Election of Chairperson

NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings

11 July 2024
Chairperson: Mr O Mokae (DA)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee elected Mr O Mokae as Chairperson.

In his opening remarks, the Chairperson highlighted the need to strengthen the framework on petitions as well as to educate the public on the role of the Committee.


Meeting report

The Committee Secretary, Mr Nkanyiso Mkhize, officially welcomed the Members and everyone present.

He noted that the process to elect a Chairperson has already been outlined. [The NCOP Committees were meeting one after the other in the same venue, and all members served on multiple committees]

In accordance with NCOP Rule 109, he called for the nomination of a chairperson of the Select Committee on Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings. 

Mr N Gotsell (DA, Western Cape) nominated Mr O Mokae (DA, Northern Cape).

Ms J Mananiso (ANC, Gauteng) supported the nomination.

Mr Mokae accepted the nomination.

There were no further nominations or objections.

Mr Mokae was duly elected as Chairperson.

The Chairperson thanked the Members, the Committee Secretary and his organisation.

He indicated that he accepted the responsibility of chairing this committee with great humility and responsibility. He expressed his gratitude to the DA for the confidence shown in him and all for members for assigning him this crucial role.

This Committee has an important role to play over the executive and fostering public participation. These crucial pillars are key to adhering to the Constitution, and serious attempts should be made to bolster the work of the Committee. The following issues should be given serious attention to remain relevant: capacity building for Members and support staff; proper and enough time should be given to deal with the business at hand; urgent attention should be given to the drafting of the National Petitions Bill or policy or a framework to operate from to deal with petitions; the adoption of guidelines and amendments to Council Rules on delivered Petitions; the need to establish a Petitions Office and enhanced public participation to educate the public on the role of the Committee.

He said he was looking forward with all the members. With their support, they will serve with eagerness to improve the lives of all South Africans.

The Chairperson said he did not receive an agenda or the way forward and handed it back to the Committee Secretary.

The Committee Secretary explained that this Committee deals with referrals, and there have been no such referrals for this term.

The meeting was adjourned.



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