Tax Treaties : RSA / Portugal, Saudi Arabia & Switzerland: Ratification
NCOP Finance
05 September 2007
Meeting Summary
A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.
Meeting report
05 September 2007
Chairperson: Mr T Ralane (ANC)
Documents handed out:
on Tax Treaties: Portugal, Saudi Arabia and Switzerland to be ratified
Double Taxation
Explanatory Memorandum
on Double Taxation Agreement Between South Africa and the kingdom of Lesotho
Memorandum on Double Taxation Convention Between South Africa and Portuguese
Memorandum on Double Taxation Convention Between South Africa and the kingdom
of Saudi Arabia
Memorandum on the Treaty between South Africa and the Swiss Federal Council
Explanatory Memorandum
on the Double Taxation Agreement Between South Africa
and Sudan
Audio recording of
The National Treasury and South African Revenue Services briefed the
Committee on tax treaties recently entered into, that required ratification by
Parliament, between South Africa and, respectively, Portugal, Saudi Arabia and
Switzerland. The general process of ratification was outlined, and the specific
terms of the treaties that differed from the standard protocols were mentioned.
The Revenue Services outlined the principles of double taxation agreements, and
noted that the purpose was to remove barriers to cross-border trade and
investment. Once again any differences with the model conventions were
outlined. It was noted that Saudi Arabia made a distinction between taxation of
nationals and non-nationals, which was the reason why this agreement differed
from those with other countries. In relation to Switzerland, the agreement now
included for the first time an article in terms of which South Africa could
obtain information about taxes.
Members raised some concern with the references to the Bin Laden companies, as
the name had particularly negative connotations, and asked questions about
preferential procurement of oil, the need for determinants on crude oil,
company tax in Saudi Arabia, the position of tax exemptions, taxation of
company dividends, and the source-based system of taxation. The differences in
the tax regimes of different countries were clarified. Members of the Committee
expressed their pleasure at the conclusion of the agreement with Portugal, and
the investment amounts coming in from foreign operations.
Tax Treaties between RSA and
Portugal, Saudi Arabia and Switzerland to be ratified: National
Treasury (NT) briefing
Ms Yanga Mputa,
Director: Legal Tax Design, National Treasury, briefed the Committee on the tax
treaties approval process and the economic developments that resulted from tax
treaties. She explained that tax treaties were a reflection of the fundamental
tax policy choices of each country. Parliament had to approve every tax treaty
before it became binding and in South Africa this approval was done in
accordance with section 231 of the Constitution, read with section 108(2) of
the Income Tax Act. Ms Yanga said that the treaties
would incorporate matters that were in South Africa’s best interest.
Mr Yanga then went on to describe each of the
The South Africa (SA) – Portugal treaty was signed on 13 November 2006
and its aim was to strengthen existing economic relations. Investment by
Portugal into SA amounted to R33.8 million in 2003 while imports from Portugal
amounted to R749 million in 2006. Investment by SA into Portugal was R5.1
million in 2003 and exports to Portugal were R1.3 billion in 2006.
The SA – Saudi Arabia treaty was signed during the Presidential visit to
Saudi Arabia in March 2007. The aim of this treaty was to establish economic
benefits and strengthen the relations with the countries of the Gulf Region. Saudi
Arabia was the major supplier of crude oil to South Africa, with SA importing
34.2% of its crude oil from Saudi Arabia. Approximately 5 000 to 10 000 South
African expatriates were in Saudi Arabia. Generally Saudi Arabia did not levy
income tax on its nationals.
The SA – Switzerland treaty was a renegotiation of the existing tax
treaty. The first tax treaty between SA and Switzerland came into force on 11
July 1968, at a time when SA tax policy was not yet fully developed. The
proposed new tax treaty, signed on 8 May 2007, would terminate the existing tax
treaty. Existing economic ties between SA and Switzerland continued to grow
strongly. This was evidenced by the
Trade and Investment Network Switzerland/South Africa (TINSSA) launched in
April 2004 and “Business Kick-off 2010”, which was launched in 2006, whose
objective was to act
as a channel for Swiss companies to reach South African companies
and discuss joint projects around the 2010 Soccer World Cup. De Beers,
Dimension Data and Investec were some of the many
South African owned or managed companies operating in Switzerland. South
Africa’s portfolio investments in Switzerland amounted to R1.4 billion in 2004.
Double Taxation Conventions/Agreements: South African Revenue Services
(SARS) Briefing
Mr Ron van der Merwe,
Manager: International Treaties, South African Revenue Services highlighted the
critical issue in all the treaties. He firstly said that the purpose of the
agreements was to remove barriers to cross-border trade and investment. The removal of barriers to entry included the
elimination of double taxation, reduction of withholding tax, prevention of
fiscal evasion and the resolution of tax disputes or interpretations.
Mr van der Merwe submitted,
in respect of each agreement, a comparison of the OECD Model Tax Convention,
the South African Model Agreement for Avoidance of Double Taxation, and the
wording of each Convention. He indicated that the Saudi Arabia double taxation
convention closely follows the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) Model Convention which formed the foundation of the vast
majority of Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs).
