Daily Schedule for 2018-04-16








NB: Please note that this document is subject to frequent updating. Stakeholders wishing to attend meetings listed here should contact the relevant contact numbers to ascertain whether the agendas for the meetings have been amended. For contact numbers see Appendix A.


Portfolio Committee on Labour, (National Assembly), [Extended Oral Presentations on the Labour Bills; Deliberations on the Labour Bills; and Way-forward on the Labour Bills], Old Assembly Chamber, Ground Floor, Old Assembly Building, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Public Works, (National Assembly), [Consideration and adoption of previous minutes; Briefings on aligned Strategic Plans, 2018/19 APPs and Budget of the Department of Public Works by: Office of the Auditor General (OAG); The Department of Performance, Monitoring & Evaluation (DPME)], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Content Advisor on the Annual Performance Plan (APP) of the Committee and consideration and adoption of the APP; Deliberation, consideration and adoption of the Term of Reference (ToR) on the Naturalisation of the Gupta family; Consideration of the letter from the Minister of Home Affairs on amending Section 34 of the Immigration Act], Committee Room E340, Third Floor, National Assembly Building, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the South African National Parks on their Annual Performance Plans (APPs) for 2018/19 financial year; Briefing by the Department of Environmental Affairs on the Chemicals and Waste Management outstanding issues, on the following: Targets for diversion of waste tyres from landfill sites (from the inception of REDISA to date); Presentation of the Legal Opinion on the nature of the Waste Management Bureau and its relationship with the Department of Environmental Affairs], Good Hope Chamber, Ground Floor, Good Hope Building, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Consideration of outstanding minutes and reports; Briefing by the Department of Basic Education on Budget Vote 14: Basic Education], Committee Room 2, Ground Floor, 120 Plein Street Building, 09:30-16:00

Portfolio Committee on Sport and Recreation, (National Assembly), [Adoption of the 2018 Second Term Committee Programme; Briefing on Strategic Plans, Annual Performance Plans & 2018/19 Budgets by: Boxing South Africa (BSA), South African Institute for Drug Free Sport (SAIDS) and Department of Sport and Recreation (SRSA); Consideration and Adoption of minutes], Committee Room 1, Ground Floor, 120 Plein Street Building, 09:30-16:30

Portfolio Committee on Economic Development, (National Assembly), [Briefings by the Competition Commission, Competition Tribunal and the Industrial Development Corporation on their Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans (2018/19)], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30-16:45

Portfolio Committee on Transport, (National Assembly), [Briefings by the Department of Transport and entities on its 2018/19 APPs, Budgets and Strategic Plans: PRASA and RSR], Committee Room M201, Second Floor, Marks Building, 09:30-18:00

Portfolio Committee on Health, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Auditor-General on the assessment on the reviews of the Health Sector’s annual performance plan and budget; Briefing by the Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) on its analysis of the Health Sector’s annual performance plan and budget; Briefing by the Department of Monitoring and Evaluation on the Department of Health’s performance outcomes; Briefing by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) on their strategic plan (2018/19 – 2022/23), annual performance plan and budget for 2018/19 financial year], Committee Room S35, First Floor, NCOP Building, 09:30-20:00

Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Auditor-General South Africa on the Department of Human Settlements Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan and Budget 2018/19 findings; Consideration of reports and minutes], Taj Hotel, Wale Street, Cape Town, 10:00-12:30

Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Department of Human Settlements on the following: Response to human settlements issues raised during the State of the Nation Address Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan and Budget 2018/19], Taj Hotel, Wale Street, Cape Town, 14:00-16:30

Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Public Protector South Africa on Annual Performance Plan and Budget 2018/19], Committee Room V454, Fourth Floor, Old Assembly Building, 10:00

Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform, (National Assembly), [Consideration of the A-List on the Communal Property Associations Amendment Bill; Briefing on the Electronic Deeds Registration Systems Bill [B 35 – 17 2017] (sec 75); Auditor –General’s analysis of the budgets and the APP’s, and Presentation by the North-West PSSC on the concerns raised by stakeholders during public hearings on the CPA Amendment Bill], Committee Room G26, Ground Floor, National Assembly Building, 10:00

Select Committee on Trade and International Relations, (National Council of Provinces), [Briefing by the Broad–Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBB-EE) Commission on the work done since inception], Committee Room V227, Second Floor, Old Assembly Building, 10:00

Standing Committee on Finance, (National Assembly), [Financial Sector Regulation Act regulations], Committee Room 1, Upper Ground Floor, 90 Plein Street Building, 10:00

Select Committee on Land and Mineral Resources, (National Council of Provinces), [Negotiating Mandate Meeting on the Mineral & Petroleum Resources Amendment Bill [B15D-2013]; Consideration and Adoption of Committee Minutes], Committee Room V475, Fourth Floor, Old Assembly Building, 10:00

Select Committee on Social Services, (National Council of Provinces), [Briefing by the Institute for Security Studies on the Border Management Authority Bill [B9B-2016] s75], Committee Room M315, Third Floor, Marks Building, 10:00

Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, (National Council of Provinces), [Consideration of Negotiating Mandates on Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Amendment Bill; Briefing on Public Service Commission Amendment Bill], Committee Room S12A, Ground Floor, NCOP Building, 10:00

Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Public Protector South Africa on Annual Performance Plan and Budget 2018/19], Committee Room V454, Fourth Floor, Old Assembly Building, 10:00

Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, (National Assembly), [Briefing on Annual Reports and Strategic Plans by: South African Local Government Association (SALGA); CRL Rights Commission], Venue to be confirmed, 10:00

Portfolio Committee on Energy, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Department of Energy on its Annual Performance Plan for 2018/19 and its Budget Vote No. 26], Townhouse Hotel, 10:00-17:00

Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Preparatory budget hearings briefings from the following the Portfolio Committee stakeholders; Budget hearings briefing: South African Police Service (SAPS) Programme 1: Administration], Committee Room 2, Upper Ground Floor, 90 Plein Street Building, 10:00-17:30

Portfolio Committee on Communications, (National Assembly), [Adoption of the 2018 2nd Term Committee Programme; Briefing by the Content Advisor on the analysis of the 2018/19 Annual Performance Plans of the Department of Government Communication and Information System (GCIS), the Department of Communications and all entities reporting to it; Briefing by the Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA) on the audit outcome of the 2018/19 Annual Performance Plans of GCIS, the Department of Communications and entities reporting to it; Consideration of the 2018/19 Annual Performance Plans of GCIS and the Department of Communications], Committee Room M314, Third Floor, Marks Building, 10:00-19:00

Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, (National Assembly), [Election of an Acting Chairperson], Committee Room E305, Third Floor, National Assembly Building, 10:30-11:00


Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings, (National Council of Provinces), [Continuation of Transkei (TRTC) Road Transport Corporation Petition (Petition on the alleged failure by TRTC to pay pension monies and severance packages to former employees subsequent to its liquidation); and Consideration and adoption of outstanding Minutes], Committee Room S35, First Floor, NCOP Building, 08:30

Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the following entities on their Annual Strategic Plans, Annual Performance Plans and Budget 2018/19: National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC); National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency (Nurcha); Rural Housing Loan Fund (RHLF); Social Housing Regulatory Authority (SHRA)], Taj Hotel, Wale Street Cape Town, 09:00-15:30

Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Auditor General on the analysis of  Annual Performance Plans (APPs) and Budget of the Department of Mineral Resources and its entities; Briefing by Researcher on the APPs and Budget of DMR and its entities for 2018/2019 financial year; Briefing by Department of Mineral Resources on the APP and Budget for 2018/2019 financial year; Briefing by Mine Health and Safety Council (MHSC) on the APP and Budget for 2018/2019 financial year], Committee Room 3, Upper Ground Floor, 90 Plein Street Building, 09:00-17:00

Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Budget hearings briefing: South African Police Service (SAPS) Programme 2: Visible Policing and Programme 3: Detectives and DPCI budget], Committee Room 2, Upper Ground Floor, 90 Plein Street Building, 09:00-17:00

Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, (National Assembly), [Briefing on the Strategic Plan for 2018/19 of BBBEE Commission; Follow-up engagement with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) on its 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan], Committee Room E305, Third Floor, National Assembly Building, 09:00-13:00

Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, (National Assembly), [Subcommittee on the Copyright Amendment Bill], Committee Room E305, Third Floor, National Assembly Building, 14:00-16:30

Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development on Annual Performance Plan and Budget 2018/19], Old Assembly Chamber, Ground Floor, Old Assembly Building, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Labour, (National Assembly), [Response by the Department of Labour (DoL) on the extended oral presentations; Deliberations on the Labour Bills; and Way-forward on the Labour Bills], Committee Room S26, First Floor, NCOP Building, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises, (National Assembly), [Briefing by Eskom on the annual report and financial statements for 2016/17 financial year, and the performance targets for the 2018/19 financial year], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development on Annual Performance Plan and Budget 2018/19], Old Assembly Chamber, Ground Floor, Old Assembly Building, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Consideration of outstanding minutes and reports; Consideration of Petition from Residents of Greater Edenvale, calling on the Assembly to investigate pressure on schools in the Edenvale area and the fact that no state schools are planned in Greenstore to accommodate the increasing numbers of learners, submitted in Terms of Rule 347 (Mr M Waters MP)], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30-16:00

Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration/ Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation], (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Department of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation and the National Youth Development Agency on the Annual Performance Plans for 2018/19 financial year; Briefing by the Statistics South Africa on the Annual Performance Plan for 2018/19 financial year], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30-16:00

Portfolio Committee on Transport, (National Assembly), [Briefings by the entities of the Department of Transport on their 2018/19 APPs, Budgets and Strategic Plans: RAF, RTMC, RTIA, C-BRTA and Ports Regulator], Committee Room V227, Second Floor, Old Assembly Building, 09:30-20:00

Portfolio Committee on Health, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Medical Research Council (MRC) on their annual performance plan and budget for 2018/19 financial year; Briefing by the Office of Health Standards Compliance (OHSC) on their annual performance plan and budget for 2018/19 financial year; Briefing by the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) on their annual performance plan and budget for 2018/19 financial year; Briefing by the National Health Laboratory Services (NHLS) on their strategic plan (2018 -2020), annual performance and budget for 2018/19 financial year], Committee Room V475, Fourth Floor, Old Assembly Building, 09:30-22:00

Joint Meeting: Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training and Select Committee on Education and Recreation, (National Assembly and National Council of Provinces), [Briefing by the Department of Higher Education and Training on its Revised Strategic Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20 and Annual Performance Plan 2018/19], Committee Room E249, Second Floor, National Assembly Building, 10:00-13:00

Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme and the Council on Higher Education on their Strategic Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20 and Annual Performance Plan 2018/19], Committee Room E249, Second Floor, National Assembly Building, 14:00-17:00

Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform, (National Assembly), [ITB presentation on their Strategic Plans and APP’s for 2018/19 and the status update on consultations around conversion of Permission to occupy into long –term leases; Commission on Restitution presentation on their Strategic Plans and APP’s for 2018/19; Office of the Valuer-General presentation on their Strategic Plans and APP’s for 2018/19], Committee Room G26, Ground Floor, National Assembly Building, 10:00
Select Committee on Economic and Business Development, (National Council of Provinces), [Briefing by the Department of Transport on Annual Performance Plan and budget for 2018 – 2019 Financial Year; Consideration and Adoption of minutes], Committee Room M46, Ground Floor, Marks Building, 10:00

