Intergovernmental Fiscal Review 2007: Departments of Health, Social Development and Education
NCOP Finance
17 October 2007
Meeting Summary
A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.
Meeting report
17 October 2007
Chairperson: Mr T Ralane (ANC, Free State)
Documents handed out:
Provincial Budgets and Expenditure Review: Chapter 2: Education
Provincial Budgets and Expenditure Review: Chapter 3: Health
Provincial Budgets and Expenditure Review: Chapter 4: Social Development
Department of Health: Presentation to Select Committee on Finance
Department of Education: Presentation to Select Committee on Finance
National Department of Social Development: Presentation to Select
Committee on Finance
Relevant Documents:
Provincial Budgets and Expenditure Review 2003/4 - 2009/10 (Book)
Audio recording of meeting [Part 1]&[Part 2]
The Committee continued with hearings on the Intergovernmental Fiscal
Review for 2007, dealing with the
Departments of Health, Social Development and Education. For all three sessions
the committee first heard a brief overview from the National Treasury, then a
presentation from the National Department and finally opened the reports up for
discussion. Where needed, representatives from the provincial departments were
called upon to account for discrepancies and to answer questions.
The Deputy Minister for Social Development was present at the meeting.
During the Health presentation and discussion there was disagreement over
whether or not there was an HIV/Aids crisis; questions surrounding over- and
under-expenditure, and discussion concerning the inequality of budgeting
between the provinces. Representatives from Free State, Eastern Cape and
Mpumalanga outlined the challenges facing their respective situations. A
general conclusion was that the current budgetary allocation was not nearly
enough to cope with the need for health services.
With regard to Social Development, the Treasury highlighted the inequality in
funding and the great shortage of human resources within the sector, though
they noted that funding was set to continue growing. The discussion from the
members centred upon Victim Empowerment programmes, Early Development Centres
and the funding and monitoring of Non-Profit Organisations. Representatives
from Mpumalanga were present and responded to queries concerning the low per
capita expenditure.
During the Education presentation, the Treasury noted that although education
spending compared to Gross Domestic Product was comparable internationally,
there was concern that it had repeatedly received less of the budget. Topics
covered in the discussion related to the equity share, contestations
surrounding quintile 1 and 2 zoning and no-fee schools, pass rates, capital
expenditure and under expenditure. Provincial representatives from Gauteng were
present and were queried about empty schools and the high educator-learner
rate; Free State explained about the contextual problems facing farm and rural
schools; Eastern Cape addressed the low university exemption pass rate, and
KwaZulu Natal spoke about per capita expenditure and computer centres.
Fiscal Review: Department of Health
Mr Mark Bletcher, Director Social Services, National Treasury, gave a brief
overview on the Health expenditure that drew upon data from the Provincial
Budgets and Expenditure Review. He noted that health sector funding had
experienced strong growth comparable to global trends. However, this growth was
uneven as it was especially strong in some areas (such as HIV/Aids, Primary
Health Care and Emergency Medical Services) but slow in others (such as
hospitals). Concerning the numbers of health care professionals, there had been
a growth of 24 000 workers. His conclusion was that the health budget had grown
strongly, however this had not yet been seen to translate into improvements in
Mr Gerrit Muller, CFO, National Department of Health (NDOH) noted that the
Department did not dispute the numbers of the Treasury, but had a different
interpretation of them. An increase in health spending was needed to fund an
increase in the demand for health. Although the report only showed four
provinces that overspent (Free State, Gauteng, Limpopo and the Northern Cape)
technically there were more provinces that overspent, but it was not obvious as
the expenditures had occurred in other periods, or were reclassified in other
The Chair interrupted the presentation to ask which provinces they were.
Mr Muller said that his Financial Officers had these details.
The Chair asked that the Financial Officers inform the Committee of the facts
as soon as possible.
Mr Muller continued by showing that the Health overrun was in fact closer to
one billion Rand, because the demand was bigger than the growth. The predicted
average growth in expenditure (as a percentage of provincial spending) was
getting less and less, and that was of concern. Mr Muller also highlighted the
variances between the provinces, and that Gauteng was still below the average
both times. There were concerns in Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape and
North-West about their capacity to spend, but above all the growth was choppy.
That made the planning and implementation of a seamless national health
programme difficult. Mr Muller’s conclusion was that growth was slow where
there was overspending, and it was problematic when the growth dropped below
inflation and population growth figures. These problems were exacerbated by
internal and external population migrations and health crises that appeared
with diseases such as HIV/Aids and the new strains of TB. In conclusion, the
Department of Health was of the opinion that the public health sector was
The Chairperson agreed that there were different interpretations, and
that the first one that came to his mind was on the Department’s slide 4 where
they said there was a crisis with HIV/Aids and TB. He said that this was a huge
interpretation variance, and they needed to return to the notion of a “crisis”.
Ms D Robinson (DA, Western Cape) asserted that she was glad to have it publicly
acknowledged by the Department that there was an Aids crisis. She also told of
a recent visit to Groote Schuur hospital in the Western Cape where they were
cutting the number of beds. She found this to be a problem not just as it
affected health care, but fewer beds also affected the training of the doctors.
