Presentation by Landcare South Africa & Finalisation and Vote on B108-97


10 March 1998
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report


10 MARCH 1998


Presentation by Landcare South Africa

Mr Keith Taylor from the Directorate of Resource Conservation, Dept of Agriculture and Mrs Elaine Spencer-White, Advisor to the Directorate, gave a briefing on this programme, based on a successful Australian model which has subsequently become an international network. It consists of a people-based, government supported, sustainable land programme where the focus is initially in the Agricultural sector. The programme is a paradigm shift from a top-down hierarchy to a community oriented community controlled network. The 1998 Landcare programme :

Feb/March Provincial awareness.

April Joint Provincial Strategy Workshop

June Whole Farm Planning Workshop

July/Aug National Strategy Workshop

Participants in the programme include the public, NGOs, parastatals, industry and the whole spectrum of land users.

Questions by the committee:

  • Mrs Mabuza asked what the logo resembled. Mrs Spencer-White answered that it consisted of a hand embracing the shape of the African continent with South Africa demarcated.
  • Mr Gininda asked what the difference was between Landcare and other programmes that conserve natural resources – soil conservation, for example.

Ms Love stated that few movements to improve environmental well-being had delivered the goods so far, and asked how Landcare would get to the point of delivery more quickly. Mr Taylor’s answer to both these questions was to the effect that the programmes that had already been established would be included in the Landcare network and that they would be working closely with them.

Finalisation and vote on the Landbank Amendment Bill [B108-97]

Advocate Kugel and Dr. Dolney represented the Land Bank as proposers of the amendments and as advisers to the committee.

Finalisations began with the clarification of the definition of a cooperative society.

Further finalisations pertained to the document ‘Amendments to the Land Bank Amendment Bill’. Amendments to this document were as follows.

Clause 5: A quorum shall be 50% +1 which represents 7 people.

Clause 18: The word "property" would be inserted together with the word equipment.

Clause 23: The word "abroad" would be substituted for the phrase "outside the RSA" and in some cases the word would be dropped altogether.

The committee agreed upon these finalisations and the bill was signed by the chair.


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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