Legislature Programme for 2018-09-26


As adopted by the Whips Forum on Wednesday, 5 September 2018 and amended on 14 September 2018




Thursday, 27 September 2018


08h00 to 10h00         -           Caucus/ study group meetings


10h00 to 10h21         -           Preliminaries (21 mins)


10h21 to 10h22         -           1st ANC Member Statement (1 min)


10h22 to 10h23         -           DA Member Statement (1 min)


10h23 to 10h24         -           2nd ANC Member Statement (1 min)


10h24 to 10h 30        -           Response by the Member(s) of the Executive Council in

                                                conclusion of a Member Statement (6 mins)


10h30 to 10h50         -           Report by the MEC for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison

                                                on the Department of Transport service delivery programmes that

                                                have taken place  within the Fifth Term in Uthukela District and

                                                plans still to be implemented noting that October is a transport

(20 mins)  


10h50 to 11h20         -           Report on Heritage Day Celebrations by the Premier – 30 mins

11h20 to 12h20         -           Debate on Heritage Day Celebrations – 60 mins

12h20 to 12h30         -           Response by the Premier to debate – 10 mins


12h30 to 13h30       -           LUNCH


13h30 to 13h40        -        Introduction of the 2018/2019 NFP Party Motion

by the Mover (10 mins)




Hon VR Mlotshwa moved that:


NFP is delighted by the court ruling that personal use of Dagga (Insangu) is not criminal. However people wanted not only dagga but their land so that they may grow this herb in their LAND.


NFP appeal to the Department of Agriculture & Health in KZN to develop support mechanisms on Dagga Farming in line with the regulations.


The court ruling adds to another fundamental reason why our people should get back their Land. 


This house therefore resolve:

That we open a debate on commercialising farming of dagga in order to accelerate rural development. Especially with dagga being scaled up for medicinal purposes.


13h40 to 14h40        -        Debate on the Motion (60 mins)

14h40 to 14h45        -        Response to debate by the Mover of the Motion (5 mins)

14h45 to 14h55         -           Report on the Environmental Affairs Portfolio Committee

                                                International Study Tour to Australia and Mauritius, 2017

(10 mins)

14h55 to 15h55         -           Debate on the report (60 mins)

15h55 to 16h00         -           Response to debate by the Chairperson (5 mins)


16h00 to 16h10         -           Report on the 2017/2018 Unaudited close-out report by the

Chairperson of Finance Portfolio Committee (10 mins)



16h10 to 16h15         -           Report on the 2017/2018 Unaudited close-out report of the

Legislature by Chairperson of STACOV (5 mins)



16h15 to 17h15         -           Debate on the 2017/2018 Unaudited Close-out reports

(60 mins)



17h15 to 17h20         -           Response to the 2017/2018 Unaudited close-out debate by the

Chairperson of Finance Portfolio Committee (5 mins)


17h20 to 17h28         -           Response on the 2017/2018 Unaudited close-out report of the

Legislature by the Chairperson of STACOV (3 mins)


17h28 to 17h33         -           Response by the MEC for Finance to debate (5 mins)



17h33                  -        END OF PROCEEDINGS





Taking Legislature to the People – 25 to 26 October 2018,




Celebrating the centenary year of Tata Nelson Mandela under the theme “be the legacy” and Mama Albertina Sisulu under the theme “A woman of fortitude” in Mama Albertina Sisulu’s month


DAY 1 - Thursday, 25 October 2018


10h00                  -                  Public Feedback session following a Multi-Party

                                                Oversight Visit which took place in September

                                                2018 in preparation for the October TLTP Sitting

                                                (whole day)


DAY 2 - Friday, 26 October 2018


08h00 to 09h00         -           Caucus/ study group meetings


09h00 to 09h30         -           Preliminaries


09h30 to 09h50         -           Report by the Chairperson of Committees on the Feedback

                                                Session following a Multi-Party Visit conducted in

                                                September 2018 (20 mins)


09h50 to 11h50         -           Debate on the feedback session following a report on the

                                                Multi – Party Visit conducted in September 2018 (120 mins)


11h50 to 12h00         -           Response to debate by the Chairperson of Committees (10 mins)


12h00 to 13h00                     Debate on the report by the MEC for Transport, Community

                                                Safety and Liaison on the Department of Transport service

                                                delivery programmes that have taken place  within the Fifth Term

                                                in Uthukela District and plans still to be implemented 2018/2019

                                                noting that October is a transport

(reported to the House on 27 September 2018)  