TB was a major problem, especially with the new strains. If there were fewer
beds, then there was not adequate provision for the specialised care needed for
the TB sufferers, and more and more people would return to their community and
infect others. There was a need for adequate funding for health services.
The Chairperson informed Ms Robinson that this session was not one where they
could ask for more money.
Dr Yogan Pillay, DDG: Strategic Planning, National Department of Health,
explained that the 90 bed cut in Groote Schuur was in fact a relocation of
those beds to community district hospitals, where they would be better used.
Mr M Goeieman (ANC, Northern Cape) complained that the Chairperson had let Ms
Robinson make a third presentation in the meeting that was politicising,
instead of dealing with proposals. He said that there was no Aids or health
crisis and he did not want to be part of a meeting that said there was a
The Chairperson asked about the alarming vacancy rates of 40% that were
mentioned. He wanted to know which areas these were in, and the provinces
Dr Pillay responded that the vacancies were in all provinces in all
categories. The hope was that the recent Occupational Specific Dispensation
programme would go some way to attracting staff from the private sector and
Mr E Sogoni (ANC, Gauteng) spoke about the 313 Anti Retroviral (ARV)
sites in the country. He saw this as a growth in right direction, but wondered
if this was enough for 264 000 patients, and whether the Department intended to
grow the number of sites to be able to reach everyone. Mr Sogoni also
highlighted the TB problem. Even though there was growth in the sector, TB was
a curable disease, and as such a 53% cure rate was too low.
Mr Sogoni asked about the contradiction between a growth in budget yet not in
services. He wanted to know why that was the case, and if the Department was
employing qualified people.
Mr Sogoni commented on another issue he felt was not raised. Although there was
a fair number of staff in the Emergency Management
Services (EMS), he knew that there were provinces with serious paramedic
shortages and wanted an explanation as to why that was so. He was unsure as to
whether the National or Provincial Departments could respond to this question.
Mr Muller spoke to all three of Mr Sogoni’s questions by informing Mr
Sogoni that these expenditures and figures reflected what happened in the past.
There had been growth in the TB sector and EMS training, though they had not
yet seen the results (by way of outcomes) of these actions. As to staff
shortages, the Department was also waiting to see the results of the recent
Occupational Specific Dispensations that had been allocated for needed
Dr Pillay also responded to Mr Sogoni’s question about the TB cure rate, which
he agreed was very bad. The latest TB figures reflected 700 people infected for
every 100 000. The World Health Organisation (WHO) stipulated that a rate over
350 was bad. However, the good news was that the TB cure rate had improved and
11 districts had excellent cure rates.
The Chairperson wanted to know the source of these figures.
Dr Pillay replied that they were figures that the Department was compiling for
the WHO and that the National Treasury figures in the presentation were based
on 2005 health figures.
The Chairperson requested that the Health Department provide the new figures
directly to the Committee, not just to the WHO when they were finished
compiling, as it was imperative that this country had the correct data.
Mr B Mkhaliphi (ANC, Mpumalanga) looked at the data concerning hospital
admissions and noted that they had peaked a year ago and then dropped off. This
was contrary to the assertion that hospitals were currently overloaded, and he
sought clarification on this matter.
Mr M Qwase (ANC, Eastern Cape) also queried the drop in patients that was shown
in slide 19. He remarked that this may have been a question of resources, as
people rather went to larger district and tertiary hospitals for access, as the
primary care service was not good.
Mr M Robertson (ANC, Eastern Cape) added his concern as to the source of the
data. He repeated his point made last year, maintaining that when someone was
sick they were not to be turned away. He saw that there were serious budget
constraints, but also was concerned when people from neighbouring countries
came to South Africa and used resources that should be directed to South
Africans. He cited the example of Lesotho.
Mr Kenneth Brown, Chief Director, Intergovernmental Policy& Planning,
National Treasury, referred the Committee to the slide that mentioned that the
low supervision rate of nurse-run clinics in some provinces may have
resulted in incomplete data, and therefore the numbers were misleading.
The Chairperson noted that if the problem was incomplete data, then that lay
with the Committee, as they needed to ensure that there were correct monitoring
facilities in place so that the staff could deliver services with the correct
information. There were many questions surrounding the financial data, growth
in funding, backlogs and over/under spending in the provinces:
Mr Goeieman noted that in the Western Cape, the previous under spending meant
that the question was about the capacity to spend. He wanted to ask what the
Department was doing about spending.
The Chairperson agreed, noting that in slide four the Western Cape had
underspent by R57 million. There was therefore no justification for bemoaning
the cut in budget.
Mr Robertson mentioned that his province had underspent by R80 million. He had
a question about the shortage of trained staff in hospitals. One hospital had a
55% shortage of nursing staff and he was sure that with R80 million remaining
that problem could surely be addressed. He also noted that the Eastern Cape
Health Department had not paid the company that delivered medicines, so
hospitals had to use their own money and petrol to drive all the way to the
The Chairperson spoke concerning specific provinces. He noted Free State’s
overspending of R92 million and wanted to know what had been done in the Free
State to address the problem for the current year, and what the risks there
would be. He raised a similar question to the North-West concerning their R137
million under spending.
