Election of Chairperson

NCOP Security and Justice

11 July 2024
Chairperson: Ms J Mananiso (ANC; Gauteng)
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Meeting Summary

Ms J Mananiso (ANC; Gauteng) was elected the Chairperson of the Committee.

The Committee also adopted its programme for the coming week.


Meeting report

The Committee Secretary welcomed everyone, introduced the staff and indicated there was a quorum.

He mentioned that there were 2 agenda items: the election of a Chairperson and consideration of the Committee’s programme for the coming week.

He explained that in terms of the National Council of Provinces Rule 109, Members must nominate a person to chair the Committee. The nominee must be seconded and accept the nomination. Members will have to vote if there are two or more nominations, and the one with the most votes will be the elected chairperson.

He called for nominations.

Chief M Nonkonyana (ANC, Eastern Cape) nominated Ms J Mananiso (ANC, Gauteng) to chair the Select Committee on Security and Justice. He noted the Committee will oversee the Departments of Police, Justice and Correctional Services, Defence and Military Veterans, Home Affairs, State Security, and International Relations and Co-operation.

Ms K Medupe (ANC, North West) seconded the nomination.

Ms Mananiso accepted the election.

There were no further nominations or objections.

Ms Mananiso (ANC; Gauteng) was duly elected the Chairperson of the Committee.

The Chairperson greeted members and staff. She thanked Members and the ANC for trusting her to execute this task of leading the Committee on behalf of South Africans, including children, the elderly, people living with disabilities, albinism and the LGBTQIA+ community.

She reminded Members that this was not the beginning of government but a continuation of the previous administration. We are called to be an activist Parliament that is responsive to the needs and interests of our people. She hoped that all who were part of the Committee would commit to serving South Africans with dignity, and bring criminals to book. Security and justice are not a privilege but a Constitutional right. No South African must be left behind. Working together with communities, we can do more. As they say in Gauteng, “less talk, more work”.

Committee Programme
The Chairperson asked the Secretary to take the Committee through the Programme.

The Committee Secretary presented the programme for consideration and adoption. The revised programme accounted for the Tuesday Cabinet Lekgotla meeting preparation for the Opening of Parliament Address. Therefore, the Department requested that the Committee meet with them on Monday instead of Tuesday. The meeting may be either virtual or physical; the Chairperson will advise.

The Chairperson noted the programme and indicated that meetings would be physical until further notice to ensure that Members get to know each other and network as they assume their responsibilities. She submitted the programme for adoption.

Chief Nonkonyana seconded the adoption of the programme and advised that all documentation that members need to have for the coming engagements and meetings was sent in a timely manner.

The meeting was adjourned.



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