Programme for this Session; Eastern Cape & Northern Province Visits: report


23 July 1998
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report

23 July 1998

Document handed out:
Report on Amanz'abantu Transkei Trip

The committee met to adopt its programme for the final session. Two reports were tabled of visits committee members made to the Transkei and the Northern Cape. The Chairperson announced she would be going on extended leave, and the acting Chairperson would be MP Abrahamse in her absence.

Legislative programme
The committee went through the programme for the final session. The Chairperson noted that there would be four bills that needed to be dealt with. The first two, the Agricultural Product Standards Amendment Bill [B8-98], and the Animal Improvement Bill were not expected to take a long time to process. The second two, the National Forestry Bill and the National Veld and Forest Bill, were being tabled in the National Council of Provinces first, and would then enter the National Assembly. The Chairperson noted that deliberations on these two Bills would hopefully be finished by the 26 August, in order for amendments to be returned to the National Council of Provinces in time for their second cycle.

Visits to Transkei and Northern Province
The two visits the Committee made during the recess were tabled. The first, to the Transkei region, had a document that was read through. The second, to the Northern Cape, did not have a document, but a report is expected within a week.

The Chairperson requested that in order for the trips to be made more meaningful, those who went on the trips should do some specific follow-up work. A report would be compiled, and sent to the Minister and Department of Water Affairs.

Other matters
The Chairperson brought the attention of the committee to a pamphlet that was being circulated, apparently by the Conservative Party Youth League. The pamphlet stated that it was from the African National Congress Youth League, of which apparently the Chairperson was a member. The pamphlet encouraged young activists to take possession of farms owned by white Afrikaaners in the name of land reform. The Chairperson wished to inform the committee that the pamphlet was a political ruse being used to create an air of fear around the time of the elections, and was certainly not in line with the African National Congress policy.

The Chairperson announced that she would be taking leave, and that Mr. Abrahamse would be taking her place as Chairperson during her absence.

Mr. Robertson (NP), on behalf of the committee, wished the Chairperson well in the final stages of her pregnancy.


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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