NCOP Amendments to Petroleum Products Amendment Bill: adoption

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Mineral and Petroleum Resources

16 February 2005
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Meeting Summary

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Meeting report

16 February 2005

Chairperson: Mr E Mthethwa (ANC)

Documents handed out:
Petroleum Products Amendment Bill [B16-04]
NCOP amendments

The Committee considered and adopted minor technical amendments to the Petroleum Products Act that had been proposed by the Select Committee on Economic and Foreign Affairs. The Bill will be considered by the National Assembly on 22 February 2005. Thereafter it will be sent to the President for his assent.

Petroleum Products Amendment Bill amendments
The Department Deputy Director-General (DD-G), Dr R Crompton, presented amendments to the Bill by the Select Committee on Economic and Foreign Affairs. The DD-G explained that the four paragraphs of amendments were simply technical.

Dr Crompton explained that under Section 1 of the Petroleum Products Act, 1977, the report suggested that "to" and "or" be added to the word "wholesale". He stated that this was always the intention however, these words were somehow omitted. Under Section 2 A of the principal Act, the Select Committee proposed to delete the word ‘entity’ by trading the word ‘wholesalers’. Under paragraph 1, subsection 2B of Act 120 of 1977, there was the suggestion to replace the word Petroleum Products Act 1977, with the word ‘principal Act’. This technical change was simply a matter of ‘tidying up’ the wording in the Act. The following deletion was the word ‘may’ in Paragraph (d) of Section 2E of the Act. These were the summarised adjustments to the Bill of the Select Committee.

Mr E Ngcobo (ANC) asked for the clarification of the omission of [c] under Section 2E since the document had read [a], [b] and [d] but omitted point [c]. Dr Crompton replied that this was only the summarised adjustments to the Act, and hence not every point followed on sequentially.

The Chairperson asked for clarification on whether they were only inserting two words, namely "to" and "or". Dr Crompton replied that this was correct

Mr W Spies (Freedom Front Plus) asked for clarification on whether subsection 2E (d) was a misprint. Dr Crompton concurred.

The Chairperson stated that these adjustments were simply technical and that unless Members had any further comments to add, the Committee had already dealt in length with this Bill. Mr E Ngcobo (ANC) moved for the adoption of the Bill and was seconded by Professor I J Mohamed. The Bill was henceforth adopted.

The meeting was adjourned.


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