Land Restitution and Reform Laws Amendment Bill: voting


11 February 1999
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report

11 February 1999

Documents handed out:

Land Restitution and Reform Laws Amendment Bill

The committee unanimously passed a motion of desirability on the Bill.

An Inkhata Freedom Party member of the committee raised the issue of an extension on the final date for which applications for land claims can be received.

The Chairperson, Mr Holomisa, noted that such an amendment would cause the need for public hearings. The position of the Portfolio Committee to date on the Bill had been that there would not be any hearings, as the changes previously envisaged were not of major policy implications. Further, an entirely new land restitution bill was expected in September. The Chairperson
requested input on the issue from other members.

A member from the African National Congress noted that the extension of the date would not really solve a never ending process. However, this Bill was vital to ensure that those who had already applied, had their claims processed in as rapid a fashion as possible. The new bill expected in September would need to look at all the issues facing restitution and that would be the appropriate time to revisit the date.

The official from the Department of Land Affairs noted that the cabinet memorandum on the Bill did not include any mandate on changing the deadline date, and the Portfolio Committee would have to revisit Cabinet if they did decide to make changes.

The New National Party added that the Bill was vital to help fast track delivery. Security on the process was really needed by all affected and the Bill was therefore a priority. Any change to the deadline date would create extensive delays.

The Inkhata Freedom Party member agreed with the concerns of the other members of the Committee, and no change to the date was proposed.

The Bill, with the few amendments [B9a-99] made by the committee, was voted on and unanimously agreed to.


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