Ad Hoc Committee on Protection of State Information Bill (NCOP)

National Council of Provinces Committee

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27 Nov 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: Adoption of Committee Report and Bill as amended
21 Nov 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: Finalisation of deliberations
14 Nov 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: Postponement of meeting due to non-attendance of opposition parties
13 Nov 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: deliberations on Department State Security responses
31 Oct 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: Minister of State Security response to proposed amendments
18 Sep 2012 Protection of State Information Act: deliberation on outstanding issues
11 Sep 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: further deliberations on ANC proposals
06 Sep 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: State Law Advisors' briefing, proposals for clauses 1 to 14
29 Aug 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: some ANC proposals
07 Aug 2012 Department of State Security responses: Protection of State Information Bill proposed amendments
12 Jun 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: Department of State Security Responses to Committee's proposals
06 Jun 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: Department of State Security Responses to public hearings
10 May 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: party proposals
09 May 2012 Protection of State Information Bill [B6B-2010]: continuation of deliberations
08 May 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: Deliberation on public submissions
04 May 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: deliberations and tabling of Report on hearings
30 Mar 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: hearing Day 4
29 Mar 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: public hearing Day 3
28 Mar 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: public hearing Day 2
27 Mar 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: public hearing Day 1
14 Mar 2012 Protection of State Information Bill [B6B-2010]: Shortlisting of submissions
07 Mar 2012 Protection of State Information Bill [B6B-2010]: Report back on provincial public hearings
24 Jan 2012 Protection of State Information Bill [B6B-2010]: Minister's and Department's briefing
17 Jan 2012 Protection of State Information Bill: discussion on Committee Programme

There are no calls for comments at this time.

There are no questions at this time.

Bill name Date introduced Number Status
Protection Of State Information Bill 09 Mar 2010 B6-2010 Lapsed


No current attendance data


Secretary to Committee

Ntombe Mbuqe

Tel: 021 403 2319

Cell: 083 709 8432

E-mail: [email protected]

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