13h10 to 13h10         -           Response to debate by the Chairperson of the MEC  

(10 mins)


13h10                  -        END OF PROCEEDINGS







Thursday, 1 November 2018


08h00 to 10h00         -           Caucus/ study group meetings


10h00 to 10h21         -           Preliminaries (21 mins)


10h21 to 10h22         -           2nd ANC Member Statement (1 min)


10h22 to 10h23         -           NFP Member Statement (1 min)


10h23 to 10h24         -           3rd ANC Member Statement (1 min)


10h24 to 10h 30        -           Response by the Member(s) of the Executive Council in

                                                conclusion of a Member Statement (6 mins)



10h30 to 10h40        -         Introduction of the 2018/2019 4th ANC Party Motion

by the Mover (10 mins)

10h40 to 11h40        -            Debate on the Motion (60 mins)

11h40 to 11h45        -            Response to debate by the Mover of the Motion (5 mins)

11h45 to 11h55         -           Report on the Health Portfolio Committee

                                                International Study Tour to Wales and Ethopia, 2017

(10 mins)

11h55 to 12h55         -           Debate on the report (60 mins)

12h55 to 13h00         -           Response to debate by the Chairperson (5 mins)

13h00 to 14h00       -           LUNCH

14h00 to 14h10        -         Introduction of the 2018/2019 EFF Party Motion

by the Mover (10 mins)

14h10 to 15h10        -        Debate on the Motion (60 mins)

15h10 to 15h15        -        Response to debate by the Mover of the Motion (5 mins)

15h15 to 15h25         -           Report on the Sport and Recreation Portfolio Committee

                                                International Study Tour to Russia, 2017 (10 mins)

15h25 to 16h25         -           Debate on the report (60 mins)

16h25 to 16h30         -           Response to debate by the Chairperson (5 mins)


16h30 to 16h40         -           Report on the Agriculture and Rural Development Portfolio

                                                Committee International Study Tour to India, 2017 and

                                                Tanzania, 2018 (10 mins)

16h40 to 17h40         -           Debate on the report (60 mins)

17h40 to 17h45         -           Response to debate by the Chairperson (5 mins)


17h45                  -        END OF PROCEEDINGS


Tuesday, 20 November 2018


08h00 to 10h00         -           Caucus/study group meetings


10h00 to 10h30         -           Preliminaries


10h30 to 10h40        -        Introduction of the 2018/2019 5th ANC Party Motion

by the Mover (10 mins)

10h40 to 11h40        -        Debate on the Motion (60 mins)

11h40 to 11h45        -        Response to debate by the Mover of the Motion (5 mins)


11h45 to 11h55         -           Report on the Education Portfolio Committee

                                                International Study Tour to Singapore, 2017 (10 mins)

11h55 to 12h55         -           Debate on the report (60 mins)

12h55 to 13h00         -           Response to debate by the Chairperson (5 mins)


13h00 to 14h00       -           LUNCH


14h00 to 14h10        -         Introduction of the 2018/2019 MF Party Motion

by the Mover (10 mins)

14h10 to 15h10        -        Debate on the Motion (60 mins)

15h10 to 15h15        -        Response to debate by the Mover of the Motion (5 mins)


15h15 to 15h25         -           Report on the Joint Social Development and Quality of Life  

                                                Portfolio Committee International Study Tour to Mozambique

                                                and United Kingdom, 2017 (10 mins)

15h25 to 16h25         -           Debate on the report (60 mins)

16h25 to 16h30         -           Response to debate by the Chairperson (5 mins)


16h30                  -        END OF PROCEEDINGS



Wednesday, 21 November 2018



08h00 to 13h00         -           Caucus/study group meetings


13h00 to 14h00       -           LUNCH


14h00 to 14h15         -           Preliminaries (15 mins)


14h15 to 14h16         -           4th ANC Member Statement (1 min)


14h16 to 14h17         -           EFF Member Statement (1 min)


14h17 to 14h18         -           5th ANC Member Statement (1 min)


14h18 to 14h24         -           Response by the Member(s) of the Executive Council in

                                                conclusion of a Member Statement (6 mins)





14h24 to 15h24         -           Questions to the Premier on matters of provincial

                                                importance in terms of Standing Rule (SR) 112 of KZN

                                                Legislature (60 mins)





15h24 to 15h34         -           Report by the Chairperson of Quality of Life and Status of

                                                Women, Children and the Disabled Persons P/Committee on the

16 Days of Activism against gender based violence and child

abuse (10 mins)


15h34 to 16h34         -           Debate on the report on 16 Days of Activism against gender

