Department of Communications Annual Report 2006/7: briefing
NCOP Public Enterprises and Communication
06 November 2007
Meeting Summary
A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.
Meeting report
Chairpersons: Mr G Oliphant (ANC).
Ms M Themba (ANC,
Documents handed out:
Department of Communications 2006\7 Annual Report [available shortly at]
Department of
Communications presentation
Audio recording
of meeting
The Committee was briefed on the Department’s performance over the past
years as contained in its Annual Report, and outlined its efforts to fulfil its
key objectives of achieving higher rates of investment in the economy, increasing
the competitiveness of the economy, broadening participation in the economy,
contributing to building a better world and also contributing to the capacity
of the State to deliver. The financial statements for 2006/7 were provided and
explained, as well the challenges faced by the Department going forward.
During the discussion Members sought clarity on the existence of the Department’s
asset register, its internship programme, the relationship between Sentech and
Infraco, the recoupment of funds spent on the 2010 FIFA World Cup preparations
and its policies on ICT cables. .
The Select Committee on Labour and Public Enterprises and the Portfolio
Committee on Communications decided to convene together since they both needed
to be briefed by the Department of Communications on the same day. The meeting
was officiated by the Chairperson of the Portfolio
Committee on Communications, Mr G Oliphant (ANC).
Department of Communications presentation
Ms Gerda Grabe, the Acting Director General of the Department of
Communications, briefed the Committees on the Departments performance on its strategic
focus areas and projects. She outlined the Department’s achievements in
reporting higher rates of investment in the economy, the policy directives
which increased the competitiveness of the South African economy, the
multi-lateral agreements in place that were aimed at providing
telecommunication services to all South Africans and the mechanisms that now
improved the State’s capacity to deliver services and certain special projects
such as those targeting the youth sector.
Mr Harry Mathabathe, the Deputy Director-General: Finance and ICT Enterprise
Development, briefed the Committees on the Department’s budget for 2006\07 and
its performance. He outlined the Department’s financials over the last two
financial years, the appropriation statement, details of transfer payments to
entities falling under the Department and funding requirements for the 2008
Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF).
Challenges facing the Department included difficulty in providing universal
access to and availability of ICT infrastructure, especially broadband, the
high cost of telecommunication services to the South African public and the
limited local content due to a lack of capacity.
Ms S Vos (IFP) asked if an analyses had
been done on how to recoup monies spent by the Department on the 2010 FIFA
World Cup preparations.
Mr Botlenyana Mokhele, Chief Director: 2010 Broadcasting, responded that no
analyses had been done regarding the costs. He explained that recouping the
costs would be based on the operational costs, but that had not yet been finalised.
Mr R Pieterse (ANC) asked if Sentech and Infraco were complementing each
other, or if Sentec was now being neglected.
Mr Mathabathe responded that Sentech was not abandoned. Funding of Sentech had
been approved. The Department was working on that with National Treasury.
Ms M Smuts (DA) sought clarity on government’s policies on ICT cables, and when
the problems associated with it would be resolved.
The Acting DDG: ICT Policy Development, Mr Norman Munzhelele, responded that
the Department was currently working on finalizing its policy guidelines on
cables. The Department has decided to increase ownership and control of
submarine cables.
Mr S Kholwane (ANC) sought clarity on the Department’s assessment of the
agencies under its jurisdiction. The Department’s Annual Report was not
properly structured so as to give Committee Members a firm grasp of what was
currently happening.
Ms Gerda Grabe apologised and promised that the next Annual Report would be
more detailed.
Ms Themba asked the Department to explain its internship programme.
The Department responded that opportunities for internships with the Department
were first advertised before a final selection was made. Interns received training
and mentoring throughout the internship, which lasted for twelve months now.
Mr S Mxumalo (ANC) asked whether the Department currently had an asset register
and a policy on disposal of its assets. He also asked if the asset register
could be produced on request.
Mr Mathabathe responded that the Department did have an asset policy and that it
would forward it to Members.
The meeting was adjourned.
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- We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting
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