Committee Programme planning


23 August 2005
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report


Draft Committee Programme (without dates attached)

The Chairperson and Committee Secretary had met with the ANC Chief Whip the previous day, and thus the Committee Programme circulated was no longer relevant. It was agreed that they would reprioritise the programme for later Committee discussion.

The Chairperson stated that the Committee had met to consider the Committee programme for the 3rd term, 2005. However, since she and the Secretary, Mr Jerry Boltina, had met with Mr Goniwe, the ANC Chief Whip, the previous day, the programme now circulated was no longer relevant. There was also a need for follow up discussions after the Committee oversight visit.

Priorities for discussion this term included:
- Department briefing on the Genetically Modified Organisms Bill;
- Department of Land Affairs response to the SA Human Rights Commission Report: Chapter Three (the Right to Land)
- Meeting with the Agricultural Research Council;
- Committee Report on the Land Summit;
- Committee Report on their provincial visits;
- Annual Reports would be tabled on 30 September;
- Comments on Committee Budget proposals for 2006/07;
- Public hearings on Agricultural Black Economic Empowerment (AgriBEE)
– Public hearings on Foreign Land Ownership

The Committee had especially requested:
- A presentation from the NEPAD Secretariat on Comprehensive African Agriculture Development (CAAD) Conference scheduled for 17-21 October;
- A presentation from Nkunzi Development on their research into farm evictions;
- A presentation from the SA Animal Health Association and Afrivet regarding the Animal Health Bill.

Dr E Schoeman (ANC) asked more about the visit invitations to France, Italy and Hong Kong. According to the draft programme, at least two of those visits would not take place.

The Chairperson responded that any Committee programme had to be approved by the Parliament administration, which had suggested that they not plan beyond 18 September. Some of the items on the list related to to Department initiatives, and from time to time the Committee would visit the Department. She was not aware of any foreign trips planned. Portfolio Committees would not be travelling after June because of the upcoming elections.

The Committee agreed that the Chairperson and the Committee Secretary should reprioritise the programme.

The meeting was adjourned.



23 August 2005


Ms E Ngaleka (ANC)

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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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