Committee programme planning
NCOP Social Services
16 November 2004
Meeting Summary
A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.
Meeting report
16 NOVEMBER 2004
Documents handed out
Committee Budgetary Control Support Statement
Committee Annual Report
The Chairperson reported that, due to all the legislation they had been dealing with, Members had been unable to complete their planned oversight visits. The Committee now had an outstanding budget of R307 600 that they needed to spend before the end of the next financial year. A trip to Argentina and Brazil had been planned to oversee these countries' social development and health systems. Members agreed that they should also visit Uganda and Kenya in 2005 for the same purpose. Motivations on countries to visit had to be submitted by the following day. They would visit provinces in June, particularly the Northern Cape. Members did not manage to cover the Annual Report as scheduled for this meeting.
The Chairperson reported that, due to all the legislation they had been dealing with, Members had been unable to complete their planned oversight visits. Members had planned four international trips, two of which were to Africa, and another two provincial trips. Members of the Social Services Select Committee and Education Portfolio Committees would soon undertake these visits. A trip to Brazil and Argentina would be taken between January and March to examine social development and health issues in those countries. Members needed about three months to prepare for international visits. The Committee now had an outstanding budget of R307 600 that they needed to spend before the end of the next financial year.
Mr B Tolo (ANC) suggested that Members first identify the countries to visit, as it could be a lengthy process to finalise the trips. Motivations needed to be submitted the following days.
Mr M Thetjeng (DA) said Members first needed to agree on the need for a study tour and that they needed to compare the dynamics in developing and developed countries regarding social development and health systems. This would help them to get a balanced view.
Mr B Tolo (ANC) said he thought Members had looked at Argentina and Brazil because they had been at the same developmental level as South Africa. The Chairperson asked which country they should visit first.
Mr M Thetjeng (ANC) said Members could learn from other countries' best practices, and that they could start with either of the two countries. Members should consider going to Kenya and Uganda, but also asked that more research be done to see if it would be worthwhile.
Ms J Vilakazi (IFP) suggested Members go to Uganda because of how this country had managed the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Perhaps it would be good to visit Zimbabwe after its elections.
Mr B Tolo (ANC) asked if it would be possible to visit both Argentina and Brazil within two months. He suggested that that they concentrate on one outing during the first two months of next year, and then concentrate on another one in June. He also suggested that the Joint Committees visited Argentina.
Mr B Tolo (ANC) suggested that Members also visit provinces during June next year. Mr M Thetjeng suggested that the trip to Argentina and Brazil should be undertaken simultaneously, and then Members could proceed with provincial visits.
Ms J Vilakazi (IFP) said Members should visit the Northern Cape as there had never been visit to that province. She said the Province has had particular problems with their Health and Home Affairs Departments.
The meeting was adjourned.
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