Mr Qwase asked the Department officials to clarify the backlog with current
funding, especially as there were questions of inequity between provinces.
Mr Mkhaliphi stated that for the provinces whose funding growth was below
budget, it was not responsible to complain of underfunding, as the provinces
needed to look at their own budget growth.
The Chairperson also referred to the fiscal data, especially the
contradictions, in the presentations. He wanted an accurate spending total as
the National Treasury claimed over R379 million in overspending, yet the
National Health Department’s figure was R736 million.
He repeated his question during the presentation concerning the Department’s
accusation that these figures were artificial. The Department mentioned that
there were provinces that “engineered overspending because of the draconian
clauses of PFMA”. He wanted to know which “draconian laws” they were, and how
and where the engineering manifested itself. He also asked what the National
Department was doing about such “engineering”.
The Chair also asked as to who was responsible for the inequity in funding, and
the uneven growth. He called on the National Treasury to respond to the
numerous financial questions.
Mr Brown explained that the differing totals depended on how one added the data
up when analysing it. If one added up the provinces that overspent (Northern
Cape, Limpopo etc) the total was close to the R700 million the Department
mentioned. However, this was not the correct total, as they still needed to
subtract the under spending provinces. When this was done, the net effect was
R370- million or so.
Dr Pillay responded to the financial questions about equity and growth. His
preliminary comment was that it was very clear from both presentations that the
Health sector was not a homogenous situation, as there was a lot of variation
between the National budget, and the practice in provinces. He explained that
if one looked at the National Health Act and the white paper on the Health System,
the intention was to create national norms and standards. However, there were
significant differences between the provinces. For instance, in the city of
Cape Town the amount per capita spent on patients was R300 per person, yet some
cities in Mpumalanga spent R50 per person on primary health care. There would
therefore be different outputs if there were different inputs. He explained
these differences by the fact that the Constitution made provision that
provincial treasuries funded provincial departments, so they divided the funds
up between the various departments as they saw fit. One solution to this
inequality was to have a normative national approach to every person, such as to stipulate that all
people were to get R300 primary care per year. However, if the National
Department did that, the current allocation of R60 billion would be totally
inadequate, so in effect, with the current funding, it was unaffordable to have
the same health care throughout the country. Dr Pillay also added that a second
challenge for equity was the private health sector that only took care of 7
million people, yet spent 5% of GDP. This in itself was a huge inequality.
With regards to Mr Qwase’s question about backlog, Dr Pillay responded that the
real costs to perform and fund all the needs, such as to clear the backlog,
were much higher than the budget. Concerning the increased budget, yet
decreased output, Dr Pillay said that medical inflation ran on average 2 to-3%
higher than traditional Consumer Price Index inflation. The reality was that
almost all the medical equipment and a large portion of drugs were imported,
resulting in high costs that were increasing all the time.
Mr Muller also spoke in response to the collection of financial questions. To
explain the inequity in per capita health funding trends per province he
explained that according to the fiscal policies of the country the provincial
treasuries allocated the health funds. It was out of the Department’s hands,
although they welcomed growth rates of higher than the norm for the provinces
that were currently below the norm. They needed to guard from the growth rates
dipping below what was required. For example, the 3.5% growth in Gauteng meant
that demand for health services had outstripped the allocation of budget. The
growth rate took into account the expenditure that had occurred, and as
expenditure was not equal among provinces, so the rates too would vary.
Mr Sogoni thought that the national Department set the benchmark with regard to
per capita spending. He did not understand how provincial departments would
allow themselves to receive an allocation that was less than the required
national average. He wanted to know why this was accepted.
The Chairperson noted that there was a similar problem mentioned with the
Department of Roads in its briefing. He suggested that the Committee needed to
monitor the division of funds in the provinces next year, and make sure that it
was done properly. He was going to raise these same questions with the
provincial treasuries themselves. He also asked the Department to find some way
of creating a benchmark, so that they could judge everyone on the basis of that
The Chairperson then called upon the various provincial representatives present
to speak to the questions that were raised. Contributions followed from the
Free State, Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga.
Mr Sakhiwo Belot, MEC Health, Free State, wanted to concur with the National
Treasury’s presentation that captured the situation that there was a demand for
health services that outstripped availability. This was the reason for their
problem of over-expenditure. The burden of disease meant that the average
length of stay (even in district hospitals) was longer. Even though it was
correct that the patient figures had dropped since the peak in 2001, those that
were coming to hospital were requiring higher levels of care than previously.
He maintained that no patients were ever turned away. Concerning Mr Robinson’s
point about cross-border patients, he noted that it was common knowledge that
many people from other countries were using South African residential addresses
to obtain health care. The latest half year statistics for primary health care
patients indicated that their numbers had grown significantly.
