Public Enterprises Portfolio Committee Reports: adoption

Public Enterprises

19 November 2008
Chairperson: Ms F Chohan (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee adopted all three reports after making some changes.

Meeting report

Committee Annual Report 2008
The Chairperson highlighted that a Portfolio Committee structure was a one-size-fits-all for all departments. However the mandate of the Department of Public Enterprises was unique compared to other departments as its focus was on public enterprises and not on service delivery.

The Committee Report was adopted with some amendments which would be effected at a later stage.

Mr Gololo ( ANC) suggested that a recommendation be added in their annual  report and that the role and functions of the Committee should be reviewed.

Committee Report on oversight visit to Transnet’s Durban Container Terminal, Sentrarand and Koedoespoort operations, 26- 27 May 2008
The Report was adopted with the following wording added: “ We are therefore reduced to assessing the performance of SOEs based on the annual reports only, which does not necessarily reflect the agreement reached between the shareholders and the SOEs “.

Committee Report on interaction with Transnet on its Annual Report (2007/08) on 26 August 2008 The Report was adopted with some technical changes.

Meeting adjourned.


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