungaphezulu kwenijwayele ukukwenza ezindaweni ezahlukahlukaneyo. Nabamba imihlangano eyisishiyagalombili kanye nabantu, nabanika ithuba lokuthi bakwazi ukuphefumula ngezinto ezibadlayo mhlawumbe nangemibono abanayo yokuthi kufanele ukuthi uhulumeni asebenze kanjani noma iPhalamende lisebenze kanjani.

Lokhu kungubufakazi obugcwele ukuthi ngempela ngempela indlela yombuso wentando yeningi iyenzeka. UMkhandlu kaZwelonke weziFundazwe ube yisibonelo - kungapheli nje ngokuba sithi yiPhalamende labantu elikhethwa ngabantu - libe yisibonelo esihle sokuthi ngempela ngempela abantu babamba iqhaza. Nabantu bathole ithuba lokubamba iqhaza kunkulumompikiswano, hhayi inkulumompikiswano nje ekhuluma ngezinto emoyeni - kafushane ithiyori - kodwa inkulumompikiswano ekhuluma ngezinto ezidla umphakathi. Kuyisibonelo esihle-ke lokho.

Mphathisihlalo, enye into enhle kulokhu kuza kwePhalamende phakathi kwabantu wukuthi sithola ithuba lokuthola imibiko - abantu bangayizwa nje noma bayifunde emaphepheni - kodwa bazibonele amalungu ePhalamende, oNgqongqoshe kanye noNdunankulu bethula imibiko. Ngifuna ukubabonga kakhulu oNdunankulu ukuba bathole ithuba lokuneka imisebenzi abayenzayo kuzifundazwe abaziphetheyo. Uma oNgqongqoshe bezifundazwe bengakwazi ukuba khona bathumele ababameleyo.

Ngiyafisa ukubakhuthaza oNdunankulu ukuthi kufanele bayikhuthalele le mihlangano. Kwabayisishiyagalolunye abantu mhlawumbe kumele kube khona abayisithupha kungabi abathathu kwabayisishiyagalolunye. [Ihlombe.]UMkhandlu kaZwelonke weziFundazwe unokubaluleka abanye abantu abangakuqapheli, yiwona wodwa oyisakhiwo esihlanganisa lezi zigaba ezintathu zikahulumeni, uZwelonke, iziFundazwe noHulumeni baseMakhaya ngakho-ke le sakhiwo sibaluleke kabi.[Ihlombe.] Akufanele ukuthi sisithathe kancane, ngakho ngifuna ukubabonga oNdunankulu abakhona namhlanje ngoba lokho kuzimazisa leli Phalamende eliza phakathi kwabantu. Kuhle nje nabantu bazibonele oNdunankulu bakwezinye izindawo abangabazi, abahlala bebabona ezithombeni bazibonele mathupha. [Ihlombe.] Abantu lapha sizibonela bona mathupha.

Ngifuna ukubonga umphakathi waseMzinyathi. Hawu! Niphume ngobuningi benu impela. Ngicabanga ukuthi ngisho namaLungu ePhalamende akhona lapha awazisoli ukuthi abeyaphi. Ayabona ukuthin aze kubantu abazimisele ukuzozwa, balalele futhi abathokozela ukuthi kunoshintsho oluzolethwa wukuvakashelwa yiPhalamende nabo bazozibonela ukuthi igcagcele esokeni.

Ngiyazibonga izinkulumo - angeke ngangena kuzona ngayinye ngayinye - ngoba zonke bezizinhle, zihlabahlosile futhi zakha. Okusemqoka wukuthi lokhu esithe sizokwenza la njengohulumeni kufanele ukuthi sikwenze. Uma nizibophezele ngale ndlela enizibophezele ngayo bantu bakahulumeni nabantu basePhalamende, hhayi nizosile ngoba impela ngizonelusa.

NginoMnyango owelusayo lapha okuthiwa Ukubheka Ukusebenza kanye Nokukala [Ihlombe.] Ngijwayele ukufika ngingazange ngishaye ucingo ungibone sengithi gulugudu ngizobona ukuthi kuhamba kanjani ngoba uma ngike ngathi ngiyeza, hawu kulandwa ubulongwe bethole obunothile kusindwe ngabo kube luhlaza cwe endlini kube kuhle. Ngifuna ukufika uma indlu uwubhuqu impela ingasindwa, ngibone ukuthi kuhlalwe kusindwa yini lapha ekhaya. Sizibophezele-ke bakwethu, ngizofisa ukuthi esikushilo sikwenze.