Prof Pax Ramela, HOD: Health, Free State, referred to slide 27 of the
Department’s presentation that captured the essence of the problem in the Free
State, namely chronic underfunding. The provincial department experienced R90
to R100 million underfunding on an annual basis which, coupled with the extra
costs and increase in patients, raised many challenges. Concerning MDR-TB, the
Free State had many patients of which only a few were hospitalised, as they
were under massive pressure to fund their TB projects. Because of the
over-expenditure last year, this year the Department had started with R92
million less in their budget. They predicted a R60 million overspending this
year, so they had to find R150 million to save. Despite the increasing demands,
the only way they could save this amount was to defer the purchase of
equipment, as well as defer surgery and mainly work with emergency and acute
patients. Another method was to drive down the levels of stock. However, if
they were successful in all these cost-cutting measures, they may only save R50
or 60 million. They were under serious pressure to still pay back the R90
million. He added that the patients looking for primary health care were much
sicker than before, and the National Health Laboratory Service and complicated
blood tests had pushed hospital costs up 30 to 40%. Prof Ramela’s conclusion
was that there were many challenges on many fronts.
The Chair then called upon the Eastern Cape Department of Health to account for
the R80 million under spending.
A representative of the Eastern Cape Department of Health responded that the
Department had been allocated R400 million from the Treasury only in January
2007 and had two months within which to spend the money. The Department used
R30 million to assist with an audit, and some of it for backlogs. R30 million
earmarked for a document centre was not used as the document centre was not set
up yet. A final R57 million was related to forensic pathology expenses.
The Chairperson disagreed and said that the January payment was an adjustment
payment because there was something wrong with their budgeting. If not, it was
financial dumping and the problem was that provincial treasuries would
sometimes sit with monies and then dump them. He asked for the details to be
put in writing so that the Committee could deal with the treasuries.
Mr Sogoni suggested that the response from the Eastern Cape came within two
Mr Brown said that he would contact the National Treasury and get the
information to verify the claim.
Mr Sogoni asked about the Eastern Cape’s forensic pathology expenses and
wondered about the forensic pathology grants of the National Department, and
whether the infrastructure was in place. He said that the legislation was
introduced in 2004 but up until now had not been used.
The Chairperson asked
Mr Sogoni not to deal with the specific grants now, but rather wait for Mr
Brown to give them the information.
Mr Brown later advised the Chairperson that he had contacted his office and
found out that there was no adjustment for the Eastern Cape in January. There
were only adjustments for Limpopo and Gauteng.
Mr Brown referred to page 146 of the Review to put the Eastern Cape spending in
context. He said that the main overspending lay in current payments, and there
was a small under spending in capital assets. The bulk of the under-spending
was in transfers to other Departments.
The Chairperson noted that the actual problem was then within the provinces,
not with the National Department.
Dr Tlou Confidence Moloko, HOD: Health and Social Development, Mpumalanga, was
not sure of the basis of the concern as their expenditure last year was in the
region of 99%. Currently they were at about 44% with a number of decisions that
had been taken concerning procurement of furniture, computers and so forth that would
increase the spending. The absence of annual procurement plans had created
situations where individuals were asking for vehicles that were more
fashionable than practical, but they had corrected that through the CFO with
proper procurement plans that were not wasteful. Dr Moloko concluded by stating
that he was confident the Department could spend.
The Chairperson chose not to question their Northern Cape Health HOD, but said
they would rather wait until they met again in November.
Mr Muller drew the committee’s attention to slide 7 and 10 that documented
under-and over-expenditure. He said that HODs were to try to get as close to
the budget as possible, but if there was a difference, it was preferable for
the variance to be under, rather than over, the budget. Although the gross
under-expenditure of R300 million sounded a lot, in terms of the total context
the under-expenditure was actually less than 1%.
Fiscal Review: Department of Social Development (DSD)
The Chairperson welcomed the Deputy Minister of Social Development, Hon Jean
Swanson-Jacobs, to the meeting.
Ms Julia De Bruyn, CD: Social Services, National Treasury, led the presentation
to the Committee. Looking at programme spending as a whole, she highlighted the
variations between the provinces. She also made it clear that it was the
Provincial Executives who decided on how much money to allocate, not the
National or Departmental Treasuries. She showed the inequalities in services to
older persons to be a legacy problem from pre-1994 South Africa. The services
to children were unequal, and there were concerns about the number of social
workers which hampered service delivery. There were
however some positive developments and funding looked set to continue to grow.
Hon Jean Swanson-Jacobs, Deputy Minister of Social Welfare, greeted the
Committee noted that the Department’s presentation confirmed that of the
National Treasury, with a few extra clarifications giving their perspective.
Ms Vuyelwa Nhlapo, DDG: Integrated Development, DSD, read through the
Department’s presentation. At the Chairperson’s request she skipped the
Provincial Expenditure Report and moved directly to challenges the Department
faced. She concluded the presentation by noting the positive developments from
the restructuring of the social development sector, the growth in funding, and
the unanticipated negative impact on human resources that arose with the
shifting of the social security function to the national government.
