Broadband Infraco Bill & South African Express Airways Bill: finalisation

Public Enterprises

10 October 2007
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report




10 October 2007

Acting Chairperson:  Ms N Kondlo (ANC)

Documents handed out:
Broadband Infraco Bill Consultative Draft
Broadband Infraco Bill Motion of Desirability
South African Express Airways Bill Consultative Draft
South African Express Bill Motion of Desirability
Draft Committee Programme

Broadband Infraco Bill [B26-2007]
South African Express Bill [B14-2007]

Audio recording of meeting

Members met with the legal representatives from the Department of Public Enterprises to finalise the South African Express Airways Bill and the Broadband Infraco Bill. A Member from the Democratic Aliance (DA) strongly objected to the scheduling of the Bills, and stated that both entities should be listed as schedule 3b entities, as opposed to a schedule 2 entities. Members noted the objection and agreed to debate it in the National Assembly on 17 October. Members then proceeded to unanimously adopt both Bills, whist noting the objections raised by the DA.

South African Express Airways (SAX) Bill

Members deliberated over Clause 9 of the Bill and it was agreed that SAX would be listed as a Schedule 2 entity. Members decided to accept the clause subject to certain typographical amendments.

Dr M Van Dyk (DA) objected to the scheduling of the bill, and stated that the entity should be listed as a Schedule 3b entity, as opposed to a Schedule 2.

Members noted the objection and agreed to debate it in the National Assembly on 17 October. Members systematically went through Clauses 1 through 9, where it was decided to accept the Bill as amended, with the objection of Clause 9 being noted.

Broadband Infraco Bill
Members systematically went through Clauses 1 through 12, as read out by the Chairperson

Dr Van Dyk objected to the scheduling of the bill, and stated that the entity should be listed as a Schedule 3b entity, as opposed to a Schedule 2.

Members noted the objection and agreed to debate it in the National Assembly on 17 October. Members therefore decided to accept all the clauses of the Bill with objection of Clause 11 being noted.

Committee Reports on Broadband Infraco Bill and the SAX Bill
The Chairperson read through the Committee reports and asked Members if they had any objections

Dr Van Dyk objected to the sentences that referred to the scheduling of the bill,

Members noted the objection and adopted the reports subject to grammatical amendments.

The meeting was adjourned.



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