Election of Chairperson

NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration

11 July 2024
Chairperson: Mr T Kaunda (ANC, KwaZulu-Natal)
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Meeting Summary

Mr T Kaunda (ANC) was elected Chairperson.

In his opening remarks, he highlighted many pertinent issues in the sector that require the Committee’s attention. He indicated that the Committee would liaise with the National Assembly Cogta committee to avoid duplication of work, notwithstanding the separation of powers. He assured Members that he would be democratic as chair, stick to the rules, and encourage open debate.


Meeting report

The Committee Secretary, Mr Moses Manele, welcomed everyone present.

On behalf of the Secretary to Parliament and the Chairperson of the NCOP, he congratulated all the Members on being deployed to serve on this Committee, which will deal with matters affecting their constituencies, such as local governance, human settlements, and water and sanitation.

He indicated that they would follow the same election process followed by the previous Committees [all the NCOP Committees met one after the other to elect their chairpersons at the same venue]. 

He reminded Members of some of the tasks and responsibilities that lie ahead. They will have to consider all Section 139 interventions in municipalities and all matters relating to the Local Government Systems Act. In addition, Members have Parliamentary powers to consider municipality audit outcomes and material irregularities issued by the Auditor General of South Africa in terms of the Public Audit Act.

He called for nominations of a chairperson.

Ms R Molokomme (ANC, Limpopo) nominated Mr T Kaunda (ANC) to chair the Committee.

Mr S Mabebo (ANC, North West) supported the nomination.

Mr Kaunda accepted the nomination.

There were no further nominations or objections.

Mr T Kaunda (ANC) was the duly elected Chairperson of the Committee.

The Chairperson thanked the Committee Secretary for convening and chairing the meeting.
He thanked Members for electing him and the ANC for entrusting him with the key responsibility of looking after this big cluster, which deals with corporate governance and traditional leadership, public service and administration, water and sanitation, and human settlements.

He called on Members to work collectively.

In his previous work life, the Committee played an oversight role over him when he was the mayor of eThekweni, and now he is here to do the same job at this level. He committed himself to the task, and the Committee needs to meet soon for its Strategic Plan after the broader one of the NCOP to ascertain and enhance the work ahead and play effective oversight.

Often, Cogta is referred to as the Department that looks after municipalities and forgets the aspect of corporative governance, which is key in ensuring accountability and understanding how these spheres of government work together to serve South Africans. Thus, it is important to elevate this aspect of the work. The traditional part is also vital, as we may know that before the appointment of the Cabinet, there were many calls from traditional leadership for a separate ministry because they felt that Cogta did not cater to their aspirations. It is important to elevate these matters and create platforms to engage with Amakhosi and understand their expectations as we play our oversight role.

Many pertinent issues require the Committee’s attention, like intensifying the oversight of water provision, notwithstanding the challenges faced by ageing infrastructure. Thus, we must work with the Department of Water and Sanitation to ascertain the support they need to be empowered to provide water to South Africans.
We saw the Minister of Human Settlements earlier attending to Khayelitsha after all the floods and strong winds; thus, the work to conduct oversight has already started. The Committee must follow up on the next course of action to ensure that the communities are served.

Major Challenges exist within human settlements, such as homelessness. Members might need to review how the Department reforms itself and develops strategies and plans to be responsive to South Africans' aspirations for shelter. Shelter has been provided to many people who are not in dire need of shelter.

The Committee will liaise with the National Assembly Cogta committee to avoid duplication of work notwithstanding the separation of powers. He assured Members that he would be democratic as chair, stick to the rules, and encourage open debate. He emphasised that it is important to start meetings on time and prepare in advance for oversight visits. Lastly, Members need to familiarise themselves with relevant sections and provisions of the Act.

The Chairperson handed over the Committee Secretary to explain the programme.

Mr Manele indicated that the vote debate will be on Tuesday, but there is a special Cabinet Lekgotla from today, which will compromise the availability of ministers, deputies, and political principals. As a result, two meetings would be scheduled on the same day as the policy vote.

The Chairperson asked Members for their input.

Ms M Makesini (EFF, Free State) felt that Members would not have sufficient time on Tuesday to meet with the Departments and have the policy debate on the same day. She suggested that departmental briefings be done much earlier.

Mr F Badenhorst (DA, Western Cape) concurred. They would not be doing the departments justice by scheduling meetings on the same day as the policy debate.

Ms T Breedt (FF+, Free State) suggested that the Committee could meet earlier and proposed either Saturday or Monday, which are constituency days, but Members are here to work.

Mr K Ceza (EFF, Mpumalanga) was pleased that Members proposed to meet earlier to ensure that the quality of their engagement with departments was not compromised and have impactful debates on the vote. He also supported meeting physically to avoid technical or connectivity glitches.

The Chairperson noted and welcomed the suggestions. There seemed to be an agreement to meet on Monday. They would start with Water and Sanitation.

In response Mr Badenhorst’s query, the Chairperson indicated that physical meetings at the initial stage would be better.

Mr Badenhorst appealed to the secretariat to ensure that documents were sent in advance.

The Chairperson said he would ensure that it was done and announced that the Committee would meet on Monday, but the Secretary would communicate the details later.

The meeting was adjourned.



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