Select Committee on Communications and Public Enterprises, (National Council of Provinces), [Presentation on settlement between Safcol and land claimant; Consideration of outstanding minutes], Committee Room M46, Ground Floor, Marks Building, 10:00

Standing Committee on Finance, (National Assembly), [Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) Annual Report], Committee Room 1, Upper Ground Floor, 90 Plein Street Building, 10:00

Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB) on: Annual Report and Strategic Plan; Capacity Assessment Report], Venue to be confirmed, 10:00

Portfolio Committee on Social Development, (National Assembly), [Consideration of the Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan and the budget of the Department of Social Development for 2018/19 financial year; Consideration of the Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan and the budget of the National Development Agency (NDA) for 2018/19 financial year], Venue to be confirmed, 10:00-17:00

Portfolio Committee on Communications, (National Assembly), [Consideration of the 2018/19 Annual Performance Plans of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA); Consideration of the 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan of the Films and Publications Board; Consideration of the 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan of Brand South Africa], Committee Room V454, Fourth Floor, Old Assembly Building, 10:00-19:00

Select Committee on Security and Justice, (National Council of Provinces), [Briefing by the South African Police Service (SAPS) on Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan of the SAPS; Adoption of minutes: 28 March 2018], Committee Room S35, First Floor, NCOP Building, 10:30

Portfolio Committee on Tourism, (National Assembly), [Tabling of an updated Committee Strategic Plan for 2018/19; Draft Committee Programme for Second Term Programme, 2018; Draft Committee minutes], Committee Room M201, Second Floor, Marks Building, 12:30-14:00


Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) and South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) on their Strategic Plan 2015/16 -2019/20 and Annual Performance Plan 2018/19], Venue to be confirmed, 09:00

Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the following entities on the Strategic Plans, Annual Performance Plans and the Budget 2018/19: National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC); Community Schemes Ombud Services (CSOS); Estate Agency Affairs Board (EAAB); Housing Development Agency (HDA)], Committee Room 1, Ground Floor, 120 Plein Street Building, 09:00-16:30

Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources, (National Assembly), [Briefing by Council for Geosciences (CGS), Mintek, South African Diamond and Precious Metals Regulator (SADPMR) and State Diamond Trader (SDT) on Annual Performance Plans and Budget for 2018/2019 financial year], Committee Room M314, Third Floor, Marks Building, 09:00-17:00

Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Budget hearings briefing: South African Police Service (SAPS) Programme 4: Crime Intelligence and Programme 5: Protection and Security Services], Committee Room V227, Second Floor, Old Assembly Building, 09:00-17:00

Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration/ Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation], (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Department of Public Service and Administration, National School of Government, Centre for Public Service Innovation on the Annual Performance Plans for 2018/19 financial year; Briefing by the Public Service Commission on the Annual Performance Plans for 2018/19 financial year], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30-12:00

Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Department of Correctional Services and Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services on Annual Performance Plan and Budget 2018/19], Committee Room V454, Fourth Floor, Old Assembly Building, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Labour, (National Assembly), [Deliberations on the Labour Bills; and Way-forward on the Labour Bills], Committee Room S26, First Floor, NCOP Building, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Department of Correctional Services and Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services on Annual Performance Plan and Budget 2018/19], Committee Room V454, Fourth Floor, Old Assembly Building, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the South African Human Rights Commission on Annual Performance Plan and Budget 2018/19], Committee Room V454, Fourth Floor, Old Assembly Building, 15:00

Portfolio Committee on Social Development, (National Assembly), [Consideration of the Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan and the budget of the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) for 2018/19 financial year], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30-14:00

Portfolio Committee on Transport, (National Assembly), [Briefings by the entities of the Department of Transport on their 2018/19 APPs, Budgets and Strategic Plans: ACSA, ATNS, SACAA, SANRAL and SAMSA], Committee Room S12A, Ground Floor, NCOP Building, 09:30-20:00

Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform, (National Assembly), [Adoption of the B-version and the Report of the Communal Property Associations Amendment Bill; The DRDLR presentation on Strategic Plan and APP for 2018/19], Committee Room E249, Second Floor, National Assembly Building, 10:00

Portfolio Committee on Communications, (National Assembly), [Consideration of the 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan of the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA); Consideration of the 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)], Venue to be confirmed, 10:00-15:00

Portfolio Committee on Health, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Compensation Commissioner for Occupational Diseases (CCOD) on their annual performance plan and budget for 2018/19 financial year; Briefing by the Department of Health on their annual performance plan and budget for 2018/19 – 2020/21 financial years], Committee Room V475, Fourth Floor, Old Assembly Building, 10:00-19:00

Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, (National Assembly), [Subcommittee on the Copyright Amendment Bill], Committee Room G26, Ground Floor, National Assembly Building, 14:00-16:30


Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, (National Assembly), [Subcommittee on the Copyright Amendment Bill], Committee Room G26, Ground Floor, National Assembly Building, 08:30-11:30

Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Budget hearings briefing: Civilian Secretariat for Police (CSP) and Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)], Committee Room V454, Fourth Floor, Old Assembly Building, 09:00-17:00

Portfolio Committee on Labour, (National Assembly), [Deliberations on the Labour Bills; and Way-forward on the Labour Bills], Committee Room S26, First Floor, NCOP Building, 09:30


Portfolio Committee on Public Works, (National Assembly), [Consideration and adoption of previous minutes; Briefing on Strategic Plans, 2018/19 APPs & Budgets by: Department of Public Works (DPW); Council for the Built Environment (CBE); Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB); Independent Development Trust (IDT); Agrement SA], Venue to be confirmed, 09:00-17:00

Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Consideration and possible Adoption of Portfolio Committee Report on Budget Vote 14: Basic Education; Engagement on collaborative work with the Department of Basic Education by: Vodacom; ETDP-SETA], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Budget hearing briefing: Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA)], Committee Room 1, Upper Ground Floor, 90 Plein Street Building, 10:00

Select Committee on Social Services, (National Council of Provinces), [Deliberations and Finalisation of the Border Management Authority Bill [B9B-2016] s75], Committee Room M315, Third Floor, Marks Building, 10:00


Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Adoption of the Budget Reports: SAPS, IPID, CSP, PSIRA], Committee Room 2, Upper Ground Floor, 90 Plein Street Building, 09:00


Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Adoption of outstanding Minutes and Reports], Old Assembly Chamber, Ground Floor, Old Assembly Building, 09:00

Portfolio Committee on Public Works, (National Assembly), [Consideration and adoption of previous minutes; First consideration of the 2018/19 Budget Vote Report], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30


Portfolio Committee on Public Works, (National Assembly), [Consideration and adoption of previous minutes; Second consideration and adoption of the 2018/19 Budget Vote Report], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Consideration of outstanding minutes and reports; Briefing by the Department of Basic Education on the following: Progress Report on the implementation of the Three-Stream Model; Plans on the 4th Industrial Revolution (incl. infusing entrepreneurship in the Curriculum)], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the SAPS on First Quarterly report for 2017/18], Committee Room S35, First Floor, NCOP Building, 10:00


Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the IPID and CSP on First Quarterly report for 2017/18], Committee Room 2, Upper Ground Floor, 90 Plein Street Building, 09:00

TUESDAY, 15 MAY 2018

Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Consideration of outstanding minutes and reports; Briefing by Save the Children South Africa on the following: Results of Violence Against Children Costing Study; Key Prevention Activities to be implemented; Proposals on increasing political will to prevent violence against children], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30