Ms Swanson-Jacobs agreed with the unanticipated problem of a substantial
migration of staff to the newly created South African Social Security Agency
Mr Zane Dangor, Chief Operations Officer, DSD, added that there were social services
staff who migrated to SASSA, in addition to social security staff. He mentioned
that there were some innovative projects coming up to address the shortages of
human resources, and also wished to emphasise the importance of accountability.
The Department had agreed on sector priorities and had regular meetings
concerning them. This was leading to the seamless approach to services that the
National Treasury spoke of.
The Chairperson informed Ms Nhlapo that the areas he had asked her not
to read in the presentation would be dealt with in November when the Committee
met with the provinces.
Mr Sogoni noted that mention was made of Victim Empowerment Programmes (VEPs).
He said it was very important and wondered why it was
that there were some provinces that did not have any VE sectors.
Ms Nhlapo answered by saying that the provinces would respond to the individual
reasons, but currently 90% of victim empowerment work was done through
partnerships with Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). This also explained
the transfer of funds to the NGOs.
Mr Dangor said that VEPs were mainly responsive measures and that the
Department should rather look at preventative methods. This meant supporting
the NGOs that were doing the work, such as the gender equity players. If they
did not begin to support these NGOs then problems would arise especially around
violence to women and children.
The Chairperson queried the Department’s actions in outsourcing such a
serious responsibility and not building the capacity in-house.
Ms Nhlapo said that at a national level there was a programme to build the
capacity but there was not the staff capacity at the provincial levels to do
this. However, she said there was a plan to deal with long term capacity.
Mr Sogoni asked about the transfer of funds to Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs).
He wanted to know how the Department measured, monitored and evaluated the work
of these NPOs.
Ms Nhlapo responded to Mr Sogoni by stating that the NPOs were governed by the
NPO Act.
Mr Mkhaliphi mentioned that two years ago certain provinces had to create NPOs
and NGOs where none existed, and help them get set up. He wanted to know about
the present situation, if there were organisations the Department was using to
assist in service delivery, and what the state of accountability was.
Ms Nhlapo advised that the NGOs were at different levels. Some still needed to
be assisted and some of the delays in transferring funds were due to these
different levels. She conceded that the Department was not monitoring and
evaluating the 43 000 registered NPOs as they were meant to. This was a big
challenge and the Department needed to strengthen the NPO directorate that
dealt with it.
Mr Dangor informed the meeting that they had set up a chief directorate, and had
monitored SASSA since its establishment. This would be extended to other
programmes too.
Mr Sogoni asked about the recent disbursements made by the National
Development Agency (NDA) where R110 million was awarded to 95 projects. He
wanted to know if this was grant funding, and how it benefited the poor.
Mr Dangor replied that the R110 million went to the NGOs under the assumption
that they ran projects and had the capacity to help the poor. He said that they
needed to analyse what was best as the more money that went to intermediaries
that managed projects, the less there was for people on the ground who needed the money.
The Chairperson said that they urgently needed to do that analysis as the NDA
had under performed.
Mr Sogoni added that he was worried that if these monies went to NPOs the
benefits were not going to the people. He informed the meeting that on their
oversight visits they had realised that when the Department announced that
there was money, people would form NPOs just to get finances. The question was
whether they were really rendering services.
Mr Dangor answered that when it came to service delivery they could challenge
the NPOs that got NDA awards, as they could see if they were indeed doing work.
Ms Dorothea Snyman, CD: Financial Planning and Monitoring, DSD, spoke
concerning NPO governance and said that this was where delays of funding came
about. They needed to ensure that the NPOs had the proper structures in place
before they transferred funds. Although this resulted in the delays, this also
gave them approved business plans against which the organisations could be held
Mr Sogoni referred to the disparities in distribution of homes for the
elderly. He asked if there was provision in the budget to ensure an increase in
homes overall. He also questioned the oversupply in the Northern Cape.
Ms Nhlapo replied that DSD was currently researching the needs of older
persons. Once that was complete they would assess the current old age homes and
see if the number was sufficient. They may realise there was no need to build
more homes, but presently there was no way to assess that.
Mr Mkhaliphi asked about the bursaries given out, and whether sufficient track
was being kept of the recipients to make sure they were employed in the field
when they graduated.
Ms Nhlapo affirmed that DSD did indeed keep track. The Department worked
closely with provincial departments ensuring they got progress reports of
students. They also had a forum to meet with the Universities themselves to
plan for the student’s practical service and work out employment with the
Department. She added that one of the challenges was that there were social
workers working in NGOs. DSD wondered how it could they assist those NGOs to
build the capacities of social workers, instead of just focussing on state
social workers. With regard to the morale and support of social workers, Ms
Nhlapo said that DSD had undertaken a study looking at working conditions of
social workers. The outcome showed a number of challenges and the Department
was developing various programmes to respond to the findings.
