Whistle-Blower Protection Bill

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Justice and Constitutional Development

22 February 2000
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report

22 February 2000

Documents handed out
Whistle-Blower Bill Draft 2 [This is not available. Its redraft should be available 25/2/200]

Relevant information
Previous Committee deliberations of 1/12/1999
Previous Committee deliberations of 2/12/1999

The Chair provided a rough overview of the Committee's agenda for the current session. A discussion of the Whistle-Blower Bill was postponed until a further redraft (which is in line with the decisions taken in previous Committee meetings) has been put together.

The Chair, Adv J de Lange (ANC), raised some preliminary points: The Whistle-Blower Bill is the Committee's first priority and there should be an attempt to finalise it as soon as possible. The next priority is the Justice Budget Vote which is scheduled for 17 March. The Chair doubted whether all the work would be completed in time but stated that there should nevertheless be an attempt to do so. He noted that the Scorpions legislation is in the process of being drafted and that, after it is tabled, it will be a priority.

There are two further pieces of legislation which will need to be considered. The first is the Limitation of Proceedings Bill. The public has been given until early March to make submissions. The second is the Cross-Border Insolvency Bill. The Chair remarked that this legislation would be important for investment in the country and that it has been drafted pursuant to suggestions by the United Nations that such legislation be enacted. The public has until 18 March to make submissions.

The Chair concluded his introduction by noting that the Administration of Estates Bill would arrive in the Committee at some stage.

The Whistle-Blower Protection Bill
While a redraft has been put together, it does not include all of the Committee's proposals. A discussion of the available draft would result in rehashing issues decided upon. The Chair therefore suggested that the meeting adjourn and that he and the drafters meet to put together a further redraft which is in line with what the Committee had decided. He remarked that this would take a couple of days and that the Committee would meet once the further redraft was ready possibly at the end of this week.

Adv H Schmidt (DP) requested that the Minister and the Department be asked to address the Committee. The Chair responded that there was an attempt to obtain the Minister's schedule so that the Committee's plan for the year could be worked out.


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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