Article 7 differed from the South African model; it set out the specific
determination of deductions. A separate paragraph made reference to profits
derived from the export of goods. Article 10 related to passive income where
the State had limited type of intervention, if at all. The tax charged in
respect of dividends in this DTA must not exceed 5% of the gross amount of dividends,
if the beneficial owner was a company holding directly at least 10% of the
company's capital. For other shareholders, the tax rate must not exceed 10% of
the gross amounts of all dividends.
Article 11 related to interest. Saudi Arabia had a problem with the term
“interest” for religious reasons.
In relation to the double taxation agreement with Portugal, Mr van der Merwe highlighted Article 25,
which spoke about the Mutual Agreement Procedure. This article stated that
competent authorities of the Contracting States could communicate with each
other directly for the purpose of reaching an agreement. The Protocol to this
Convention noted that an additional clause, Article 24, was also included, to
clarify the position in relation to exemption from Secondary Tax on Companies
(STC), which was currently afforded to branches of companies that were not
resident in South Africa. The provisions of paragraph 5 would only apply while
this was in effect. Since Portugal did not have a similar system, it was not to
benefit from the provisions of Paragraph 5.
In relation to the agreement with Switzerland, Mr van der
Merwe said that Article 11 regulated the interest, by stating that
interest may be taxed in the country in which it arose. However, that taxation
was limited to 5%. In Article 24 the convention stated that the two states
shall reach agreement. Article 25 was the highlight with respect to this
treaty. He said that Switzerland never used to have an exchange of information
article. He said that this was now included, for the first time, in this treaty
and it was important as now South Africa could get information with respect to
its taxes.
Mr E Sogoni (ANC) asked about the Bin Laden
Company, a Saudi company with operations in South Africa. He acknowledged that
no other country had the right to a name, but asked if the name of this
particular company did not bring about controversy. He asked what the main
business operations of the Bin Laden Company were. Mr Sogoni
said that his questions were raised in relation to fighting against terrorism;
he was concerned that there could be misperceptions. He also went on to ask if
the amounts of imports from Saudi Arabia would not increase the trade deficit
or balance of payments.
Ms Mputa responded that the Bin Laden Company was a
large construction company. She said that the scepticism surrounding the
company name was a matter of politics.
The Chairperson asked what would be done about the trade deficit increase. He
asked if South Africa could negotiate a special regime with respect to oil.
Ms Mputa responded that preferential procurement of
oil questions were difficult to answer because the decisions did not lie within National Treasury’s domain.
Mr Z Kolweni (ANC) said that it seemed as if Swiss
companies needed South Africa more than South Africa needed them, and requested
clarity in this regard. He added that there must be a determinant with respect
to crude oil.
Ms Mputa commented that although Saudi Arabia might
be a tax haven for personal taxes, this was not so for companies; if a South
African company was operating in Saudi, it would be taxed. She said that Saudi
Arabia had a preferential system of tax when it came to companies within the
The Chairperson highlighted the reasons for the concern regarding the Bin Laden
Company by saying that he was concerned that there was a danger that another
country could attack the area where the Bin Laden Company was operating within
South Africa. He emphasised that the reasons that a country such as America
could give for such action was the fight against terrorism. He suggested that
National Treasury investigate the implications.
Chairperson added that the treaties looked similar and requested that Mr van der Merwe go through dissimilar
issues and the highlights in other treaties that were critical.
Mr M Robertson (ANC) asked whether a nurse working in a Saudi Arabian hospital
was tax exempt for a period.
Mr van der Merwe responded
that only teachers and professors qualified for this exemption. The Saudi
Arabian government was at liberty, in terms of the treaty, to tax a nurse
working, and in terms of domestic law, it was up to each country to determine
whether or not to levy taxes on those working abroad. In South Africa, if the
nurse working in Saudi met the exemption under South African law, the nurse
could not be taxed in SA. He said that the treaty itself did not impose tax; it
just regulated which country would get to tax what income.
Mr E Sogoni (ANC) asked for clarity on the fact that
South Africa was not taxing dividends, and that seemed to have changed.
Mr van der Merwe said that
there was no taxation of dividends paid from a South African company to a
non-resident shareholder. The Minister mentioned in the budget speech an
intention to change that principle by allowing a source-based taxation.
Mr B Mkhaliphi (ANC) asked what would happen if a
teacher or professor working abroad requested to be paid in South African
Mr van der Merwe responded
that South Africa had a source-based system of taxation. Where services were
rendered, irrespective of where or how the taxpayer was paid, South African
taxation would be imposed. He stated that the treaties did not take away the
taxing right of the State at all.
The Chairperson asked how the religious tax regime operated.
Mr van der Merwe said that
he could not comment on that as he was not an expert at this matter.
Mr E Sogoni (ANC) asked why the Protocol that
clarified Article 24 in Portugal was different to the one in Saudi Arabia.
Mr van der Merwe responded
that there was a substantial difference between Saudi Arabia and Portugal. This
article served as protection of Portugal. He said that Portugal had an article
dealing with non-discrimination, which Saudi Arabia did not have. Saudi Arabia
did not have this article because their whole tax system was based on treating
their nationals and non-nationals differently.
The meeting was adjourned.
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