Ms A Mchunu (IFP, KwaZulu Natal) wanted to reiterate
the importance of giving family support where there were needs. She noted that
the option of starting ECDs in homes had previously been mooted and wanted to
know if that was still the case. If so, she wanted to know how large a centre
had to be, or what the distance between ECDs had to be to validate starting
Mr Sogoni also enquired about the services to children. He wanted to know if
there was proper information on how ECDs should be set up. Concerning the
Eastern Cape, he wondered why it had so many ECDs and whether people knew that
they were supposed to register their sites.
Ms Nhlapo clarified the regulations surrounding ECD centres. When she had given
the number of one centre per 450 children, she had not meant that there needed
to be 450 children in each centre. She stated that they needed to accelerate
ECD registration so as to reduce the 1:450 rate.
Ordinary houses could be ECDs, if they complied with the norms and standards.
There were also a number of technical and fiscal data questions that were
Mr Sogoni referred to page 7 of the Treasury’s report concerning homes for the
aged. Limpopo only had 8 homes yet the per capita distribution was R44 million.
He wanted to know if that was what was spent on the homes and why they had the
highest expenditure with the least number of homes.
The Chairperson noted that in the North West the administration costs were very
high. He wondered what they were paying for and whether there was some norm and
standard to use to judge the costs. He further added that Mpumalanga had the
least spending on administration and wondered if they had a plan to address
that problem. Looking at per capita spending, Mpumalanga was the lowest all the
way to 2010 and he asked again for some norm to impose.
Mr Sogoni referred to page 2 of the Treasury’s report and asked why the North
West had such a huge under-expenditure, having only spent 87% of their budget.
The Chairperson asked if there was a common basket across the provinces.
Dr Moloko responded concerning his province. When SASSA was formed 24 months
ago they also suffered a lot of losses and the component that was left had no
human resources or foundation. However, with the new service delivery model
being implemented, they had come some way and made an audit of the services
Concerning the questions asked of the National Department, Dr Moloko said that
they spent 15% on administration. They could not say if it was ideal, but could
give details in writing about where the administration money went. He added
that to compare expenditure with the public and private sector most of the
money should go to service delivery. At the start of the year they had a
514-strong staff complement and they ended with 904. Doubling the staff was
good, but they still had to analyse where the appointments had been so that the
expenditure would be commensurate with the services delivered.
The Chairperson noted that neither the Eastern Cape nor the Free State were
present. He then asked for a last word from the Department.
Mr Dangor admitted that they had not developed a clear mandate for service
Ms Snyman agreed that they needed to discuss what appropriate norms and
standards would be for administration and service delivery.
Hon Swanson-Jacobs added that they had to take into account the fact that
welfare services received a small part of the Department of Social
Development’s budget. One of the unintended consequences of moving SASSA out
was that all they could now do was deliver on social services. In this regard
there was backlog but also some improvement.
The Chair thanked the delegation, noting that they had been very visible as a
Department in Parliament recently. He asked them to investigate the trend in
Mpumalanga and North-West of 15% of the budget going to research, as well as
the way money was given to NGOs. He noted in conclusion that there was still no
national policy on poverty eradication as a country. There seemed to be many
pockets, but it lacked a co-ordinating system..
Fiscal Review: Department of Education (DOE)
The Chairperson called upon the Department of Treasury to take the meeting
through an analysis of the spending of the Education Department.
Mr Kenneth Brown led the Committee through the National Treasury’s presentation
and drew upon data from the Provincial Budgets and Expenditure Review. He
explained the importance of education and mentioned that spending on education
was currently 5.4% of GDP, which was comparable internationally. There were
remarkable successes in terms of access to education, and the benefit of no-fee
schools were also beginning to filter through. However, relative to
inputs, the outputs and quality of education remained a concern.
Mr Firoz Patel, Deputy Director General, Department of Education, noted that
the Treasury’s review was succinct and welcome. He wished to raise some
concerns. not about the report, but concerning the
outcome of the reports with regard to legacy. Wherever there had been growth in
the government, the growth in funding had gone to areas other than education.
He showed that the problem with spending depended on the province. The
conclusion was that there was in fact no equity.
After the presentation, Mr Patel showed a few in-depth analysis slides that
elaborated on the poverty level and looked again at whether the equitable share
was in fact equitable. The Chairperson asked that these graphs be printed out
and made available to the Committee as soon as possible.
The Chair noted that these presentations were useful in that they had
showed that within the equitable share there had been under-budgeting. They had
seen this with Roads and Transport, and Health, and now again in Education. He
wondered as to its implications. The question that the Treasury raised was
whether the provinces prioritised education. He asserted that Parliament needed
to find a way of engaging with the executive committees of the provincial
treasurers about this. Each provincial executive committee needed to account as
to why they felt they needed to stop prioritising these three Departments.
Mr D Botha (ANC, Limpopo) noted the allocation for school libraries,
laboratories and fields on page 3 of the Treasury’s report. His province had
received R22 million but not spent a cent. They also had spent 83% on the
budget on personnel, yet there was still a 1:35 educator to learner ratio. He
wondered how they could reduce the large portion that went to personnel.
