Committee Programme Planning

NCOP Social Services

25 May 2005
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report

Social Services Select Committee

25 May 2005

: Ms J Masilo (ANC)

Documents handed out:
Committee Clerk’s Minutes: 24 February 2005 to 17 May 2005 (Available on request)

The Committee met to adopt its minutes of 2005 to date. The Committee read through all the minutes and made minor technical changes. Concerns were raised about poor attendance so the Members were requested to sign the register at every meeting. Concerns were also raised about the need to do more oversight visits to cover all provinces.

The Committee’s request to send five delegates to the upcoming Education Conference in Durban had been declined, and so only two Members could go. The Committee decided to send the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson.

The Chairperson went through the minutes page by page. Apart from minor technical and style amendments, the Committee found the minutes from 24 February until 17 May 2005 to be correct and accurate. The Chairperson signed off the minutes and named some Members were repeated missed meetings.

Mr T Setona (ANC) suggested that Members provide a brief written apology whenever they were absent. Ms H Lamoela (DA) suggested that Members should note meetings that they had not attended as this would help if future disputes arose. Mr B Tolo (ANC) noted that the Committee should not rely solely on the register because Members often arrived after the register has been circulated and failed to sign it.

The Chairperson proposed that the Committee visit provinces like the Northern Cape, Free State and Limpompo, but was not sure which one should be visited first. Ms F Mazibuko (ANC) suggested that the Committee should allow the Chairperson to choose a province to be visited. The Chairperson proposed that the Northern Cape be the next province, and each province be visited at least twice a year.

Mr T Setona (ANC) asked when the Children’s Bill would be passed. The Chairperson responded that it would be passed the following week and the Older People’s Bill would be passed during the week of 22 June 2005.

Mr B Tolo (ANC) announced that the request by the Committee to send five delegates to the Education Conference in Durban had been declined. The Committee could only send two Members. Mr B Tolo (ANC) also announced that the Final Amendments to the Older Person’s Bill would be made on the 14 June 2005.

Members nominated Mr B Tolo (ANC) and Mr M Sulliman (ANC) to attend the Conference in Durban. Mr M Thetjeng (DA) raised the issue of proportional representation of all Parties when sending Members to attend conferences. He suggested that, in future, the Committee should use the Committee Rules and Policies when taking such decisions.

The meeting was adjourned


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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