                                                based violence and child abuse (60 mins)

16h34 to 16h39         -           Response to debate by the Chairperson of Quality of Life and

                                                Status of Women, Children and the Disabled Persons Portfolio

                                                Committee (5 mins)


16h39                         -           END OF PROCEEDINGS     


Thursday, 22 November 2018


08h00 to 10h00         -           Caucus/study group meetings



10h00 to 10h30         -           Preliminaries


10h30 to 10h40        -         Introduction of the 2018/2019 6th ANC Party Motion

by the Mover (10 mins)

10h40 to 11h40         -        Debate on the Motion (60 mins)

11h40 to 11h45         -        Response to debate by the Mover of the Motion (5 mins)


11h45 to 11h55         -           Report on the Public Works Portfolio Committee International

                                                Study Tour to Russia, 2017 (10 mins)

11h55 to 12h55         -           Debate on the report (60 mins)

12h55 to 13h00         -           Response to debate by the Chairperson (5 mins)


13h00 to 14h00       -           LUNCH


14h00 to 14h10         -           Report on the Economic Development Portfolio Committee

                                                International Study Tour to Singapore, 2017 (10 mins)

14h10 to 15h10         -           Debate on the report (60 mins)

15h10 to 15h15         -           Response to debate by the Chairperson (5 mins)


15h15 to 16h15         -           Tabling of the KZN Adjustments Appropriation Bill, 2018 by the

                                                MEC for Finance (60 mins)


16h15 to 16h25         -           Report on the Human Settlement Portfolio Committee

                                                International Study Tour to Denmark, 2017 (10 mins)

16h25 to 17h25         -           Debate on the report (60 mins)

17h25 to 17h30         -           Response to debate by the Chairperson (5 mins)


17h30                  -        END OF PROCEEDINGS



Friday, 23 November 2018


08h00 to 09h00         -           Caucus/study group meetings


09h00 to 09h21         -           Preliminaries (21 mins)


09h21 to 09h22         -           6th ANC Member Statement (1 min)


09h22 to 09h23         -           MF Member Statement (1 min)


09h23 to 09h24         -           7th ANC Member Statement (1 min)


09h24 to 09h30         -           Response by the Member(s) of the Executive Council in

                                                conclusion of a Member Statement (6 mins)



09h30 to 10h00         -           Report by the Premier in view of the coming 2018 World

                                                AIDS Day Commemoration (30 mins)

10h00 to 11h00       -           Debate on the coming 2018 World AIDS Day

                                                Commemoration (60 mins)

11h00 to 11h10         -           Response to debate by the Premier (10 mins)


11h10 to 11h30         -           Report by the Chairperson of Finance on the 2018 Mid-Term

                                                Budget Performance Reviews (20 mins) 

11h30 to 11h35         -           Report by the Chairperson of STACOV on the Legislature

(Vote 2) Mid-Term Budget Performance Reviews (5 mins)


11h35 to 13h05         -           Debate on the reports of the 2018 Mid Term Budget

                                                Performance Reviews (90 mins)


13h05 to 13h15         -           Response by the Chairperson of Finance P/C to debate (10 mins)


13h15 to 13h20         -           Response by the Chairperson of STACOV to debate (5 mins)


13h20 to 13h30         -           Response by the MEC for Finance to debate (10 mins)


13h30 to 14h30       -           LUNCH


14h30 to 14h40         -           Report by the Chairperson of Finance on the Adjustments

                                                Appropriation Bill, 2018 (10 mins)


14h40 to 14h45         -           Report by the Chairperson of STACOV on the KZN Adjustments

Appropriation Bill, 2018 - Vote 2:  The Legislature (5 mins)


14h45 to 15h45       -           Debate on the KZN Adjustments Appropriation Bill, 2018

(60 mins)


15h45 to 16h00         -           Response by the MEC for Finance on the KZN Adjustments

                                                Appropriation Bill, 2018 debate (15 mins)


16h00 to 16h15       -           Voting on the KZN Adjustments Appropriation Bill, 2018

 (15 mins)



16h15 to 16h38          -          Party leaders to render their Festive Season Best Wishes

[18 mins]

  • MF (3 mins)
  • EFF (3 mins)
  • NFP (3 mins)
  • IFP (3 mins)
  • DA (3 mins)
  • ANC (3 mins)


16h38                         -           END OF PROCEEDINGS


  • 8 November – Party Caucus
  • 15 November – Finance Mid Term Reviews
  • 22 November – NCOP TPTP - Gauteng