Mr Sogoni picked up on Mr Botha’s question about personnel expenditure
comprising 83%, as it only left 17% for other expenditure. He asked if that was
the trend they wished to keep, and how they ensured that schools had the
required learning materials.
The Chairperson noted that if capital spending was only 17% then the building
of new schools would not happen either. This was a big problem and he was not
sure what plans there were to address personnel spending versus capital
Mr Patel said that one could only give a guideline of a percentage amount if
the whole amount was first sufficient. The previous limit of using 80% for
teachers had expired, and a limit could actually work against them if the
budget increased. He said that though the Department required norms and
standards, they had not solved the problem between hard and soft norms. The
current norms and standards were targets used to measure performance and
Mr Sogoni raised a question that had not been previously addressed, that of the
security of schools. In Gauteng the Department spent a lot of money putting
computers into schools, yet they were stolen the next night. He complained that
there was no budget for security for these necessary items, and that the
Department had taken a decision that they were not involved with the issue of
security for the schools at night.
Mr Patel agreed that if there was no money for security then they could not
protect the computers. However, they needed to make sure the resources were
there, and that may mean finding other means of getting computers for the
schools, such as partnering with local entrepreneurs.
Mr Botha raised an important issue surrounding no-fee schools and quintile
ratings. There were occasions where a no-fee school was only a few kilometres
from a fee school, so everyone migrated rather to the no-fee school.
Mr Qwase also spoke about no-fee schools and quintile ratings. He made mention
of the areas that were not identified as Quintile 1 or 2 and therefore left out
of no-fee schools, yet felt they should be Q1 or Q2. The Committee had
recommended that the Department should budget for areas that were “contested
areas” and also required no-fee schools.
Mr Patel answered that no-fee schools were an issue of management but also of
data. They had an equitable parameter where they took the best data possible
(census data) and then used it to gauge the correct quintile rating. They
needed to test the issue of those absurdities where one school was rated Q1 and
another Q3 in the same community. He added however, that it was not just their
responsibility as the Department, and that often people in the community were
better at spotting the absurdities and informing the Department. Sometimes the
data was not absolute in telling them what was poverty, as it happened that
schools that were declared no-fee schools had told the Department that in fact
they did have money.
Mr Qwase brought up the topic of schools that were so small so as to only be
entitled to a few teachers. This allocation did not take into account the
numbers of grades, streams and learning areas in the school, and as a result
the schools were forced to appoint on their own school governing body (SGB) educators
to cover all the areas. He hoped that the laws and standards in the Education
Laws Amendment Bill would address this
Mr Patel replied that the example where a school was forced to appoint SGB
posts was illegal. If a school was allocated posts, then those posts must be
filled. He added that the post provisioning formula was being re-looked at in a
form that spoke not as a percentage of expenditure but rather according to
class size ratio. He asked about multi-grade one person schools and wondered
whether the answer was to close them all down, provide transport to a larger
school, or to resource that school and teacher to teach multi-grades. As the
majority of South Africa was rural, these were important questions.
Mr Qwase asked if the Department had budgeted for the financial implications of
the Education Laws Amendment Bill.
Mr Patel mentioned the current Children’s Bill, and noted that the advocating
of norms and standards was a long and involved process that still had to be
done. Whether these would be hard or soft norms would also affect their impact
on the Department and its budgeting.
Mr Qwase noted the talk around “infrastructure” and the difference between the
building of classrooms and the building of schools. He wanted to know why the
Department was not building schools.
The Chairperson responded to Mr Qwase that there were some provinces that had
chosen to build soccer stadiums and airports rather than schools. He then
called upon the various provincial representatives to respond to the
Mr Motseki Monnane, CFO, Free State Department of Education, stated that when
one looked at the teacher learner ratio it seemed rather favourable, however
the contextual situation was that there were about 300 farm schools with one
teacher per farm school. This was different to 500 children and many teachers
in a normal school, and the quality of education where one teacher taught all
the subjects was not very good. He remarked that the trend in pass rates was
not the only indicator of outcomes. The Department had used a special holistic
intervention programme that had helped increase pass results and since they had
abandoned this programme the rates had dipped once more.
The Chairperson thanked Mr Monnane for the interesting questions he had raised
such as how to approach the education budget for farm schools where there was
one teacher, and how to ensure a quality education in those situations. He
suggested a strong plea to the Department not ever to budget for the situation
where one educator should have to teach several subjects. He agreed that the
prevalence of rural schools was exacerbating the problem.
Mr Sogoni asked what was being done by the Eastern Cape to achieve university
passes, as the data showed that they were not doing well.
The Acting Superintendent General from Eastern Cape Department of Education
responded to Mr Sogoni’s question, as well as to the general discussion. His
first remark was that the Department in his province was planning to build
schools and not just classrooms. His second remark explained that as they
declared Q1 and Q2 areas as no-fee schools, the communities would contest their
quintile number. Those who contested were in Q3 areas and in the public mind
their contestation was justified. To answer this the
Department had said that schools in quintile 3 should have voluntary school
fees. Concerning personnel, he added that for the budget proposal they wanted
to propose a minimum number of teachers per school to properly handle the
curriculum, irrespective of the number of learners. He admitted that the number
of schools that were small and spread far away was a challenge.
