South Africa Airways Bill: briefing cancelled; Committee Programme
NCOP Public Enterprises and Communication
14 November 2006
Meeting Summary
A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.
Meeting report
14 November 2006
Chairperson: Ms P Themba (ANC) [Limpopo]
Documents handed out:
South Africa
Airways Bill presentation
South African Airways Bill
Draft Committee programme
The briefing on the draft Bill was postponed until the 15 November as the
official responsible for the briefing had been held up, attending to some
problems in East London. The Committee was displeased and it was decided to
send a letter communicating this to the Minister. The Committee considered,
amended and adopted its programme for the first quarter in 2007.
The Chairperson said that she had been informed that the person due to
brief the Committee was stuck in East London. He had been due at Cape Town
International Airport at 9:30. It later transpired that he was on standby and
could not get a flight to Cape Town. She could not contact the Director General
of the Department as he was out of the country. There was nobody else who could
brief them on the Bill as the official was the expert on the Bill.
She and other members voiced their displeasure at the non-arrival of the
Ms Gaynor Kast (Department:
Media Liaison Officer) apologised profusely for the non-arrival of the official
and said that this did not in any manner indicate that the Department
undermined the Committee. She appealed to have the meeting rescheduled for the
next day.
The Chairperson said that the Committee could not accept the apology. It would
be sending a letter to the Minister to draw attention to this issue.
In reply to Mr D Mkono (ANC) asking for assurance
that the official would be able to attend the meeting, Ms Kast
guaranteed that the official would be available the following day.
Draft programme for the next quarter
The Committee considered, amended and adopted its draft Committee Programme
for the next quarter. The programme would be distributed once the amendments
had been effected.
The meeting was adjourned.
No related
- We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting
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