Divisional Revenue Bill Final Mandates; Additional Adjustments Appropriation Bill

NCOP Finance

23 March 2006
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Meeting Summary

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Meeting report

SOCIAL SERVICES SELECT COMMITTEEFINANCE SELECT COMMITTEE 23 March 2006 DIVISIONAL REVENUE BILL FINAL MANDATES; ADDITIONAL ADJUSTMENTS APPROPRIATION BILL Chairperson: Mr T Ralane (Free State) (ANC) Documents handed out: Presentation on Additional Adjustments Appropriation Bill Proposed Select Committee Amendments to Division of Revenue Bill Provincial Mandates on Division of revenue Bill from Northern Cape, Mpumalanga, Gauteng, & Limpopo Provincial Mandates on Division of revenue Bill from Eastern Cape, North West, KwaZulu-Natal, Western Cape, Free State. SUMMARY The nine provinces delivered their final mandates for the passing of the Division of Revenue Bill (as amended) and the Committee passed the motion to accede to the Bill. Treasury briefed the Committee on the need for the Additional Adjustments Appropriation Bill. The Chairman read out the Motion of Desirability and the Committee passed the motion. MINUTES Mr C Goeieman (Northern Cape) (ANC) said that his province supported the Bill, but with a few concerns still outstanding. The province was going to have a workshop to deal with the issues. Mr B Mkhaliphi (Mpumalanga) (ANC) said that his province supported the Bill. Mr E Sogoni (Gauteng) (ANC) said that his province supported the Bill. Mr D Botha (Limpopo) (ANC) said that his province supported the Bill. Mr M Robertson (Eastern Cape) (ANC) said that his province supported the Bill. Mr Z Kolweni (North West) (ANC) said that his province supported the Bill. Ms A Mchunu (KwaZulu Natal) (ANC) said that her province supported the Bill. Ms D Robinson (Western Cape) (DA) said that her province supported the Bill without amendments. Mr T Ralane(Free State) (ANC) said that his province supported the Bill. The Chairperson then read out the Motion of Desirability and the Committee passed the motion. National Treasury Presentation on the Additional Adjustments Appropriation Bill Ms Addendorf said that Bill was seen as being for unforeseeable and unavoidable expenditure. This meant that it was expenditure that was not anticipated at the time that the budget was prepared. Treasury was asking for R4.7 billion, made up of an amount of R2 billion for Denel and R2.7 billion for the Road Accident Fund. The R2 billion for Denel was to help restructure the entity and help it refocus its business by creating a correct product portfolio, increase its operational effectiveness and to help it utilise its facilities better. The R2.7 billion for the Road Accident Fund was for assistance due to the high accident rate in South Africa, to pay scheduled payments to successful claimants and to pay overdue amounts to SARS. The Chairperson then read out the Motion of Desirability and the Committee passed the motion. The meeting was adjourned.


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