Public Enterprises Committee Oversight Reports: adoption

Public Enterprises

19 August 2008
Chairperson: Ms. F Chohan (ANC) ; Acting Chairperson: Mr C Wang (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee considered its Reports on the Vietnam and Alexkor visits, as well as its meeting with SAA. Members effected certain grammatical and technical amendments before adopting the Reports.

Meeting report

Introduction by Chairperson
The Acting Chairperson, Mr C Wang (ANC) commenced the meeting by welcoming all Members, and apologised for the non presence of the Committee Chairperson Ms F Chohan.(ANC).

Committee Report on Vietnam visit
Mr Wang read through the whole report, word for word, and together with the Members, made minimal or minor grammatical changes to the Report. The Committee voted and the Report was unanimously adopted.

Committee Report on meeting with South African Airways (SAA)
Mr Wang read the report, word for word, and minimal grammatical changes were implemented. He asked whether any recommendations for SAA should be added to the report.

All Members agreed that they would take the report home, read it thoroughly, and then draft questions which they could pose to SAA on the meeting to be held on 23 August.

The Report was adopted with amendments.

Committee Report on Alexkor and Alexander Bay visit
Ms Chohan resumed the Chair and took Members through the Report. Members adopted the Report with to certain technical and grammatical amendments..

She recommended that the Committee visit two State Owned Enterprises (SOE’s), namely Eskom and Denel, at the beginning of Parliament’s fourth term.

The meeting was adjourned.


  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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