Committee Minutes 2004: adoption

NCOP Social Services

17 May 2005
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report


17 MAY 2005

Chairperson: Ms J Masilo (ANC)

Documents handed out: (Amended minutes will be released by clerk when Chairperson has signed off.)
27 January 2004 Minutes
12 February 2004 Minutes
23 February 2004 Minutes
18 May 2004 Minutes
8 June 2004 Minutes
9 June 2004 Minutes
24 June 2004 Minutes
3 August 2004 Minutes
4 August 2004 Minutes
12 August 2004 Minutes
17 August 2004 Minutes
24 August 2004 Minutes
25 August 2004 Minutes
14 September 2004 Minutes
6 October 2004 Minutes
7 October 2004 Minutes
19 October 2004 Minutes
20 October 2004 Minutes
25 October 2004 Minutes
26 October 2004 Minutes
27 October 2004 Minutes

The Committee made some minor grammatical amendments and adopted their minutes from 18 May 2004 to 27 October 2004 .The Chairperson said the minutes of the 27 January to 23 February 2004 were not read because they were from the previous Committee (before the April election).

The minutes of the 18 May, 8 June, 9 June and 24 June 2004 were adopted unanimously but there were slight amendments to the minutes of 3 August 2004. The minutes of 4 August; 12 August; 17 August; 24 August 2004; 25 August; 14 September; 6 October; 7 October;19 October; 20 October; 25 October; 26 October and 27 October 2004 were also adopted.

Mr M Thetjeng (DA) felt it would be unfair to adopt the minutes while some Members had not read them.

The Chairperson suggested that the minutes be adopted. If Members still wanted to go through them after the meeting adjourned, they could do so. She was not going to sign until Members had submitted their views to the Secretary. She would sign off without calling another adoption meeting.

Ms N Vilakazi (IFP) felt that some Members who submitted letters of apologies had found their names written instead under the list of absentees. The Chairperson replied that a list of attendants would be provided to ascertain which Members had not attended. This would prevent the issuing of fines against Members.

The meeting was adjourned


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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