Ngithande iphuzu elilodwa enkulumeni yalowo omele uhulumeni waseNyakatho-Ntshonalanga lokuhamba kuhlolwe isimo phakathi kwabantu ukuze kuthi uma sekwenziwa isabiwomali, sihambisane isimo. Yinto ebalulekile kakhulu leyo engicabanga ukuthi uhulumeni ngokomthetho bekufanele ukuthi azi ukuthi izingqinamba nezinkinga zabantu zikuphi abese ebuka ukuthi yikuphi okungaqalwa ngako. Kufuneka singazicabangi izinto ezihamba phambili ngokuthi sizihlalele phansi sithi sakha isabiwomali, kodwa ukwakheka kwesabiwomali makugqugquzelwe ukuthi isimo nezidingo zithini. Ngiyethemba ukuthi siyohamba sihambe size sifike lapho kube kuhle.

Sihlalo ohloniphekile namaLungu onke eNdlu ahloniphekile kanye nomphakathi, okuningi sekukhulunyiwe, okwami wukubonga inkulumo ebe khona namhlanje ehambe kahle kakhulu yaletha ithemba. Asithembe ukuthi ukufika kwePhalamende la namhlanje eMzinyathi, eNquthu akuzukuba ngokokuqala noma okokugcina, liyophinda libuye futhi nangelinye ilanga. Ngiyabonga Sihlalo. [Ihlombe.]




Friday, 11 November 2011 Take: 54



USIHLALO WOMKHANDLU KAZWELONKE WEZIFUNDAZWE: Ngiyabonga, seningahlala phansi. Lalelani-ke ukuthi sizokwenzani manje. Hlalani phansi nonke nithule, asikaqedi. Kudala nginibambile ngiyanizwa nilokhu nililizela kancane, ngoba-ke iPhalamende lihlezi ngokusemthethweni, siyaye singakuvumeli lokhu kodwa ngithanda ukuthi ngiwuhoxise kancane lo mthetho nginivumele nililizelele uNxamalala. Lilizelani nginipha ithuba elilodwa nje.

Ngiyabonga, kudala nginizwa ukuthi nizibambile nifuna ukulilizela kodwa niyehluleka, bengithi anginiphe nje lelo thuba. Ngicela senze lokhu engizokukhuluma, uMongameli kanye namaLungu ePhalamende bayaphuthuma ngoba izindiza zabo ziyabashiya. Ngizowuvala lo mhlangano, uma ngiqeda ukuwuvala kufuneka ngiphume nale nduku eseceleni kwami ngiye nayo phandle. Uma ngisukuma phuma nayo phandle, ngicela amaphoyisa avale izicabha ezingemuva kungabi khona muntu ophumayo, nihlale phansi nonke kuze kuphume uMongameli. Anisukumi futhi anihambi uMongameli engekaphumi.

Uma uMongameli esephuma sizokwenza okulandelayo; ngizobiza uMongameli uqobo lwakhe eze ngaphambili uma sengiphuma, kulandele nguNdunankulu wesiFundazwe saKwaZulu-Natali, uDokotela Mkhize,uSomlomo wesiFundazwe saKwaZulu-Natali, uMhlonishwa uDokotela Dlomo oqondene neZempilo, uMeya waseMzinyathi noMeya waseNquthu. Sizophetha umkhosi ngenqubo yakhona ezothatha nje imizuzu eyisihlanu kuphela ukuze amalungu akwazi ukukhululeka masinyane.

Okokuqala, ngithanda ukubonga ubaba uDlomo,uMnyango wakhe weZempilo izihlalo zamasondo ezingama-50 ukuba sinikezele kulabo abahluphekile, abaphila nokukhubazeka. Zingama-50 kodwa uMongameli noNdunankulu bazonikezela ngezimbili nje kuphela, abaningi sebezoqedelelwa nguMnyango. Uma sesiqedile uMeya waseMzinyathi kanye noMeya waseNquthu bazophetha owabo umsebenzi. Ngiyethemba sizwene kahle. Nihlale phansi nithi cwaka, ngizocela nje imizuzu eyisihlan ukuze sense le nqubo. Sengiyaphuma-ke. Indlu isiguqile.

Debate concluded.

The Council adjourned at 13:45.


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