Select Committee on Social Services, (National Council of Provinces), [Briefing by the Department of Health on the Annual Report; Annual Performance Plan and Budget Vote; Consideration and Adoption of Committee Minutes], Committee Room M315, Third Floor, Marks Building, 10:00

Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the PSIRA on First Quarterly report for 2017/18], Committee Room S35, First Floor, NCOP Building, 10:00


Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Adoption of outstanding Minutes], Committee Room 2, Upper Ground Floor, 90 Plein Street Building, 09:00


Select Committee on Social Services, (National Council of Provinces), [Briefing by the Department of Water and Sanitation on the Annual Performance Plan and Budget Vote; Consideration and Adoption of Committee Minutes], Committee Room M315, Third Floor, Marks Building, 10:00

TUESDAY, 22 MAY 2018

Portfolio Committee on Public Works, (National Assembly), [Consideration and adoption of previous minutes; Follow-up presentation on the Department of Public Works Turnaround Programme to operationalize and ensure the financial sustainability of the Property Management Trading Entity (PMTE)], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Consideration of outstanding minutes and reports; Briefing by High-Level Panel on its recommendations pertaining to the Basic Education Sector; Briefing by the Department of Basic Education on Safety in Schools; Engagement on collaborative work with the Department of Basic Education by ETDP-SETA], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30

Select Committee on Social Services, (National Council of Provinces), [Briefing by the Department of Home Affairs on the Annual Performance Plan and Budget Vote; Consideration and Adoption of Committee Minutes], Committee Room M315, Third Floor, Marks Building, 10:00

Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the South African Police Service (SAPS) on the Engcobo Police Station killings; Update on the Technology Strategy with special reference to CCTV’s for Police Stations/Units; Bodycams for Frontline Officers and Digital Policing aids for Police Stations/Officers (BRR Recommendations)], Committee Room 2, Upper Ground Floor, 90 Plein Street Building, 10:00


Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Adoption of outstanding Minutes; Briefing by SAPS, CPS and IPID on the implementation of the National Development Plan], Committee Room 2, Upper Ground Floor, 90 Plein Street Building, 09:00


Select Committee on Social Services, (National Council of Provinces), [Briefing by the Department of Social Development on the Annual Performance Plan and Budget Vote; Consideration and Adoption of Committee Minutes], Committee Room M315, Third Floor, Marks Building, 10:00

TUESDAY, 29 MAY 2018

Portfolio Committee on Public Works, (National Assembly), [Consideration and adoption of previous minutes; Briefing by the Department of Public Works on its 2017/18 Quarter 3 financial performance], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30

Select Committee on Social Services, (National Council of Provinces), [Briefing by the Department of Human Settlements on the Annual Performance Plan and Budget Vote; Consideration and Adoption of Committee Minutes], Committee Room M315, Third Floor, Marks Building, 10:00

Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Department and Parliamentary Legal Adviser on the IPID Amendment Bill [B-2018]], Committee Room S35, First Floor, NCOP Building, 10:00


Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Public Hearings on the IPID Amendment Bill [B-2018]], Committee Room 1, Upper Ground Floor, 90 Plein Street Building, 09:00

Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Consideration of outstanding minutes and reports; Briefing by the Department of Basic Education on the following: Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS); Consolidated 2017 NSC Examination Results], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30


Portfolio Committee on Public Works, (National Assembly), [Consideration and adoption of previous minutes; Briefing by the Department of Public Works on its 2017/18 Quarter 4 financial performance], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Consideration of outstanding minutes and reports; Briefing by the Department of Basic Education on the Fourth Quarterly Report], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30

Select Committee on Social Services, (National Council of Provinces), [Briefing by the Central Drug Authority; Consideration and Adoption of Committee Minutes], Committee Room M315, Third Floor, Marks Building, 10:00

Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Public Hearings on the IPID Amendment Bill [B-2018]], Committee Room S35, First Floor, NCOP Building, 10:00


Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Deliberations on the IPID Amendment Bill [B-2018]], Committee Room 1, Upper Ground Floor, 90 Plein Street Building, 09:00


Portfolio Committee on Public Works, (National Assembly), [Consideration and adoption of previous minutes; Briefing by the Department of Public Works and Independent Development Trust (IDT) Board on the reconstitution and rescheduling of the entity, including the latest payments that were made to it], Venue to be confirmed, 09:30

Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Deliberations on the IPID Amendment Bill [B-2018]], Committee Room M314, Third Floor, Marks Building, 10:00

Select Committee on Social Services, (National Council of Provinces), [Briefing by the South African Social Security Agency on the Annual Performance Plan; Consideration and Adoption of Committee Minutes], Committee Room M315, Third Floor, Marks Building, 10:00


Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Finalisation of the IPID Amendment Bill [B-2018]], Committee Room 1, Upper Ground Floor, 90 Plein Street Building, 09:00

FRIDAY, 15 JUNE 2018

Portfolio Committee on Police, (National Assembly), [Briefing by SAPS on the Contract Management and Procurement; Briefing by the SAPS Ministerial Task Team Report], Committee Room M46, Ground Floor, Marks Building, 09:00


Select Committee on Social Services, (National Council of Provinces), [Briefing by the National Development Agency on the Annual Performance Plan; Consideration and Adoption of Committee Minutes], Committee Room M315, Third Floor, Marks Building, 10:00


Select Committee on Social Services, (National Council of Provinces), [Consideration of Committees 3rd term programme], Committee Room M314, Third Floor, Marks Building, 10:00


Meeting Cancellations









Approved Workshops









Approved Local Trips





Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry

17 April 2018

Cape Town,

Visit to the Cape Town Film Studio.

Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation

17 – 18 April 2018


Stakeholder Engagement Session on the Foreign Service Bill.

