Adoption of Minutes; Draft Programme for 2006: discussion

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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report


16 November 2005

Mr B Tolo (ANC)

Documents handed out:
Minutes of meetings: 7 September 2005 to 9 November 2005

The Committee approved minutes of meetings in September, October and November with minor corrections. It also discussed a draft programme for February 2006 and agreed to meet twice a week. Finally, the Committee agreed to meet in Johannesburg on 30 November to deal with legislation and outstanding matters.


Chairperson’s introduction
The Chairperson stated that this would be the last meeting for the year. There would be a meeting on 14 December for special business of the NCOP, but in reality they would be meeting again in February next year.

The Chairperson had decided to postpone discussion of the Annual Report of the Department of Sport and Recreation as there would not be enough time to do justice to the report.

A workshop would be arranged for early next year where some service providers would assist the Committee on how to engage with annual reports and comparing them to the strategic plans of departments. They Committee must be in a position to compare what was achieved against the programme. The workshop would empower the Committee in that respect.

Adoption of minutes
Minutes of meetings held on 7, 13, and 14 September and 12, 26, and 27 October, and 9 November were moved and adopted subject to minor corrections.

Members had received invitations from state departments, which had been sent to them as individuals. The situation was if a Department invited a Member, that department must pay transport. If invited as an individual, then the Member had to pay.

Mr A Sulliman (ANC, Northern Cape) suggested that although Members had been invited as individuals, they were invited because they were Members of the Committee. In future, if departments wanted any Members to attend, the request should be made to the Committee.

The Chairperson undertook to follow up the issue.

Draft Committee programme
Copies of the Committee programme for the first quarter of 2006 had not been circulated. It was agreed to try to accommodate two meetings per week, both meetings being on the same day.

The suggested programme for February was as follows:

First week: The workshop on how to interrogate annual reports.
Second week: Annual Report of Sport and Recreation and adoption of all Free State reports.
Third week: Invite Department of Education to complete that report.
Fourth week: Consider reports from Arts and Culture and Science and Technology; one in the morning and the other in the afternoon.

Provision would be made for a visit to the Western Cape. This would need a week because the Western Cape was a big province, and the Committee should target areas outside of Cape Town.

Ms J Masilo (ANC, North West) suggested that the Secretariat be consulted and that the Committee not be split into different delegations.

The Committee would also revisit its intended trip to Kenya and Tanzania. The proposal at the time had been rejected by Parliament because Members were now going to their constituencies. It was agreed that one week would not be sufficient for two countries. The Chairperson would look at suitable dates.

Ms Masilo proposed that, as the Social Services Committee would be considering the Nursing Bill and the Children’s Bill in Johannesburg and most of the Committee would be involved, the meeting of this Committee set for 30 November be held in Johannesburg. Members would deal with the Bills, minutes and the Free State reports and would then have an open agenda for the meeting on 14 December.

Ms Masilo’s proposal was unanimously accepted.

The meeting was adjourned.


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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