Report on Brazil Study Tour


01 September 1998
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report

1 September 1998

Committee member F. Bhengu was scheduled to present a summary report on the Brazil visit. He did not arrive until 15 minutes prior to adjournment. While the committee awaited Mr. Bhengu’s arrival, the following business was discussed:

Chairperson Holomisa requested that any business relating to last meeting’s talk on land claims be raised. The members had nothing to raise on the issue.

The Chairperson brought to the committee’s attention a letter just received from a Kwa Zulu-Natal development organization representing a particular farm worker community. The organization requested that representatives from the committee come to them to enlighten their membership on the practical implications of relevant policies and Land Affairs Acts. Ms. Seperepere (ANC) suggested that a team visit the organization, while Dr. Schoeman (NP) noted that the committee must consider that agreeing to go would set a precedent in which several organizations might come to expect visits at the slightest request. After a short debate over the two suggestions, it was decided that that the matter should be referred to regional representatives in the Kwa Zulu-Natal Department of Land Affairs for further investigation. The aim of the investigation would be to assess the urgency and particular condition/needs of the organization in order to learn whether committee member attendance is apposite.

The second matter raised related to a pending China tour. The National Party confirmed the names of its portion of the delegation whereas the ANC had yet to finalize its delegation selection. Consensus was reached by all present that the validity of other minority party presence on the tour must be further discussed due to the fact that Democratic Party, PAC, and Freedom Front party representatives seldom attend Portfolio Committee meetings.

When Mr. Bhengu arrived, the Chairperson decided to adjourn the meeting on the grounds that the Brazil delegation had not met, prior to today’s meeting, to discuss their findings with Mr. Bhengu for inclusion in the summary report. The Chairperson recommended that the report therefore be discussed at a later date.


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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