Approved International Trips









Cancelled/Postponed Local/ International Trips











Name of Committee

Committee Secretary

Contact Number

Joint Committee on Ethics and Members’ Interests


021 403 2477

Ad Hoc Committee on the Funding of Political Parties

Cindy Balie

021 403 3667
083 547 4115

Constitutional Review Committee

CS: Pat Jayiya

021 403 3661
081 441 0345

Multi-Party Women’s Caucus

CS: Bryan Mantyi

021 403 3796
083 709 8428

Joint Standing Committee on Defence

CS: Bulelwa Madikane

021 403 2223
083 709 8487

Joint Standing Committee on the Financial Management of Parliament

CS: Darrin Arends

CS: Cindy Balie

021 403 8105
071 363 2273
021 403 3667
083 547 4115

Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence

Committee Coordinator:
Ntombe Mbuqe

021 403 2793
083 709 8432

PC on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

CS: Albertina Kakaza

021 403 3765
083 709 8391

PC on Arts and Culture

CS: Ajabulile Mtiya

021 403 8106
083 709 8389

PC on Basic Education

CS: Llewellyn Brown

021 403 3764
083 709 8450

PC on Higher Education and Training

CS: Anele Kabingesi

021 403 3760
083 412 1585

PC on Communications

CS: Thembinkosi Ngoma

021 403 3733
083 709 8407

PC on Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs

CS: Shereen Cassiem

021 403 3769
083 709 8533

PC on Justice and Correctional Services

CS: Vhonani Ramaano

CS: Siyabamkela Mthonjeni

021 403 3820
083 709 8427
021 403 3734
083 709 8390

PC on Defence and Military Veterans

CS: Mandy Balie

021 403 3673
083 709 8431
079 900 4796

PC on Economic Development

CS: Peter-Paul Mbele

021 403 8072
083 412 1577

PC on Environmental Affairs

CS: Tyhileka Madubela

021 403 3713
083 709 8401

PC on Energy

CS: Arico Kotze

021 403 3662
083 709 8470

Standing Committee on Finance

CS: Allan Wicomb

CS: Teboho Sepanya

021 403 3759
083 412 1475
021 403 3738

PC on Health

CS: Vuyokazi Majalamba

021 403 3770
083 709 8522

PC on Home Affairs

CS: Eddie Mathonsi

021 403 3826
083 709 8523

PC on Human Settlements

CS: Kholiswa Pasiya-Mndende

021 403 3725
083 709 8495

PC on International Relations and Co-operation

CS: Lubabalo Sigwela

021 403 3808
083 709 8508

PC on Labour

CS: Zolani Sakasa

021 403 3735
083 709 8488

PC on Mineral Resources

CS: Ayanda Boss

021 403 3768
083 709 8515

PC on Police

CS: Babalwa Mbengo

CS: Pilate Gwebu

021 403 3741
083 709 8489
021 403 8257
083 709 8395

PC on Public Enterprises

CS: Disang Mocumi

021 403 8115
083 709 8512

PC on Public Service and Administration/ Planning, Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation

CS: Masixole Zibeko

021 403 8445
083 709 8531

PC on Public Works

CS: Nola Jobodwana

021 403 3780
083 709 8397

PC on Rural Development and Land Reform

CS: Phumla Nyamza

021 403 3852
083 709 8492

PC on Science and Technology

CS: Shanaaz Isaacs

021 403 3763
083 709 8536

PC on Small Business Development

CS: King Kunene

021 403 3772
082 335 2839
071 363 2252

PC on Social Development

CS: Lindiwe Ntsabo

021 403 8230
083 709 8524

PC on Sport and Recreation

CS: Zoleka Kula

021 403 8646
083 707 2185

PC on Telecommunications and Postal Services

CS: Hajiera Salie

021 403 8264
061 472 9191

PC on Tourism

CS: Jerry Boltina

021 403 8270
083 338 3950

PC on Trade and Industry

CS: Andre Hermans

CS: Tenda Madima

021 403 3776
083 709 8482
021 403 3822
083 709 8419

PC on Transport

CS: Valerie Carelse

021 403 3272
083 709 8445

PC on Water and Sanitation

CS: Mahdiyah Solomons

021 403 3844
083 709 8527

PC on Women in the Presidency

CS: Neliswa Nobatana

021 403 3840
083 709 8472


Standing Committee on Auditor-General

CS: Cindy Balie

021 403 3667
083 547 4115

Standing Committee on Public Accounts

CS: Ntombi Nkabinde

CS: Ben Kali

021 403 2376
083 709 8474
021 403 3774
083 709 8392

Standing Committee on Appropriations

CS: Darrin Arends

CS: Zandile Hulley

021 403 8105
071 363 2273
021 403 8185
061 438 9448

Select Committee on Appropriations

CS: Lubabalo Nodada

CS: Estelle Grunewald

021 403 3669
083 412 1526
021 403 3843
071 363 2257

Select Committee on Education and Recreation

CS: Noluthando Skaka

021 403 3751
083 709 8520

Select Committee on Social Services

CS: Marcelle Williams

021 403 3799
083 709 8451

Select Committee on Economic and Business Development

CS: Grace Dinizulu

021 403 3779
083 709 8393

Select Committee on Trade and International Relations

CS: Hlupheka Mtileni

021 403 8077
083 709 8448

Select Committee on Finance

CS: Zolani Rento

021 403 8071
083 707 2188

Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings

CS: Nkanyiso Mkhize

021 403 8086
061 438 7303

Select Committee on Security and Justice

CS: Gurshwyn Dixon

021 403 3771
083 709 8513

Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

CS: Moses Manele

021 403 3823
083 709 8534

Select Committee on Land and Mineral Resources

CS: Asgar Bawa

021 403 3762
083 709 8530

Select Committee on Communications and Public Enterprises

CS: Phumelele Sibisi

021 403 3660
083 709 8449