In response to Mr Sogoni’s question, the Eastern Cape representative mentioned
that they were prioritising Maths and Science &Technology. In the last year
and a half they had advertised posts for these subjects, as the goal was one
maths and science teacher in each school. He indicated that there was a
shortage of maths teachers, and that even the higher institutions were not
focussed on the production of maths teachers. English was also a problem in the
Eastern Cape, and this affected all the other subjects. He concluded by
informing the Committee that they had a turn-around plan that would hopefully
work and address some of the issues raised in the report.
The Chair asked KwaZulu Natal about page 9 of the National Treasury report that
showed they were below average on per-learner spending. He asked for the reason
behind this statistic.
Dr Reginald Lubisi, Superintendent-General, KZN Department of
Education, answered that it was hard to give reasons as to why they saw such a
low per capital expenditure. It had to do with the equitable share as
well as with the budget allocation within provinces. When they realised there
were shortages they had to find creative ways to overcome it. His Department
was dealing with the questions surrounding consolidating small and rural
schools, though there were also political implications of consolidating. They
were engaging with the traditional local communities and their leadership in
this regard. He also noted that in KwaZulu Natal they had made a decision that
there would be no one-teacher schools, and the minimum was at least two
teachers. Mr Lubisi concluded that they had tried to provide access to
education, and that it was a key issue for them.
The Chair called upon the Gauteng Department of Education to respond to the
conversation, specifically to the allegations of empty schools.
Mr D Charee, Acting DDG: Gauteng Department of Education,
explained the particular situation of the province. He highlighted that Gauteng
had one of the highest learner to educator ratios, and the highest density of
860 learners per school compared to a national average in the 400s. This was
due to the 84 000 learners that migrated into Gauteng’s informal settlements
and need education. They were under pressure having to bus 50 000 learners to
get them to schools as they could not build schools in the informal settlements
until they were properly declared as settlements. There was also legislation
stating that the Department could not bus school children more than 15
kilometres. The majority of the empty schools were in Soweto and Mr Charee
explained this as an historical problem from pre-apartheid times
that was contingent on the demographics of the specific areas. Until the
population changed, they could not use the schools in that zone, as there were
no children there. In Johannesburg South and the inner city there was an influx
of new residents, but the Department had given away or sold their land in those
communities years ago when the residents first moved out. This problem of
migration and pressure resulted in average class sizes of beyond 40, and in
some schools teachers even had to “time-share” classrooms. Mr Charee noted that
the provincial allocation for capital expenditure has not increased at all in
the last ten years, and this was a problem.
The Chairperson mentioned to Mr Charee that the Department was under performing
and Parliament was concerned to stop that under performance. That was the
reason why they did not receive extra funds. He asked him to first speak to the
under spending they had incurred in the last financial year.
Mr Charee informed the meeting that Gauteng was now on track with capital
expenses and that 52 schools would be delivered in January. This was the single
largest reception of schools at any one time. Mr Charee also mentioned that
security was a big problem in Gauteng, and they had addressed it within the
ambit of personnel. His Department had altered the budget so that 20% of the computers and technology
budget was to go towards security of these facilities. Concerning no-fee
schools, he agreed with Mr Patel when he indicated that they used Statistics
South Africa data, not the quality of the school. In Gauteng wards were too
large to be homogenous, and they had to use “sub-place” levels to determine
quintiles. The problem was that sub-places could be separated by a fence, and
then the problem of no-fee and normal schools being close to
each other was again created.
The Chairperson asked the National Department and Treasury for their final
Mr Patel admitted that outcomes were an issue, and that the “Non performance
means no money” argument was not something the Treasury could win. If a
Department did not deliver the full item requested, then it was impossible to
ask for the full outcomes. He advised that this was an area where calculated
risks needed to be taken. Concerning the variance in per capita spending, he stated
that it was not necessary that all provinces were to be the same as this was
not efficient. The data did reflect inequalities, but they needed to analyse it
further to see where the inequalities really were.
Mr Brown explained to the meeting what an equitable share was. Seeing that the
economy was growing and that last year the Education Department under spent its
budget, he appealed that this Department shift their thinking from asking for
more money rather to talking about outcomes and results. He noted that
provincial education departments were not articulating their needs and budgets
well to the Treasury and that was a flaw in the system that needed to be fixed.
However, Mr Brown raised a cautionary remark concerning the linking of capacity
to allocation. Contrary to the early views of the Committee, he said that it
was difficult to link the two and say “first show us that you can spend, and
then we will give you more money”. The Departments would be able to do that
with regard to personnel, but regarding other expenses, such as buildings, it
would not work to say that they should build the schools before getting the
money. He agreed with Mr Patel, and cautioned against such an approach.
The Chairperson thanked Mr Brown for his passion and commitment and noted that
last year similar issues of omissions from Education Departments’ budgets were
brought to the fore by the National Treasury.
The meeting was adjourned.
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